Donald Trump is going to be indicted.
Dig deep enough and anyone can be sent to jail. Frankly, I'm surprised they haven't found anything with all the scrutiny he's been under since 2016.
So, why do you trust the DOJ now?
Don't forget these are the same people that said Trump urinated on a bed with 2 tape. He colluded with Russia...dossier proven a complete fabrication by head of DNC. He lied about being spied on....Obama WH found to have tapped Trump Tower lines. He was caught on Apprentice B roll saying tape. He cheated on taxes....he was legally following exemptions set in place by Dems.
Bro, wake up and see that they have been trying their best to set this man up for years. I don't like the man's personality either but good god how does this not scare the crap out of you? Because it's being perpetuated by your side? You don't worry that eventually a right winger will take over and do the exact same to the left?
You're telling us that Trumps "mishandling of classified materials" is more pressing than Hunter Bidens laptop full of child p--n or illegal firearm purchase and disposal at a school, Epsteins black book, Pelosi's insider trading, Cuomo's mass execution at senior homes, J R Bidens qpq with Ukraine or 10% pay to play via his son's China dealings, FBI planning and coercing guys to kidnap Whitmer, Hilary C DELETING classified docs under supoena, Bill C ditching his security detail during his 27 visits to Epstine island, Ashley Biden diary about being molested ? This is just off the top of my head, the list goes on.
Rudy Giuliani claims proof of election frad....raided & found nothing.
Veritas claims potential misdoing of Hunter & has diary.....raided.
Trump has docs to review for Presidential Library.....raided.
Bro, we're rapidly becoming Nicaragua. The entire DOJ has to be wiped and rebuilt. You don't think this will ever affect you? Don't cut off your nose to spite your face man. This is extremely corrupt and scary happenings. Just because it's "your" team doing it right now, doesn't mean the next guy won't come after you. The presidense has been set. 87000 new irs agents doesn't bother you either?
You're going to get hit with some reality smelling salts sooner or later and we'll be here to welcome you to the fight. It's not entirely about the D or R but right now it's starting with the Dems.