What is Wrong With the Democrat Party......

Hecklers letting PHD Jill know her husband is the worst President we’ve had LOL
I tell you what my man, this inept administration has been educational for the uneducated public and hopefully has enlightened those that think blue will continue the handouts. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Again, I emphasize "the uneducated." This admin just might not last it's term.
I imagine that there will be more free gifts, free money, lower gas prices among other things the closer we get to the November elections, with 46 and his cohorts all taking credit. It'll get nauseating listening to them squawk, slobber and banter over themselves.
I imagine that there will be more free gifts, free money, lower gas prices among other things the closer we get to the November elections, with 46 and his cohorts all taking credit. It'll get nauseating listening to them squawk, slobber and banter over themselves.
This admin was nauseating from day one my man.
Confirmed by Chester Thomas Uncle who's been in the oil field business for 50+ years and is still in it at 82.
A whole lot of truth about gas prices, and to those that say: "the president doesn't set the price of gas"... pay close attention and maybe read it twice:

From a production worker in a refinery on the Gulf of Mexico:

"You've been lied to by the President and his phony cronies, but I want to set the record straight. I'm going to tell you the truth, so pay attention"....

1. There is enough recoverable crude oil within the continental US to supply current and projected future demand for 400+ years, and that's just the oil we know about. It doesn't account for future discoveries. That's a fact...
2. We do not need to import a SINGLE DROP of foreign crude oil. The domestic oil industry can easily meet, and even surpass domestic demand. We've done it before, and we can do it again. That's a fact...
3. The domestic oil industry currently cannot satisfy domestic demand due to oil drilling restrictions imposed by the federal government. That's a fact...
4. The price of EVERYTHING revolves around oil, and the law of supply vs demand dictates the price of oil. When oil is plentiful, commodities are cheap. When oil is scarce, commodities are more expensive. Right now, domestic oil is scarce, and the price of everything is high because of these restrictions imposed by the federal government. That's a fact…
5. We import foreign oil from countries that drill and produce it much cheaper than we're able to because they do not implement all of the environmental safeguards that we do. Their methods are FAR more destructive to the environment than ours are. That's a fact...
6. Every year, the federal government leases tracts of land to oil companies so they can explore on it for oil. If enough oil is found during exploration, the company can then apply for a drilling permit which allows them to drill a well. If no oil is found during exploration, or if the amount found is not enough to be profitable the lease expires without ever being drilled on. Leases that are active, but not being drilled on does NOT mean that oil companies are being lazy, or are trying to keep the oil for themselves, etc. etc. It means they've either explored the lease for oil and found nothing, or found oil but it's not enough to justify drilling for. That's a fact...
7. it’s not Russia's fault, or China's fault, or Ukraine, or India, or Venezuela, or Iran, or Bangladesh, or any other countries' fault as to why everything is so expensive right now. It's Joe Biden's fault, because he is suppressing the domestic oil industry for political gain.

EVERYTHING depends on crude oil... but you might not know that if you believe the lies that are being told about oil and the oil industry.

Let's go Brandon!!
Confirmed by Chester Thomas Uncle who's been in the oil field business for 50+ years and is still in it at 82.
A whole lot of truth about gas prices, and to those that say: "the president doesn't set the price of gas"... pay close attention and maybe read it twice:

From a production worker in a refinery on the Gulf of Mexico:

"You've been lied to by the President and his phony cronies, but I want to set the record straight. I'm going to tell you the truth, so pay attention"....

1. There is enough recoverable crude oil within the continental US to supply current and projected future demand for 400+ years, and that's just the oil we know about. It doesn't account for future discoveries. That's a fact...
2. We do not need to import a SINGLE DROP of foreign crude oil. The domestic oil industry can easily meet, and even surpass domestic demand. We've done it before, and we can do it again. That's a fact...
3. The domestic oil industry currently cannot satisfy domestic demand due to oil drilling restrictions imposed by the federal government. That's a fact...
4. The price of EVERYTHING revolves around oil, and the law of supply vs demand dictates the price of oil. When oil is plentiful, commodities are cheap. When oil is scarce, commodities are more expensive. Right now, domestic oil is scarce, and the price of everything is high because of these restrictions imposed by the federal government. That's a fact…
5. We import foreign oil from countries that drill and produce it much cheaper than we're able to because they do not implement all of the environmental safeguards that we do. Their methods are FAR more destructive to the environment than ours are. That's a fact...
6. Every year, the federal government leases tracts of land to oil companies so they can explore on it for oil. If enough oil is found during exploration, the company can then apply for a drilling permit which allows them to drill a well. If no oil is found during exploration, or if the amount found is not enough to be profitable the lease expires without ever being drilled on. Leases that are active, but not being drilled on does NOT mean that oil companies are being lazy, or are trying to keep the oil for themselves, etc. etc. It means they've either explored the lease for oil and found nothing, or found oil but it's not enough to justify drilling for. That's a fact...
7. it’s not Russia's fault, or China's fault, or Ukraine, or India, or Venezuela, or Iran, or Bangladesh, or any other countries' fault as to why everything is so expensive right now. It's Joe Biden's fault, because he is suppressing the domestic oil industry for political gain.

EVERYTHING depends on crude oil... but you might not know that if you believe the lies that are being told about oil and the oil industry.

Let's go Brandon!!
I'm going to disagree about the cost of drilling. People who have worked Saudi oil wells have told me that "you just drill a hole and the oil comes up." We've been doing their drilling for decades. I'm guessing it's pretty clean.
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I'm going to disagree about the cost of drilling. People who have worked Saudi oil wells have told me that "you just drill a hole and the oil comes up." We've been doing their drilling for decades. I'm guessing it's pretty clean.
Good point, I agree
God forbid anyone be entitled to their opinion

Right. As long as it aligns with the left, people's opinions are tolerated. If it doesn't align with the left, they want you fired from your job and your life ruined. These hypocrites are the lowest of the low. They will stop at nothing to get their way.

This professor absolutely has the right to his opinion on something like this. Of course he's in the minority at a brainwashed liberal institution like UT Dallas, but he should be able to say what he wants to say with no repercussions.
Monkeypox epidemic is evidence that many homosexuals prefer promiscuity over committed relationship.
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Yeah, but that's not important to a thriving, robust, secure country.
This is a colonizing and climate denying message board and Orangeman bad and inflation is transitory and cash bail policies are racist and the border is secure (Mayorkis said so) and 1/6 was an insurrection by Aunt Gertrude and bikini man wearing horns and RAM 2500/Ford F-250 drivers are denying the clear and present danger posed by climate and should be driving a Tesla and DeSantis is authoritarian and conservatives are colonizers and Paul Pelosi is a genius at timing the market and Hunter . . . =)roll
Anyone still in denial over Traitor Joe’s plan to turn this country into a socialist’s utopia you have your head buried. We’re at the beginning stages of a government created depression and good ol’ joe just letting em’ pour across the border with full benefits for all. No doubt the takedown of America and its economy is coming from within.
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Right. As long as it aligns with the left, people's opinions are tolerated. If it doesn't align with the left, they want you fired from your job and your life ruined. These hypocrites are the lowest of the low. They will stop at nothing to get their way.

This professor absolutely has the right to his opinion on something like this. Of course he's in the minority at a brainwashed liberal institution like UT Dallas, but he should be able to say what he wants to say with no repercussions.
The more I read that article the more it pisses me off. Yep, like you said if you don't agree with their thought process, then you're cancelled. Total bullshit. Perhaps the Professor has the opinion that being homosexual and acting on it is a decision. I mean, everyone has their own free will, right?
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I imagine that there will be more free gifts, free money, lower gas prices among other things the closer we get to the November elections, with 46 and his cohorts all taking credit. It'll get nauseating listening to them squawk, slobber and banter over themselves.
When the SPR runs out, the green weenies are screwed.
Every president, until Obama, governed according to current events. Carter had the Iranian Hostage crisis, Bush had the Persian Gulf War, Trump had Covid, etc.

Obama, and now Biden, govern their agenda. Screw the Border problem. Screw inflation. Let's just concentrate on global warming, January 6th, gun legislation that will do virtually nothing, etc.

I have no idea how clear thinking Americans can vote for this unconscious, disconnected pa

Every president, until Obama, governed according to current events. Carter had the Iranian Hostage crisis, Bush had the Persian Gulf War, Trump had Covid, etc.

Obama, and now Biden, govern their agenda. Screw the Border problem. Screw inflation. Let's just concentrate on global warming, January 6th, gun legislation that will do virtually nothing, etc.

I have no idea how clear thinking Americans can vote for this unconscious, disconnected party.
Biden, Kakles Kamala, the squad, the fairy tale of global warming, Newsome, Whitmier, the ivy league schools, the senate majority leader, the speaker of the house, progressive policy and the list is too long to list here.
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Biden, Kakles Kamala, the squad, the fairy tale of global warming, Newsome, Whitmier, the ivy league schools, the senate majority leader, the speaker of the house, progressive policy and the list is too long to list here.
Ivy League you say? There's plenty of Ivy Leaguers who served in the Trump administration. And none of the names you mentioned went to Ivy League schools.

Man everyone needs to settle down the election isn't for another 105 days.
Why is this under a Football forum? Take these retarded conversations about which political party you blow somewhere else. Nobody cares what a bunch of people on the internet have to say about how good of a job someone is or is not doing.
99.9% of you all have absolutely no idea what you are talking. You might as well be giving your opinion on quantum physics.
Bye Felicias.
Thanks for chiming in liberal weenie. You hurry back now, you hear?