This Just Got Real

Sholz is on record - if Briles is fired, the BU has credibility as a moral authority!
You sell yourselves as that as a "Christian University" (your words). As a religious institution. That's supposed to be moral, right? I think I read that somewhere. As of now, you've sold your souls for football wins.
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You sell yourselves as that as a "Christian University" (your words). As a religious institution. That's supposed to be moral, right? I think I read that somewhere. As of now, you've sold your souls for football wins.
Absolutely you read that from me. Which is why we have to get this right - and that begins with releasing the report. If you are going to fire the President - surely the Trustees are smart enough to know that throwing a bone to the public will appease no one. Assuming that is so, and the report truly calls for firing of the President then you can't stop with one. Release the report so we can see the whole carcass and remove the stench.
Baylor has just built a new stadium and I think up graded their training facilities. They are not going to just go away even if they fire Briles.

My position in this is that it doesnt really matter to me how they conduct their business. I think Briles is a POS, but if that is who they want, then so be it. We can beat them anyway.
I'm personally tired of uber religious hypocrites who turn out to be the worst people out there.
Here is where things could go bad for the Baylor football staff:

A source close to the situation said Starr arrived at his meeting with regents on Tuesday morning "lawyered up" and may not go quietly. A source close to Starr raised questions about how much of the complaints against BU football players actually got to the president's desk versus being handled underneath him without his knowledge.

If the above is pursued vigorously and made public, football people could go. Otherwise Baylor wins on the field and Briles stays. There is time, but not much. Baylor probably reaches a settlement with Starr and the dirty laundry stays in the closet.
Here is where things could go bad for the Baylor football staff:

A source close to the situation said Starr arrived at his meeting with regents on Tuesday morning "lawyered up" and may not go quietly. A source close to Starr raised questions about how much of the complaints against BU football players actually got to the president's desk versus being handled underneath him without his knowledge.

If the above is pursued vigorously and made public, football people could go. Otherwise Baylor wins on the field and Briles stays. There is time, but not much. Baylor probably reaches a settlement with Starr and the dirty laundry stays in the closet.

I think this is what it will come down to.

It's hard for me to believe that a guy with Star's experience would try and cover all of this up. It's going to come down to what information got to him. I'll bet everybody that reports to Star in these matters is not having a real good morning. I'll include WPD also.
Hypocrisy seems fairly universal to me.
I think there are different levels of hypocrisy. Here's an analogy for you. Who's more obnoxious, the Longhorn who leaves a game early or the holier than thou, we're the best fans in the universe aggy? Both are leaving the game early, one is clearly more hypocritical.
I think there are different levels of hypocrisy. Here's an analogy for you. Who's more obnoxious, the Longhorn who leaves a game early or the holier than thou, we're the best fans in the universe aggy? Both are leaving the game early, one is clearly more hypocritical.

That's not hypocrisy from the Longhorn though because we don't preach that we are the best/loyal/rowdiest fanbase. We do preach how we do everything the right way, so getting caught up in some improprieties would make us hypocrites. The person makes something hypocritical not the action.
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It looks like we took the lessons from Bliss to heart --- at least this time we aren't blaming the dead guy. Yet.

yeah...but one report showed that the victims were going to face expulsion for failing to uphold conduct standards.
yeah...but one report showed that the victims were going to face expulsion for failing to uphold conduct standards.

I think that was BYU. I haven't seen that regarding Baylor. I remember reading that recently regarding BYU for sure.
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I think that was BYU. I haven't seen that regarding Baylor. I remember reading that recently regarding BYU for sure.

As a Mormon I can tell you that there have been a few cases regarding sexual assault at BYU. A lot of my Mormon brethren don't want to admit it but it happens there. This is a problem at all Universities in our country and unfortunately we are to. There is a serious issue about this at Stanford as in Harvard of the West Stanford.
We all know that Briles son is the oc at Baylor but dyk that his son in law is also on the coaching staff? If/when Briles steps down what will they decide to do?
This morning I'm watching CNN and they are going through the whole Donald Trump going after Hillary because of Bill's mistresses etc- and the CNN anchor says something to the effect of "As you all remember it was Ken Starr who was making a push for how President Clinton mistreated these women.... and now Ken Starr is embroiled in a scandal as the university president at Baylor...".

If you don't think there are still people in the main stream media that are still pissed off at him for what went down over Bill, you're wrong. They've disliked him for years and most had probably given up on there ever being a chance to exact some sort of revenge on him. Well Kenny, if you lie down with dogs, don't act surprised when the flees bite.

My question is, with regard to the Waco PD, IF DOJ comes in and can prove any sort of collusion between the cops and Starr's office, does DOJ not just go after the Waco cops, but also Starr?

And as I've mentioned before on this thread there was the case of the coed, who was raped and not by a fb player, an honors student, who reported what happened to her to the police. And then she took her case to Starr himself. And to make a long story short, KS did nothing.
We all know that Briles son is the oc at Baylor but dyk that his son in law is also on the coaching staff? If/when Briles steps down what will they decide to do?

I would guess that if Briles the staff is out as well. That's typically the case when a new HC comes in regardless, unless you the new HC is promoted from within. I don't see Baylor doing that.
As a Mormon I can tell you that there have been a few cases regarding sexual assault at BYU. A lot of my Mormon brethren don't want to admit it but it happens there. This is a problem at all Universities in our country and unfortunately we are to. There is a serious issue about this at Stanford as in Harvard of the West Stanford.
Yes but, correct me if I'm wrong, at BYU even if two students engage in consensual sex, that is an expulsion worth er transgression, is it not?
I'd give the good folks of Waco 24 hours notice to evacuate and then neutron bomb the place....that way, the shiny new stadium will still be standing
Interesting. I don't doubt that Baylor has moral conduct clauses, pretty much all schools do, and religious ones will often kick it up a notch. I just haven't heard any reports threatening punishment on the victims, I would think that would be the biggest headline in this entire mess.
Yes but, correct me if I'm wrong, at BYU even if two students engage in consensual sex, that is an expulsion worth er transgression, is it not?

Even at a Christian school there should be no sex. That is grounds for being expelled. So with all this rape going on campus it should be cause for getting kicked out. BUT they are football players can't lose them. I go to a very Christian University and there was a girl that played a sport at my school and she was bi you can say and had a relationship with another girl affiliated with the school and both got kicked out and fired. My school at least has morals and they broke the rules. Now baylor on the other hand...shouldn't be affiliated with being a Christian University. A bunch of hypocrite Christian devil worshipers I say. If I went to far sorry.
Yes but, correct me if I'm wrong, at BYU even if two students engage in consensual sex, that is an expulsion worth er transgression, is it not?

Yes, but believe me when I tell you that it is selective enforcement ie.... people with money, influence..... What I'm talking about is sexual harassment, even sexual assault.
I know at Baylor students are required to attend Chapel at least two semesters and from what I've been told they do enforce it. It's rated as one of the ten most religious schools every year. Most students and that includes athletes did attend church regularly before they went there. Probably most of the students probably still attend church regularly. But some men who go there are ***holes, who commit crimes against women. They may be few in numbers but they do untold damage to their schools reputation. And can you blame a Baylor coed if she doesn't want to be anywhere near a fb player?
Does nobody not pay attention to me school you have to attend chapel till your junior year. There are so many hours you have to attend each semester and if not met you have to write tons of papers for every hour you missed. You are only exempt from Chapel if you are over the age of 25. That is how my school does it.
I am less concerned with what happens a Baylor than I am with what happens at the Waco Police dept. If the feds come in to investigate this as a coverup or complicit action by the waco PD, someone is going to jail. This is the type thing the Feds like to jump on for the glory.
Letting a few rapes go is pretty small stuff for the Waco PD. They killed several bikers in an undercover operation gone terribly wrong.
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Briles is a sorry sumbitch. At least Stoops tries to rehab players that have run afoul of the law, Briles just sits back nodding and grinning it seems. God bless Saint Stoops.
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I'm 99% certain that they won't. The national media is going to destroy Ken Starr. Baylor has handled this terribly. And after the pr disaster from this scandal they can't risk any more.

Apparently Starr does not plan to go quietly. He came to the BOR meeting lawyered up, threatened to sue for wrongful termination, has even hired a PR firm, and is publicly pressuring the BOR to release the Pepper-Hamilton report).

He has a tenured position in the law school; I thought Baylor would probably sweeten his deal over there, but if he plans not to leave the president's office without a fight, then I can't see that happening.
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Apparently Starr doesn't appreciate being the sacrificial lamb. Guy's about to get PAID.
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