@outhereincali it's not like Fresh is just making sh!t up about how 3rd world dictatorial nations and fascist nations and tin pot dictators remind him of hard line democrats and progressives. I mean, raise your hand Cali if you were ever sent into a country ruled by one of these dorms of government.
Now ask yourself-- do you think it's a safe bet that Fresh has been to places like that? Do you think he'd recognize similar traits in governments that were similar with democrats having been up close in dealing with their "people"? I'm guessing you've never traveled to a sh!t hole country with fvcked up leaders and fvcked up laws. I have. Fresh sure as sh!t has. And I know when I came home I saw "things" done over there that were being done (or trying to get implemented) by one party only. Progressive democrats.
But don't take my word for it. Ask Fresh. See what he says.