What is Wrong With the Democrat Party......

Because republicans voted to keep abortion an option doesn't mean they are voting Democrat, lol.

An issue like Abortion shouldn't even be a State issue. It should be a county issue.

And furthermore, if making sure a woman can kill their child is A#1 top priority on who you vote for, you're a POS. Plain and simple.

Just think about that for a second. "I'll never vote republican because they won't let me kill my baby" What the hell????
There are states that have codified an additional murder charge for killing a pregnant person. If the pregnant person is murdered and the unborn baby does not survive, then that is an additional murder charge.

So, the state codes recognize this as murder but Cali wants to place this as the top voting priority. Let's call abortion what the state codes do: murder, homicide, etc.
There's nothing with the Democratic Party. You guys don't realize the mood in America now.

The American people don't like extremes be it liberal or conservative.

The people don't like the republicans stances on issues that are too numerous to mention.

Because of this the Democrats are poised to gain seats in the Senate, Congress, governorships,and statehouses.

Start paying attention.
Is this a joke? Seriously, I now think you're playing us. If so, I applaud you. This is so good that you could fashion a stand up routine out of this. You've got plenty of material so you just have to work on delivery.
@outhereincali it's not like Fresh is just making sh!t up about how 3rd world dictatorial nations and fascist nations and tin pot dictators remind him of hard line democrats and progressives. I mean, raise your hand Cali if you were ever sent into a country ruled by one of these dorms of government.

Now ask yourself-- do you think it's a safe bet that Fresh has been to places like that? Do you think he'd recognize similar traits in governments that were similar with democrats having been up close in dealing with their "people"? I'm guessing you've never traveled to a sh!t hole country with fvcked up leaders and fvcked up laws. I have. Fresh sure as sh!t has. And I know when I came home I saw "things" done over there that were being done (or trying to get implemented) by one party only. Progressive democrats.

But don't take my word for it. Ask Fresh. See what he says.
I though @GuaranteedFresh! was born on an oil rig and never left
Who is fresh? And I went on a 8 hour trip to East Germany, well to East Berlin. Talk about grim.

Someone said if you want to know what Germany was like when Hitler was around go to East Germany and that's accurate.

Foreign leaders? What about the Republicans growing relationship with that sob Victor Orban?

I don't see progressives trying to implement a one way government. I do see Republicans overreaching making a power grab. Mostly I see an authoritarian government in the making.

When is it going to be enough for the conservative movement in America? This has been 40 years in the making.

There are a lot of angry people in America who are angry at the republicans.

Uh...there was no East Germany when Hitler was alive, lol.

The rest of your post, I don't even know what to say my man. There are 100% some corrupt republicans...if anyone denies that they have their head in the sand. But repubs don't want to ban guns. That is the 1st thing an authoritarian govt would do.
Who is fresh? And I went on a 8 hour trip to East Germany, well to East Berlin. Talk about grim.

Someone said if you want to know what Germany was like when Hitler was around go to East Germany and that's accurate.

Foreign leaders? What about the Republicans growing relationship with that sob Victor Orban?

I don't see progressives trying to implement a one way government. I do see Republicans overreaching making a power grab. Mostly I see an authoritarian government in the making.

When is it going to be enough for the conservative movement in America? This has been 40 years in the making.

There are a lot of angry people in America who are angry at the republicans.
@GuaranteedFresh! You know him. You know what he used to do for a living.
Victor Orban was a duly elected leader. He is a reflection of the Magyar people. They don't like outsiders. They want to be left alone. And who in the Republican party is being compared to Orban--

Wait-- don't tell me-- let me guess. CNN and MSNBC have told you that he's like Ron DeSantis. Right? Hmmm.....

So a dude that isn't fond of Muslims, not a huge fan of Jews, doesn't like socialist western Europe, doesn't get along with Russia at ALL, tells China to fvck themselves and basically only gets along with Poland-- hmmm-- he sounds like an equal opportunity hater. Sounds like he just want his people left the fvck alone.

So, I guess maybe CNN is right. Orban, Luke myself and many others here, just want to be left the fvck alone.

So, out of curiosity, who's pumping this "Orban is aligned with Republicans" horse sh!t that you're referring to?
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I though @GuaranteedFresh! was born on an oil rig and never left
No sir. When I got promoted to civilian, I came home and worked my way into Director of Maintenance at a MRO pushing Delta tin cans.

Suit & office life drove me mad along with the constant travel for repetitious & meaningless meetings with the same big wigs. I missed being around real guys. Meat & potato alpha pricks. Oilfield has these a$$holes in spades and the pay was comparable.
No sir. When I got promoted to civilian, I came home and worked my way into Director of Maintenance at a MRO pushing Delta tin cans.

Suit & office life drove me mad along with the constant travel for repetitious & meaningless meetings with the same big wigs. I missed being around real guys. Meat & potato alpha pricks. Oilfield has these a$$holes in spades and the pay was comparable.
I was just messing with you.
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No sir. When I got promoted to civilian, I came home and worked my way into Director of Maintenance at a MRO pushing Delta tin cans.

Suit & office life drove me mad along with the constant travel for repetitious & meaningless meetings with the same big wigs. I missed being around real guys. Meat & potato alpha pricks. Oilfield has these a$$holes in spades and the pay was comparable.

My kind of people. I deal with these types in O&G on a daily basis. Kudos to you, Fresh.
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Who is fresh? And I went on a 8 hour trip to East Germany, well to East Berlin. Talk about grim.

Someone said if you want to know what Germany was like when Hitler was around go to East Germany and that's accurate.

Foreign leaders? What about the Republicans growing relationship with that sob Victor Orban?

I don't see progressives trying to implement a one way government. I do see Republicans overreaching making a power grab. Mostly I see an authoritarian government in the making.

When is it going to be enough for the conservative movement in America? This has been 40 years in the making.

There are a lot of angry people in America who are angry at the republicans.

With all due respect Cali, I can only imagine that you were indoctrinated in liberalism as a youngster by your family and are jaded in your thinking because of your upbringing. If you think that this country is better off now under control of Democrats, I don't know what to say. You are brainwashed sir, and sadly, apparently no amount of logic and facts is going to change your mind, nor will you see the light of common sense due to that fact.

Thankfully the majority of Americans don't think like you do. Sit back and watch. You're going to be proven wrong when the results of the midterms are in. Dems are going to be voted out in mass due to their incompetence and far left radicalism.
With all due respect Cali, I can only imagine that you were indoctrinated in liberalism as a youngster by your family and are jaded in your thinking because of your upbringing. If you think that this country is better off now under control of Democrats, I don't know what to say. You are brainwashed sir, and sadly, apparently no amount of logic and facts is going to change your mind, nor will you see the light of common sense due to that fact.

Thankfully the majority of Americans don't think like you do. Sit back and watch. You're going to be proven wrong when the results of the midterms are in. Dems are going to be voted out in mass due to their incompetence and far left radicalism.
I'll tell you what that little raid on Trump is a real eye opener. If Trump gets back in the White House that guy is going to absolutely clean house in every freaking agency that exists in the U.S. and rightfully so. Biden is really making a mistake poking the bear with all that is out there on him and his son.
I'll tell you what that little raid on Trump is a real eye opener. If Trump gets back in the White House that guy is going to absolutely clean house in every freaking agency that exists in the U.S. and rightfully so. Biden is really making a mistake poking the bear with all that is out there on him and his son.
Donald Trump is going to be indicted.
Donald Trump is going to be indicted.
Based on what? If the FBI/DOJ don't announce any rock solid information in the next few days it will all be one giant nothingburger. You don't need a search warrant as part of a routine negotiation with the national archives over presidential materials. Materials that the President himself can declassify. This is equivalent to running a stop sign and having the FBI come raid your home. A raid like this is only done as an absolute last resort. A subpoena is the first option but only if the person is not likely to cooperate. Usually, the person will cooperate by agreement which Trump had been doing with the national archives since he left office. The national archives even confirmed that back in the Spring. Every time a President leaves office there are extended negotiations with the national archives over what they can keep and what stays. This is not even close to a crime. I want to know what was in the warrant that justifies the use of force like this. How would a judge sign off on this? Let's see if they ever produce the details in the warrant that the judge approved. We already know the judge who allowed this is a radical leftist who openly hates Trump based on the judge's social media activity.

so tell us Cali, what's the basis for an indictment?
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Donald Trump is going to be indicted.
I love the doctored pic of “paper” in the toilet LOL it seems like just yesterday we we hearing how Trump tried to commandeer The Beast to head to the January 6 Capital field trip, whatever became of that story? LOL the fear from the left is comical. Enjoy your time before the Orangeman is back on scene
Donald Trump is going to be indicted.
Dig deep enough and anyone can be sent to jail. Frankly, I'm surprised they haven't found anything with all the scrutiny he's been under since 2016.
So, why do you trust the DOJ now?
Don't forget these are the same people that said Trump urinated on a bed with 2 hookers....no tape. He colluded with Russia...dossier proven a complete fabrication by head of DNC. He lied about being spied on....Obama WH found to have tapped Trump Tower lines. He was caught on Apprentice B roll saying ni---r.....no tape. He cheated on taxes....he was legally following exemptions set in place by Dems.
Bro, wake up and see that they have been trying their best to set this man up for years. I don't like the man's personality either but good god how does this not scare the crap out of you? Because it's being perpetuated by your side? You don't worry that eventually a right winger will take over and do the exact same to the left?
You're telling us that Trumps "mishandling of classified materials" is more pressing than Hunter Bidens laptop full of child p--n or illegal firearm purchase and disposal at a school, Epsteins black book, Pelosi's insider trading, Cuomo's mass execution at senior homes, J R Bidens qpq with Ukraine or 10% pay to play via his son's China dealings, FBI planning and coercing guys to kidnap Whitmer, Hilary C DELETING classified docs under supoena, Bill C ditching his security detail during his 27 visits to Epstine island, Ashley Biden diary about being molested ? This is just off the top of my head, the list goes on.

Rudy Giuliani claims proof of election frad....raided & found nothing.

Veritas claims potential misdoing of Hunter & has diary.....raided.

Trump has docs to review for Presidential Library.....raided.

Bro, we're rapidly becoming Nicaragua. The entire DOJ has to be wiped and rebuilt. You don't think this will ever affect you? Don't cut off your nose to spite your face man. This is extremely corrupt and scary happenings. Just because it's "your" team doing it right now, doesn't mean the next guy won't come after you. The presidense has been set. 87000 new irs agents doesn't bother you either?

You're going to get hit with some reality smelling salts sooner or later and we'll be here to welcome you to the fight. It's not entirely about the D or R but right now it's starting with the Dems.
Who is fresh? And I went on a 8 hour trip to East Germany, well to East Berlin. Talk about grim.

Someone said if you want to know what Germany was like when Hitler was around go to East Germany and that's accurate.

Foreign leaders? What about the Republicans growing relationship with that sob Victor Orban?

I don't see progressives trying to implement a one way government. I do see Republicans overreaching making a power grab. Mostly I see an authoritarian government in the making.

When is it going to be enough for the conservative movement in America? This has been 40 years in the making.

There are a lot of angry people in America who are angry at the republicans.
You have to admit. This is some funny a$$ sh*t.

The party that believes in state rights and small federal government is the one trying to create an authoritarian government.
You have to admit. This is some funny a$$ sh*t.

The party that believes in state rights and small federal government is the one trying to create an authoritarian government.
It's almost as if one party never tells the truth. The party that claims to fight for minorities, victims, social justice, anti-big pharma ect... would not exist if those issues were ever fixed.

They say they have the cures, but they are the ones keeping the diseases alive. It's so easy to see but people are too easy to manipulate. Freaking 6th Sense seeing dead people obvious.
Dig deep enough and anyone can be sent to jail. Frankly, I'm surprised they haven't found anything with all the scrutiny he's been under since 2016.
So, why do you trust the DOJ now?
Don't forget these are the same people that said Trump urinated on a bed with 2 hookers....no tape. He colluded with Russia...dossier proven a complete fabrication by head of DNC. He lied about being spied on....Obama WH found to have tapped Trump Tower lines. He was caught on Apprentice B roll saying ni---r.....no tape. He cheated on taxes....he was legally following exemptions set in place by Dems.
Bro, wake up and see that they have been trying their best to set this man up for years. I don't like the man's personality either but good god how does this not scare the crap out of you? Because it's being perpetuated by your side? You don't worry that eventually a right winger will take over and do the exact same to the left?
You're telling us that Trumps "mishandling of classified materials" is more pressing than Hunter Bidens laptop full of child p--n or illegal firearm purchase and disposal at a school, Epsteins black book, Pelosi's insider trading, Cuomo's mass execution at senior homes, J R Bidens qpq with Ukraine or 10% pay to play via his son's China dealings, FBI planning and coercing guys to kidnap Whitmer, Hilary C DELETING classified docs under supoena, Bill C ditching his security detail during his 27 visits to Epstine island, Ashley Biden diary about being molested ? This is just off the top of my head, the list goes on.

Rudy Giuliani claims proof of election frad....raided & found nothing.

Veritas claims potential misdoing of Hunter & has diary.....raided.

Trump has docs to review for Presidential Library.....raided.

Bro, we're rapidly becoming Nicaragua. The entire DOJ has to be wiped and rebuilt. You don't think this will ever affect you? Don't cut off your nose to spite your face man. This is extremely corrupt and scary happenings. Just because it's "your" team doing it right now, doesn't mean the next guy won't come after you. The presidense has been set. 87000 new irs agents doesn't bother you either?

You're going to get hit with some reality smelling salts sooner or later and we'll be here to welcome you to the fight. It's not entirely about the D or R but right now it's starting with the Dems.
I had a discussion several weeks ago with a couple from a northern DFW suburb: white, upper middle class, very nice neighborhood. The nature of that conversation reminded me of Cali's posts. After 5 minutes of listening to them, I changed the conversation. Nothing to be gained. Their opening remarks were that they are concerned about 2024 because DeSantis is "authoritarian" - he bans books. Abbott is also "authoritarian" because he's trying to stem the flow of illegal immigrants - don't I know central CA needs the workers for the fields?

While this couple and Cali's backgrounds are entirely different (I believe based on Cali's own descriptions), the level of indoctrination is the same. I imagine they start off the day having a cup of coffee with Morning Joe, listen to NPR, mix in some radical like Elie Mystal, and finish off the day with Rachel Maddow. Echo chamber.

What's scary is that I've known this couple for many years and never observed this level of indoctrination. They're lost. Even though this couple said "we'd like to think we're open minded," they're not. I countered several of their points with some objective facts, but was met with blank stares as if they've never heard these facts.

It's a lost cause. They (this couple and Cali) live in an echo chamber and no amount of objective facts from the "radical right" will allow them to observe the present day as it really is. Morning Joe has told them we're the enemy. Why would they believe any objective facts communicated to them from the enemy?
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This is hilarious! Even Facebook’s new conversational AI chat bot thinks the 2020 election was rigged and stolen.

I had a discussion several weeks ago with a couple from a northern DFW suburb: white, upper middle class, very nice neighborhood. The nature of that conversation reminded me of Cali's posts. After 5 minutes of listening to them, I changed the conversation. Nothing to be gained. Their opening remarks were that they are concerned about 2024 because DeSantis is "authoritarian" - he bans books. Abbott is also "authoritarian" because he's trying to stem the flow of illegal immigrants - don't I know central CA needs the workers for the fields?

While this couple and Cali's backgrounds are entirely different (I believe based on Cali's own descriptions), the level of indoctrination is the same. I imagine they start off the day having a cup of coffee with Morning Joe, listen to NPR, mix in some radical like Elie Mystal, and finish off the day with Rachel Maddow. Echo chamber.

What's scary is that I've known this couple for many years and never observed this level of indoctrination. They're lost. Even though this couple said "we'd like to think we're open minded," they're not. I countered several of their points with some objective facts, but was met with blank stares as if they've never heard these facts.

It's a lost cause. They (this couple and Cali) live in an echo chamber and no amount of objective facts from the "radical right" will allow them to observe the present day as it really is. Morning Joe has told them we're the enemy. Why would they believe any objective facts communicated to them from the enemy?

Bingo. Leftists are brainwashed and will never come around to normal, sane thinking. They're not capable of rationale. It's a lost cause. No matter how much factual information and examples that you give them, they're not going to get it.
I had a discussion several weeks ago with a couple from a northern DFW suburb: white, upper middle class, very nice neighborhood. The nature of that conversation reminded me of Cali's posts. After 5 minutes of listening to them, I changed the conversation. Nothing to be gained. Their opening remarks were that they are concerned about 2024 because DeSantis is "authoritarian" - he bans books. Abbott is also "authoritarian" because he's trying to stem the flow of illegal immigrants - don't I know central CA needs the workers for the fields?

While this couple and Cali's backgrounds are entirely different (I believe based on Cali's own descriptions), the level of indoctrination is the same. I imagine they start off the day having a cup of coffee with Morning Joe, listen to NPR, mix in some radical like Elie Mystal, and finish off the day with Rachel Maddow. Echo chamber.

What's scary is that I've known this couple for many years and never observed this level of indoctrination. They're lost. Even though this couple said "we'd like to think we're open minded," they're not. I countered several of their points with some objective facts, but was met with blank stares as if they've never heard these facts.

It's a lost cause. They (this couple and Cali) live in an echo chamber and no amount of objective facts from the "radical right" will allow them to observe the present day as it really is. Morning Joe has told them we're the enemy. Why would they believe any objective facts communicated to them from the enemy?
Unfortunately you are correct. Looking back at history, we see similarities on a smaller scale. Jewish people turning in other Jews to the Nazis, slaves catching and returning escaped slaves ect, Koreans killing family members for not agreeing with their leaders decisions.

I don't hate regular people that vote leftist because surely they full heartedly believe they are doing what's best. However, I do hate with a prejudice the corrupt politicians and insider "journalists" that knowingly push easily debunked lies because they know it will further their agenda. I also hate spineless Republicans/Libertarians that do not fight back so they don't become the next target of the left. It's sickening

I will not vote for anyone that doesn't fight against the bastardization of our DOJ. Don't care about the letter by their name. Fight it and prioritize the complete rework or removal of FBI & CIA brass. It's always been dirty but now....now it's VERY gestapo.

Persecution of political rivals can not be tolerated. Fellow Texans, since we have constitutional carry, I would HIGHLY recommend against maintaining a LTC/CHL. You're pretty high up on the wrong kinda of lists. That's all I will say about that. If you know, you know.
Unfortunately you are correct. Looking back at history, we see similarities on a smaller scale. Jewish people turning in other Jews to the Nazis, slaves catching and returning escaped slaves ect, Koreans killing family members for not agreeing with their leaders decisions.

I don't hate regular people that vote leftist because surely they full heartedly believe they are doing what's best. However, I do hate with a prejudice the corrupt politicians and insider "journalists" that knowingly push easily debunked lies because they know it will further their agenda. I also hate spineless Republicans/Libertarians that do not fight back so they don't become the next target of the left. It's sickening

I will not vote for anyone that doesn't fight against the bastardization of our DOJ. Don't care about the letter by their name. Fight it and prioritize the complete rework or removal of FBI & CIA brass. It's always been dirty but now....now it's VERY gestapo.

Persecution of political rivals can not be tolerated. Fellow Texans, since we have constitutional carry, I would HIGHLY recommend against maintaining a LTC/CHL. You're pretty high up on the wrong kinda of lists. That's all I will say about that. If you know, you know.
Shit britches and his regime are educating folks on fascism.
To Cali

I agree. He was impeached twice for literally nothing. What makes anyone think they won't indict him?
Keep in mind the Pres. which Trump was has the authority to declassify documents etc. So the notion he took documents that were "classified" is absurd. He had all the authority to de-classify whatever is in his possession if anything. Here's the kicker, there is no official form to fill out to declassify documents LOL. BYe Bye Dems. Also, clearly he was still in contact with the national archives agency in charge of these handling these documents. This was an overreaction created to give the illusion that he did something wrong. Big fat grandstanding nothing burger. The FBI also went through Melania's wardrobe, presumably for Joe Biden's perverted fetishes.
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Trump will be ready to go in 2024. This raid took place 92 days before the midterm election, 2 days shy of the required 90 day policy before an election. This was strategic plain and simple. Look at these 2 stooges laying out their case and walking it right back at the end, same dog and pony show. . I am fine with DeSantis running for Pres. but after this raid crap, I'm all on the Trump train. Dems better prepare thine anuses, Trump and deplorables are coming for revenge
How hard is it for one to learn the Chinese language? We may have to learn, with the way our current, dismal administration is taking our country thru the mud.
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The Dems are just getting nasty, they're just looking for anything to find on Trump
Yep.... that's why they want to hire 87,000 new iRS agents. Fifty to handle claims and 86,950 to go through Pres. Trump's garbage desperately looking for anything that might be damning.
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How hard is it for one to learn the Chinese language? We may have to learn, with the way our current, dismal administration is taking our country thru the mud.
The daughter of a very good friend started high school three years ago. She had to pick a foreign language: Spanish, French, or another language. My friend didn't give her a choice - Mandarin.
I'm probably going to unfollow this thread so I don't accidentally vent unfiltered. Until then I'll leave a bit of irony to ponder.

Due to the constant investigations and intense scrutiny Trump has endured since running for president, the left has proven him to likely be the cleanest politician we've ever had in office. HA!

Is there a soul alive that thinks Biden could have survived even half of the scrutiny? 😆
I'm probably going to unfollow this thread so I don't accidentally vent unfiltered. Until then I'll leave a bit of irony to ponder.

Due to the constant investigations and intense scrutiny Trump has endured since running for president, the left has proven him to likely be the cleanest politician we've ever had in office. HA!

Is there a soul alive that thinks Biden could have survived even half of the scrutiny? 😆
Just imagine what it would be like in our country if Obama’s house was raided by Trump’s FBI/DOJ while Trump was President. Trump would immediately get impeached and sentenced to death.