Of course you're going to obfuscate that little fact. Because you want to claim Briles isn't a dirtbag. Yeah, the kid was "homesick" and that's why he was dismissed from Boise St.
Yes, let's. Peterson were absolutely aware of Sam's violent behavior towards his GF in his final days there. So was Briles and you know it. I love how football fans become amateur lawyers when defending scumbag behavior on the part of their football team, in other words become dishonest.
5/2/2013Spoke with S.Uk and informed him would be calling parents. Athlete understood and ok’d call to parents. […] Felix thanked me for the call and was going to call S.Uk when got off the phone. 5/4Rec’d call from [assistant coach] A. Avalos re: S.Uk. Got call from roommate (EH) that S.Uk had been drinking. […] Talked to EH and was not letting his girlfriend into house due to
drunken belligerent state of S.Uk. EH has been trying to keep him in the house while protecting his girlfriend.
Called Tony Platt to have officers respond and take into protective custody. Following call, texted EH to tell him
officers were on way. EH responded with need them immediately because
he has punched a window and cut his wrist. Explained later that S.Uk’s wrist was bandaged when EH came home earlier in the evening and re-cut wrist when punched window. Spoke with [girlfriend]. They got into argument today re: spring fling at school. [
girlfriend] was not at home at time of conversation and
informed her NOT to go home. She assured me would not go home and go to friend’s house tonight.” Have spoken with C. Petersen, [assistant coach] A. Avalos, [then-Boise State Athletic Director] M. Coyle, CVP, and [then-Boise State assistant Athletic Director] C. Apsey. Left message to attempt to speak to officer Jermaine Galloway.” […] “Spoke with C. Petersen @ 8 AM. Got copy of text messages that S.Uk sent to EH at some point last night using derogatory names.
Forwarded to Tony Platt so BPD [Boise Police Department] can assist with
helping look after EH if necessary. Spoke with S.Uk’s father and mother and informed them of previous night’s incident. Father became agitated when informed that
S.Uk had been drinking and became violent. Suggested to them that they need to come to Boise and get S.Uk and take him home for further help. Mother informed that has plane ticket for May 15th, but told her he needs to go home sooner and that would attempt to help with withdrawal from school. Mother seemed to understand and they will speak with C. Petersen this morning. Spoke with Tony Platt 8:30 AM re: S.Uk. Reviewed tips to help with situation, most of which we are already doing. Gave OK to call for help again or for
officer to go to house with staff member if need to in future. […] Was obvious he was still agitated from previous night’s events, so called [girlfriend] at 8:53 and left message to NOT go back to house. Wanted
her to wait until she knew S.Uk was not at home and to go get some clothes and items with plans on staying somewhere else for a few days. Also left instructions to call or text back that she got the message. Did not hear back from her. S.Uk spoke with C. Petersen. Will meet tomorrow with them at 8 AM at school in CP’s office. - See more at: