Tweet of the Day

Has anyone checked out the show “Landman” on Paramount?

This one scene nails it perfectly when it comes to any discussion about the green energy movement. Well done.

In 1985 I came home from grade school and told my daddy- an oil man and son of a west Texas wildcatter- that my teacher told me we would be out of oil in 30 years.
My dad spit his food out with laughter.

"Son, first, let me tell you- you're teacher is a god damn idiot" (my mom dropped her fork) "Second, Texas is floating on a sea of this stuff called shale. And that shale has oil in it. And one day, we're going to figure out how to get that oil out of that shale. And when we do, we'll not only be awash in oil, but it'll take 250 years to use up all the natural gas we will have."
This was the same teacher that scolded me one day for using my little calculator to solve a long division problem.
"Clob" she said "in the future, you aren't going to always be carrying a calculator around in your pocket with you."

B!tch was wrong on both accounts.
This is a must read. This guy has a pretty good idea of what is going on with all those mystery drones and it’s pretty serious.

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This is a must read. This guy has a pretty good idea of what is going on with all those mystery drones and it’s pretty serious.

That's a pretty wild theory, especially if true.

My opinion:
I think the drone stuff happening is us. Drone warfare is stupidly effective on the front lines, we've been doing it for a long time on the recon side and even armed them for offensive capabilities.
Going fwd, most every conflict with use drones to some extent but what about the big boys like China. What could they do or see outside of the front lines? How effectively could they disrupt back channels? What can WE learn about pestering the support chain?

Idk, but I don't think they are from Iran, China, or anyone else because we have the tech to drop them without firing a bullet. I believe we would have done so already so my gut tells me they are our boys testing capabilities, reactions, response, & Intel value.
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This is a must read. This guy has a pretty good idea of what is going on with all those mystery drones and it’s pretty serious.

There's no Uke Nuke on US soil brotha..... for a number of reasons.

At or near the top of that list- nobody is bringing in a bomb and then playing "hide the Easter egg" with it. That's movie sh!t.
If a nuke made it into our borders it would immediately be transported to the nearest mega-city- and set off within an hour of its arrival. Maybe sooner, if the designated bomber was on a suicide mission. You don't leave those just lying around, waiting for DOD or the Feds to figure out where you hid it. Losing a stolen nuke to the Americans because you were too stupid to set the damn thing off would be the biggest counter-intellegence victory in the history of our country. All terrorist groups would suffer from an utter failure of that magnitude. You'd be seen as the dumbest terror group in history.
Think about it- you finally get the holy grail of terror weapons and you can't set it off because you hid it in a parking garage in DC and someone caught you and disarmed it?
Or you get pulled over in Lincoln, Nebraska while you're making an 1800 mile drive from the Mexican border to Chicago...... with a nuke in the trunk.....


Nuke makes it over the border then either San Diego, LA, Phoenix, San Antonio or Houston are done. If I'm a terrorist, I'm headed straight to Houston. Drop that sucker off just east of downtown. Cripple all the oil refineries along the coast. Destroy the HQs of several big oil companies. Wreck the 4th largest shipping channel in the US. And take about 2 million civilians with you.
There's no Uke Nuke on US soil brotha..... for a number of reasons.

At or near the top of that list- nobody is bringing in a bomb and then playing "hide the Easter egg" with it. That's movie sh!t.
If a nuke made it into our borders it would immediately be transported to the nearest mega-city- and set off within an hour of its arrival. Maybe sooner, if the designated bomber was on a suicide mission. You don't leave those just lying around, waiting for DOD or the Feds to figure out where you hid it. Losing a stolen nuke to the Americans because you were too stupid to set the damn thing off would be the biggest counter-intellegence victory in the history of our country. All terrorist groups would suffer from an utter failure of that magnitude. You'd be seen as the dumbest terror group in history.
Think about it- you finally get the holy grail of terror weapons and you can't set it off because you hid it in a parking garage in DC and someone caught you and disarmed it?
Or you get pulled over in Lincoln, Nebraska while you're making an 1800 mile drive from the Mexican border to Chicago...... with a nuke in the trunk.....


Nuke makes it over the border then either San Diego, LA, Phoenix, San Antonio or Houston are done. If I'm a terrorist, I'm headed straight to Houston. Drop that sucker off just east of downtown. Cripple all the oil refineries along the coast. Destroy the HQs of several big oil companies. Wreck the 4th largest shipping channel in the US. And take about 2 million civilians with you.
IMO it wouldn't come in one of the busiest, most patrolled and surveilled routes if it were a terror organization. Everything coming in that way comes through a NEST monitored port where they scan for radiation. They are evil, not stupid.

The Biden regime has 1500 miles of Southern border wide open. And more with Canada. Anybody with a boat, dune buggy or snow machine could get one in those ways. This likely has something to do with the pending legislation that is sun-setting or the inauguration.

They have already tried to off Trump twice. There is literally nothing they won't do to keep him from taking office.

This could also be an organized false flag operation by government. Gov Hochul of NY just said the following:

“We are grateful to the Biden Administration for their support, but ultimately we need further assistance from Congress. Passing the Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act will give New York and our peers the authority and resources required to respond to circumstances like we face today.”

There are two parts to this legislation. The second part is for spying on Americans.
Reauthorizing this legislation will allow the government to keep spying on us!
There's no Uke Nuke on US soil brotha..... for a number of reasons.

At or near the top of that list- nobody is bringing in a bomb and then playing "hide the Easter egg" with it. That's movie sh!t.
If a nuke made it into our borders it would immediately be transported to the nearest mega-city- and set off within an hour of its arrival. Maybe sooner, if the designated bomber was on a suicide mission. You don't leave those just lying around, waiting for DOD or the Feds to figure out where you hid it. Losing a stolen nuke to the Americans because you were too stupid to set the damn thing off would be the biggest counter-intellegence victory in the history of our country. All terrorist groups would suffer from an utter failure of that magnitude. You'd be seen as the dumbest terror group in history.Several family members of the family
Think about it- you finally get the holy grail of terror weapons and you can't set it off because you hid it in a parking garage in DC and someone caught you and disarmed it?
Or you get pulled over in Lincoln, Nebraska while you're making an 1800 mile drive from the Mexican border to Chicago...... with a nuke in the trunk.....


Nuke makes it over the border then either San Diego, LA, Phoenix, San Antonio or Houston are done. If I'm a terrorist, I'm headed straight to Houston. Drop that sucker off just east of downtown. Cripple all the oil refineries along the coast. Destroy the HQs of several big oil companies. Wreck the 4th largest shipping channel in the US. And take about 2 million civilians with you.
Anybody else remember the nuclear medicine machine that we donated to Mexico? Somehow it ended up in a junkyard somewhere near El Paso. Some members of the family that owned the junkyard died of bone marrow failure. I think they melted it into rebar, got detected by one of the detectors near Los Alamos.