This clown aint no musk.Nice of you to join us today Mr. Musk![]()
This clown aint no musk.Nice of you to join us today Mr. Musk![]()
Now figure this-- 90+ % of solar panels are made in China-- using oil and coal power and byproducts.I call BS on this. Can you back your claim up with facts? EVs aren't affordable to most of the general public at this time. Also, you have to factor in the purchase price of a charging station for your home and the increased electricity cost to continually charge it. Additionally, if you take a road trip, you're going to have to find a charging station (if you can find one) and sit there waiting for it to charge for an extended period of time. No thanks.
Solar panel companies are misleading potential customers. You aren't going to "sell power generated by your own home back onto the grid" That's a false claim that they make in their sales pitch. Also, there is the cost of replacing solar panels every so often, maintenance on the system, and if you need a new roof, good luck removing all of those panels and putting them back up. From what I've read, the payback on a green/solar house is about 15-20 years. Consumers are much better off making their best kWh deal with power companies. At this point, today, solar power is a losing proposition.
Now figure this-- 90+ % of solar panels are made in China-- using oil and coal power and byproducts.
So we sell our oil to China who then uses it for fuel and to make solar panels that they then sell back to us............makes total sense....
Clob for goodness sakes he worked those people up into a frenzy. And they stormed the capitol and the rest is history. He didn't even try to ask the crowd to disperse. So it didn't matter if he didn't promote violence none of this would have happened if he asked his people to go home.Oh.... and where did Trump promote violence against legislative members and capital security Dan?
If you're going to fvcking lie through your teeth, at least have video or tweets to TRY and back it up.
Well let the secret service agents in question testify. They said they want to bring it on let's find out who's lying.So.........
The smoking gun in the Jan 6th hearings is a woman recounting a story somebody else told her about President Trump's actions inside "The Beast"?
Please tell me that no one on this message board has an IQ low enough to believe this story.
No just some fools who thought what they were doing was fun.You agree with a narrative and political tribalist ideology Cali. Like most Americans.
With the amount of nut job MAGA out there and how many guns they have, you think people smoking a joint in the capital was an attempted coup?
Damnit man
Clob for goodness sakes he worked those people up into a frenzy. And they stormed the capitol and the rest is history. He didn't even try to ask the crowd to disperse. So it didn't matter if he didn't promote violence none of this would have happened if he asked his people to go home.
Clob his friends at Fox Brett Baier, Laura Ingraham, even Sean Hannity, warned him that this could get out of hand and pleaded with him to stop. Meadows and Trump ignored them. Cassidy Hutchinson was not afraid to testify in public so why do Meadows, Cipollone, and general Flynn refuse? Btw Mike Flynn is a disgrace to the uniform. When he asked if he believed in the peaceful transition of power he pleaded the 5th.
The committee won't allow them to testify. Kind of suspicious, don't you think? Like they only want one side of the story to be told.Well let the secret service agents in question testify. They said they want to bring it on let's find out who's lying.
Clob for goodness sakes he worked those people up into a frenzy. Lets start here. He worked those people at his rally into a frenzy-- 2 things- 1-- words are not illegal. If you arent yelling FIRE in a theater, words are just that-- words. It is no different than democrats whipping BLM and anti-Trump people into a frenzy and then they burn down cuties and shoot people at softball games. 2-- those people in the crowd, that he whopped into a frenzy- were 2.5 miles away from the Capitol. The Capitol was breeched 18 minutes before Trump's speech ENDED. Well sh!t Cali-- there goes that narrative. And they stormed the capitol and the rest is history. Yes, they did. The most armed faction of people in the HISTORY of mankind invaded somewhere that they were hell bent on killing everyone-- but forgot their guns. He didn't even try to ask the crowd to disperse. Kamala started oaying the bail for rioters and looters during the BLM arsen-fest. So it didn't matter if he didn't promote violence none of this would have happened if he asked his people to go home.You make it sound like people are void of free will. These aren't remote controlled robots that Trump moves around with a joystick.
Clob his friends at Fox Brett Baier, Laura Ingraham, even Sean Hannity, warned him that this could get out of hand and pleaded with him to stop. Stop what? Using his people controlling magic joystick? Meadows and Trump ignored them. Cassidy Hutchinson was not afraid to testify in public And its already been proven she is lying about a few details. Sooooo how much MORE did she lie about? Yes, even MSNBC reported about her lies. so why do Meadows, Cipollone, and general Flynn refuse? Btw Mike Flynn is a disgrace to the uniform. Here's the two sh!ts i give about Mike Flynn. When he asked if he believed in the peaceful transition of power he pleaded the 5th.
Treason Treason is when you actively participate in the overthrow of your government. Askiing your followers to "march down to the capitol and have your voices heard" does not qualify as Treason.
See above-- bolded answers. We get it dude. You hate Trump. He's scary to you. Even though the black members of your family enjoyed greater orosperty opportunities under Trump than they EVER did under Obama-- Trump is an asshole and you don't like him and that's all that matters to you. You can't get past it. And even if you could, you're so hip deep in your convictions that you could never lose face by turning back.
In poker we call that "pot committed".
Hang Mike Pence because he wouldn't do what Trump wanted shows how deranged the man really is.So now that we all agree that he never "promoted violence" is your claim of Treason based more on working the crowd into a frenzy or not asking the group to disperse?
If it's the former, Dwayne Johnson, John Cena, and Hulk Hogan need to be arrested.
If it's the latter, AOC, Maxine Watters, the entire leadership of BLM, Lebron James, Joy Behar, and Whoopi "I got my boyfriend to do blackface, because I thought it was funny" Goldberg need to be arrested.
Can one of you left wing nutjobs provide us with the Treason rubric?
Cali-- lets be real here--Hang Mike Pence because he wouldn't do what Trump wanted shows how deranged the man really is.
It was a fair election
Trump lost
By 7 million votes
Yep, this shows that their goal is not to get the truth as they claim but to throw propaganda out against Trump. They have a "witness" who wasn't even there and heard from someone else about what happened in the limo. That's literally the definition of a rumor. They are taking the testimony of a rumor. Total BSThe committee won't allow them to testify. Kind of suspicious, don't you think? Like they only want one side of the story to be told.
The 1/6 infomercial is based on hearsay and double hearsay.So.........
The smoking gun in the Jan 6th hearings is a woman recounting a story somebody else told her about President Trump's actions inside "The Beast"?
Please tell me that no one on this message board has an IQ low enough to believe this story.
Professionals - coordinated, unannounced, rapidly executed with a purpose, minimal exposure, breach/secure/done.Cali-- lets be real here--
First- did you actual HEAR, do we have a recording OF, Trump saying this-- or are we simply taking the word of someone else?
Remember the Steele dossier? The collection of information that YOU based your opinion of Trump on? (Russia, Putin, Trump was a spy, Pee tapes, Russian hookers)
It was all lies. It's now a known fact that the Steele dossier was fabricated. Yes, even the BBC in England admitted it.
And yet here you are, believing rumors again. This is why you're being called a useful idiot.
They are using YOUR hatred of Trump (the fact that he is an asshole) to get you to believe anything they say, and so you will hate anyone that votes for Trump.
Second- "Hang Mike Pence"--
What were they actually going to hang him with?
Their fvcking fanny pack straps?
Look man-- these were not folks running around with hanging rope and a portable gallows. These were unarmed idiots sending a message.
Want to know what that message was? The thing that has gotten lost in all of this?
Here goes--
"This building is OURS. We paid for it. YOU politicians simply WORK "here". We OWN "here". YOU work for US. Not the other way around. We are coming here UNARMED...... this time...... to remind you that "we the people" can do to you what our founding fathers did to England."
Now, here's the last bit of proof to squash your narrative-
These people were unorganized and not coordinated. Had they been TRAINED, had communications, armed and supplied--- you know what-- let's ask the expert in the forum--
Dear @GuaranteedFresh! --
Let's say you and your former associates were given orders to take control of a building "roughly" the same size of the Capitol. Let's call it, the "Royal Palace of Swahili Land"-- security was 70 men with sidearms and a few with shotguns. The objective was to seize control of the building, neutralize the guards, hold the occupants in place, and set security to prevent any infiltration, dig in and repel any counter assault.
What would you need? 2-3 16 man troops from Blue squad?
And how long would they be able to hold the objective? (Assuming you're getting air drops like Domino's Pizza deliveries)
I'm guessing indefinitely.
Cali-- my point is-- if Trump supporters REALLY wanted control of that building and to "hang" Mike Pence (or anybody else) the serious people would have done it.
Not the fanny pack crowd.
I am not aware of anyone being charged with anything other than “Trespassing.” To be held without bail for a Trespassing charge is unheard of. We are not unlike other banana republics where the political opposition is imprisoned without due process.Funny enough, a very close friend of mine went to that rally. He brought his son, 2 daughter's & wife as well. His Facebook page was loaded with pictures/videos of that rally, the slow march to the capital and the protest outside.
They ended up staying out a good ways from the building because things were already popping off by the time they arrived.
He said he's never felt more proud or patriotic in his life than that moment. He never went in or engaged in the front door calamity.
What's sad is there are still many AMERICANS in prison awaiting trial for TRESPASSING charges. Political prisoners.
Fresh.....the way I heard it was that we spent 750 billion on defense and the capitol was taken down in 30 minutes by Duck Dynasty and a guy in a deer skin bikini.....Professionals - coordinated, unannounced, rapidly executed with a purpose, minimal exposure, breach/secure/done.
Fanny pack crowd - maximum exposure to be seen and heard, wears bison hats & high vis patriotic clothing, sings/chants with thousands of others, asks security to be let in, takes pictures & live streams to FB.
Yes, a handful of dummies did vandalise gov property and should be held accountable as appropriate. Only that 1 lady was security....through a door. He should be the only one on trial and we all know if the race roles were reversed, he would already be behind bars for excessive force murder.
Let’s just add that the Aide that stated Trump tried to commandeer the Presidential Limo wasn’t even in the Limo but the Sectet Service Agents that were are more than willing to testify under oath that, that is a total fabrication. So let’s see if the Dems subpoena the Secret Service Agents. I can’t think of a reason not to unless that hurts their narrative.Cali-- lets be real here--
First- did you actual HEAR, do we have a recording OF, Trump saying this-- or are we simply taking the word of someone else?
Remember the Steele dossier? The collection of information that YOU based your opinion of Trump on? (Russia, Putin, Trump was a spy, Pee tapes, Russian hookers)
It was all lies. It's now a known fact that the Steele dossier was fabricated. Yes, even the BBC in England admitted it.
And yet here you are, believing rumors again. This is why you're being called a useful idiot.
They are using YOUR hatred of Trump (the fact that he is an asshole) to get you to believe anything they say, and so you will hate anyone that votes for Trump.
Second- "Hang Mike Pence"--
What were they actually going to hang him with?
Their fvcking fanny pack straps?
Look man-- these were not folks running around with hanging rope and a portable gallows. These were unarmed idiots sending a message.
Want to know what that message was? The thing that has gotten lost in all of this?
Here goes--
"This building is OURS. We paid for it. YOU politicians simply WORK "here". We OWN "here". YOU work for US. Not the other way around. We are coming here UNARMED...... this time...... to remind you that "we the people" can do to you what our founding fathers did to England."
Now, here's the last bit of proof to squash your narrative-
These people were unorganized and not coordinated. Had they been TRAINED, had communications, armed and supplied--- you know what-- let's ask the expert in the forum--
Dear @GuaranteedFresh! --
Let's say you and your former associates were given orders to take control of a building "roughly" the same size of the Capitol. Let's call it, the "Royal Palace of Swahili Land"-- security was 70 men with sidearms and a few with shotguns. The objective was to seize control of the building, neutralize the guards, hold the occupants in place, and set security to prevent any infiltration, dig in and repel any counter assault.
What would you need? 2-3 16 man troops from Blue squad?
And how long would they be able to hold the objective? (Assuming you're getting air drops like Domino's Pizza deliveries)
I'm guessing indefinitely.
Cali-- my point is-- if Trump supporters REALLY wanted control of that building and to "hang" Mike Pence (or anybody else) the serious people would have done it.
Not the fanny pack crowd.
This is how you know it's not about getting the truth but about creating propaganda.Let’s just add that the Aide that stated Trump tried to commandeer the Presidential Limo wasn’t even in the Limo but the Sectet Service Agents that were are more than willing to testify under oath that, that is a total fabrication. So let’s see if the Dems subpoena the Secret Service Agents. I can’t think of a reason not to unless that hurts their narrative.
This still makes my blood boil today and it’s all verifiable. Biden and Obama as corrupt as they come. Guaranteed crickets from @outhereincali and @danhorn.
At least there are still laws against this stuff. I believe that sodomy laws are coming back to Texas. I can't wait to see the anguish on all the queer bags in Austin. Is there anything good that comes from a pennis in the poop chute?Haitian immigrant. Our cultural norms will continue to be destroyed by the open border.
Cassidy was not afraid to get up there, become a star, and tell a false story that her source says never happened. Blasey Ford gave unsubstantiated testimony and was rewarded with magazine covers, deemed hero, and also a half million Gofundme account.Clob for goodness sakes he worked those people up into a frenzy. And they stormed the capitol and the rest is history. He didn't even try to ask the crowd to disperse. So it didn't matter if he didn't promote violence none of this would have happened if he asked his people to go home.
Clob his friends at Fox Brett Baier, Laura Ingraham, even Sean Hannity, warned him that this could get out of hand and pleaded with him to stop. Meadows and Trump ignored them. Cassidy Hutchinson was not afraid to testify in public so why do Meadows, Cipollone, and general Flynn refuse? Btw Mike Flynn is a disgrace to the uniform. When he asked if he believed in the peaceful transition of power he pleaded the 5th.
And the hits just keep coming for Corrupt Joe
Remember when Stormy Daniel's was going to take down Trump?Cassidy was not afraid to get up there, become a star, and tell a false story that her source says never happened. Blasey Ford gave unsubstantiated testimony and was rewarded with magazine covers, deemed hero, and also a half million Gofundme account.
Truthfully, I examined this issue before buying the EV because I had the concern that the footprint of EVs was much larger than ICE cars. I found a video series on YouTube called Engineering Explained that went through the analysis of EV footprints (making and energy) vs. ICE cars. It was from these videos that it seemed that 15k miles was the reasonable estimate for a breakeven point.Nice of you to join us today Mr. Musk![]()
Like Huckaby said the other day on tv, instead of getting rid of fossil fuels we should get rid of the fossil ruining the country.