Baylor gets a little more rapey

I would prefer the rapist himself getting killed. But as a father, I can see doing whatever if I felt the president of a university put winning over my daughters well being. It wouldn't be right, but a dad in that situation wouldn't be in his right mind anyway. Prosecution would not want me on the jury if something like this happened.
If my daughter was raped I would have to take my chances with a jury. I could not live with myself if I didn't. My daughter and son are worth whatever price I have to pay to protect them.
Sean Connery in the Untouchables.......they put one of ours in the hospital, we put 2 of theirs in the morgue
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Reactions: swVAHorn may be very wrong...but it seems far from inexcusable.

Shawn Oaklman, Trevon Armstead, and I can't remember the other kids name are all going to have their day in court and not even Johnny Cochran resurrected from the heavens is going to save them. And when that day comes they will spend the rest of their lives in prison. They say one day in prison is like one year long and the next day is longer. Multiply that times 30-40 years and they will be getting what they will richly deserve. And hopefully the victims will get their lives back. And when they do justice will have been served.

But here is a kicker. Remember SU, cant remember how he spells his last name? Anyway a Waco jury convicted him and they gave him probation and 100 hours community service!!! The judge was rightfully po'd and did the only thing he could do which was give him 6 months jail time and now he's a free man. There were way to many fb fans on that jury. It was the first time I've heard of a convicted rapist getting probation. Hopefully those three won't get their trial in Waco.
Shawn Oaklman, Trevon Armstead, and I can't remember the other kids name are all going to have their day in court and not even Johnny Cochran resurrected from the heavens is going to save them. And when that day comes they will spend the rest of their lives in prison. They say one day in prison is like one year long and the next day is longer. Multiply that times 30-40 years and they will be getting what they will richly deserve. And hopefully the victims will get their lives back. And when they do justice will have been served.

But here is a kicker. Remember SU, cant remember how he spells his last name? Anyway a Waco jury convicted him and they gave him probation and 100 hours community service!!! The judge was rightfully po'd and did the only thing he could do which was give him 6 months jail time and now he's a free man. There were way to many fb fans on that jury. It was the first time I've heard of a convicted rapist getting probation. Hopefully those three won't get their trial in Waco.
They won't need Johnny Cochran to save them, just a jury full of fans. Community service for rape is inexcusable.
I've said it above prison time for the three of them and the victims getting their lives back is justice. I've already explained that. This isn't the dark ages.
This doesn't solve the systemic problem. Rape is rampant on campuses. Those who fail to fix the problem should be held accountable, even if means they get their heads blown off.
I've said it above prison time for the three of them and the victims getting their lives back is justice. I've already explained that. This isn't the dark ages.
What about a case like the Baylor rapist who transferred in from Boise State. Was that justice? That animal is already walking the streets. I hope he gets put down, but I would expect the next time you hear his name it will be because he raped someone else.
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What about a case like the Baylor rapist who transferred in from Boise State. Was that justice? That animal is already walking the streets. I hope he gets put down, but I would expect the next time you hear his name it will be because he raped someone else.
In that whole sordid mess, the most unbelievable thing to me is that a jury of the rapist's peers did not think he merited jail time. Unbelievable.
Perhaps that investigation will divulge damning evidence against Briles. But you can't tell me Briles didn't know what kind of kid Sam Ukwuachu was after he was dismissed from Boise St and his police record there.
Scholz, briles defenders will say just that. They'll have you believe Saint Art had zero knowledge of his players misgivings.

Ok, let them have that. It just means Briles is incompetent. So he's either knowingly overlooking this crap, or he's incompetent. Either way, he's accountable.
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Perhaps that investigation will divulge damning evidence against Briles. But you can't tell me Briles didn't know what kind of kid Sam Ukwuachu was after he was dismissed from Boise St and his police record there.
Now Sholz - I'm not going to argue about who knew what and when. BUT - let's make sure the "facts" being argued about are accurate. Ukwuachu, to my knowledge and research, never had a police record at Boise (at least with respect to violence against women).

From the New York Times:
Ukwuachu's former girlfriend testified during his sexual assault trial that he punched her in the head several times, choked her, physically restrained her from leaving and had a reputation for having a violent temper. The woman testified that she never told police or Boise State officials about the abuse

Now Sholz - I'm not going to argue about who knew what and when.
Of course you're going to obfuscate that little fact. Because you want to claim Briles isn't a dirtbag. Yeah, the kid was "homesick" and that's why he was dismissed from Boise St. :rolleyes:

Now BUT - let's make sure the "facts" being argued about are accurate. Ukwuachu, to my knowledge and research, never had a police record at Boise (at least with respect to violence against women).
Yes, let's. Peterson were absolutely aware of Sam's violent behavior towards his GF in his final days there. So was Briles and you know it. I love how football fans become amateur lawyers when defending scumbag behavior on the part of their football team, in other words become dishonest.

5/2/2013Spoke with S.Uk and informed him would be calling parents. Athlete understood and ok’d call to parents. […] Felix thanked me for the call and was going to call S.Uk when got off the phone. 5/4Rec’d call from [assistant coach] A. Avalos re: S.Uk. Got call from roommate (EH) that S.Uk had been drinking. […] Talked to EH and was not letting his girlfriend into house due to drunken belligerent state of S.Uk. EH has been trying to keep him in the house while protecting his girlfriend. Called Tony Platt to have officers respond and take into protective custody. Following call, texted EH to tell him officers were on way. EH responded with need them immediately because he has punched a window and cut his wrist. Explained later that S.Uk’s wrist was bandaged when EH came home earlier in the evening and re-cut wrist when punched window. Spoke with [girlfriend]. They got into argument today re: spring fling at school. [girlfriend] was not at home at time of conversation and informed her NOT to go home. She assured me would not go home and go to friend’s house tonight.” Have spoken with C. Petersen, [assistant coach] A. Avalos, [then-Boise State Athletic Director] M. Coyle, CVP, and [then-Boise State assistant Athletic Director] C. Apsey. Left message to attempt to speak to officer Jermaine Galloway.” […] “Spoke with C. Petersen @ 8 AM. Got copy of text messages that S.Uk sent to EH at some point last night using derogatory names. Forwarded to Tony Platt so BPD [Boise Police Department] can assist with helping look after EH if necessary. Spoke with S.Uk’s father and mother and informed them of previous night’s incident. Father became agitated when informed that S.Uk had been drinking and became violent. Suggested to them that they need to come to Boise and get S.Uk and take him home for further help. Mother informed that has plane ticket for May 15th, but told her he needs to go home sooner and that would attempt to help with withdrawal from school. Mother seemed to understand and they will speak with C. Petersen this morning. Spoke with Tony Platt 8:30 AM re: S.Uk. Reviewed tips to help with situation, most of which we are already doing. Gave OK to call for help again or for officer to go to house with staff member if need to in future. […] Was obvious he was still agitated from previous night’s events, so called [girlfriend] at 8:53 and left message to NOT go back to house. Wanted her to wait until she knew S.Uk was not at home and to go get some clothes and items with plans on staying somewhere else for a few days. Also left instructions to call or text back that she got the message. Did not hear back from her. S.Uk spoke with C. Petersen. Will meet tomorrow with them at 8 AM at school in CP’s office. - See more at:
Of course you're going to obfuscate that little fact. Because you want to claim Briles isn't a dirtbag. Yeah, the kid was "homesick" and that's why he was dismissed from Boise St. :rolleyes:

Yes, let's. Peterson were absolutely aware of Sam's violent behavior towards his GF in his final days there. So was Briles and you know it. I love how football fans become amateur lawyers when defending scumbag behavior on the part of their football team, in other words become dishonest.

5/2/2013Spoke with S.Uk and informed him would be calling parents. Athlete understood and ok’d call to parents. […] Felix thanked me for the call and was going to call S.Uk when got off the phone. 5/4Rec’d call from [assistant coach] A. Avalos re: S.Uk. Got call from roommate (EH) that S.Uk had been drinking. […] Talked to EH and was not letting his girlfriend into house due to drunken belligerent state of S.Uk. EH has been trying to keep him in the house while protecting his girlfriend. Called Tony Platt to have officers respond and take into protective custody. Following call, texted EH to tell him officers were on way. EH responded with need them immediately because he has punched a window and cut his wrist. Explained later that S.Uk’s wrist was bandaged when EH came home earlier in the evening and re-cut wrist when punched window. Spoke with [girlfriend]. They got into argument today re: spring fling at school. [girlfriend] was not at home at time of conversation and informed her NOT to go home. She assured me would not go home and go to friend’s house tonight.” Have spoken with C. Petersen, [assistant coach] A. Avalos, [then-Boise State Athletic Director] M. Coyle, CVP, and [then-Boise State assistant Athletic Director] C. Apsey. Left message to attempt to speak to officer Jermaine Galloway.” […] “Spoke with C. Petersen @ 8 AM. Got copy of text messages that S.Uk sent to EH at some point last night using derogatory names. Forwarded to Tony Platt so BPD [Boise Police Department] can assist with helping look after EH if necessary. Spoke with S.Uk’s father and mother and informed them of previous night’s incident. Father became agitated when informed that S.Uk had been drinking and became violent. Suggested to them that they need to come to Boise and get S.Uk and take him home for further help. Mother informed that has plane ticket for May 15th, but told her he needs to go home sooner and that would attempt to help with withdrawal from school. Mother seemed to understand and they will speak with C. Petersen this morning. Spoke with Tony Platt 8:30 AM re: S.Uk. Reviewed tips to help with situation, most of which we are already doing. Gave OK to call for help again or for officer to go to house with staff member if need to in future. […] Was obvious he was still agitated from previous night’s events, so called [girlfriend] at 8:53 and left message to NOT go back to house. Wanted her to wait until she knew S.Uk was not at home and to go get some clothes and items with plans on staying somewhere else for a few days. Also left instructions to call or text back that she got the message. Did not hear back from her. S.Uk spoke with C. Petersen. Will meet tomorrow with them at 8 AM at school in CP’s office. - See more at:
I interpreted "police record" as an arrest record. If that is not what you intended, then accept my apologies.
I interpreted "police record" as an arrest record. If that is not what you intended, then accept my apologies.

He was freaking suspended and ultimately booted off the Boise team and transferred thanks to his issues with police/domestic violence. HC Peterson has said he talked to HC Briles and told him everything.

Briles is denying errrr lying and hoping the story goes away. You really buy that he didn't ask the kid or anyone affiliated with his school the question "why did you get suspended multiple times and then have your scholly revoked?" You buy that BS.

Oh by the way, nice story today in DMN about this and also about Oakman and his issues at PSU before BU took him.

BU is now taking a tougher official stance by adopting a harsher rule about xfers. After multiple black eyes recently thanks to players and also their mishandling of rape charges on campus by their own systematic failures.
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He was freaking suspended and ultimately booted off the Boise team and transferred thanks to his issues with police/domestic violence. HC Peterson has said he talked to HC Briles and told him everything.

Briles is denying errrr lying and hoping the story goes away. You really buy that he didn't ask the kid or anyone affiliated with his school the question "why did you get suspended multiple times and then have your scholly revoked?" You buy that BS.

Oh by the way, nice story today in DMN about this and also about Oakman and his issues at PSU before BU took him.

BU is now taking a tougher official stance by adopting a harsher rule about xfers. After multiple black eyes recently thanks to players and also their mishandling of rape charges on campus by their own systematic failures.
Briles said Peterson didn't tell him. Maybe Peterson did. But Boise St., Peterson's boss, said unequivocably that Peterson DID NOT inform the university. Any reasonable person would have to conclude that there is at least a possibility that Peterson is pulling a CYA by claiming he told Briles.

And before you get your panties in a wad - if the investigation by the law firm concludes Peterson told Briles about the domestic violence, or if there is any evidence Briles is involved in a cover up, he has to go. Along with any one else involved.
How many Baylor football rapes now? 5? But you think it's plausible that Briles didn't know anything about any of them including a kid kicked off his previous team for domestic violence? Yeah, that's reasonable.

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Regarding the whole Peterson/Briles saga I think there are enough holes in the story to question whether he was explicitly told. But you still have to admit that even if it's proven he wasn't told, the only reason he wasn't told is because he didn't ask the question because he didn't want to know. Either for deniability or flat out indifference. Briles didn't care what kind of caliber human he was bringing in period.
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Briles said Peterson didn't tell him. Maybe Peterson did. But Boise St., Peterson's boss, said unequivocably that Peterson DID NOT inform the university. Any reasonable person would have to conclude that there is at least a possibility that Peterson is pulling a CYA by claiming he told Briles.

And before you get your panties in a wad - if the investigation by the law firm concludes Peterson told Briles about the domestic violence, or if there is any evidence Briles is involved in a cover up, he has to go. Along with any one else involved.

Just saying. Whose panties are in a wad again?

I'm not upset at all. But then again, I am not defending rape and liars and pointing the blame on everyone else except the ones that deserve it. Thats your job. Spin away.

(FWIW, if UT were caught up in something like this, I'd be calling for heads to roll.....not defending said heads or buying lies or spinning a web)
What about a case like the Baylor rapist who transferred in from Boise State. Was that justice? That animal is already walking the streets. I hope he gets put down, but I would expect the next time you hear his name it will be because he raped someone else.

I stated earlier in this thread that I was appalled that a jury gave him probation and community service. There will be a trial coming for Shawn Oakman, Trevon Armstead, and the other player. When they do they better move it out of Waco. I believe there are 254 counties in Texas, put the trial in one of the other 253. Those kids are going to prison if there are no fb fans on the jury.
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I mean really, its a he said/she said. Petersens reasoning to "make up" that he told Briles would be what? To pull a "CYA" or whatever the hell you said?

Briles on the other hand has legit reasons to lie and cover this up. And from what we have seen from the way BU handles things....they do like to try and cover things up.

Again Petersen had nothing to gain or lose by interjecting himself in the story well after it was already written. He merely got tired of seeing BS and thought he'd toss the truth out. That happens.

Briles had everything to gain by claiming ignorance at the start of the story. Bet he wishes he'd have known it would have become a bigger story. He might have thought twice about lying if he'd have known that. But go ahead and bury your head about the way humans obviously act......and just make up more stuff to spin and muddle the story. It worked for Johnny Cochran and OJ.
It wouldn't surprise me if it turns out Briles turned his head to the extent that he won't be implicated. To make a long story short, a lot of hc's do this to protect their own ***. Hc's have been doing this for a long time. If this turns out to be the case than somebody at Baylor is going to fall on their own sword and it won't be AB. Fwiw, the dc at Baylor is an aggie and if there is one thing I've learned over the years is that as far as an aggie is concerned when it comes to fb winning is worth anything as in N E thing. It wouldn't surprise me if it turns he had direct involvement in this as far as a cover up is concerned. Last year at one of their kick off luncheons he was quoted not just once but twice as saying he was looking forward to SU playing this year. A lot of Baylor fans were po'd last summer about a Texas Monthly article concerning the SU case. What they couldn't realize what that what po'd the TM people was their dc saying that. The SU case if far from over.
You really think the phone call goes like this
Briles: hey coach P, sure I want that need for me to ask why he was disciplined and suspended and is now kicked off the team, I really don't have any need/want to know....please lets not talk about it, neither you or I should bring it up at all.....can he play ball?........lemme have him.
Hows the weather?
Thanks so much for calling coach. Lets make this trade official soon and I'll send you a bottle of wine since I can't send a player. Is it weird at all that we didn't talk about why he is leaving? Na, I didn't think so either.
Don't worry, I'm not going to ask the player about this stuff either. I'll just have my football staffer get with yours to get his jersey size and we will have our academics people work out the rest. I'll have him a scholly in no time. And I don't care why he lost his scholly with you.
And did I mention that I don't care one bit why he lost his scholarship at Boise? Not sure if you were paying attention, just wanted to make that clear Coach P.
How's the wife? Gonna beat Idaho this year? What is your fav book. Hows the wife? C'mon coach P, lets talk about everything but the player.

Or do you think they talked about it at length like Petersen said?

Common freaking sense man.

And again. Briles came out and said "we knew nothing" to cover his own arse. Petersen could have just left it alone. His butt wasn't on the line. Still isn't. He could have stayed out of the story. He simply felt like telling the truth. Simple as that. I might buy that he was lying or had a beef or was worried about himself if he just came out and spoke all about this for no reason. But Briles was repeatedly on record lying. He got tired of it. Simply human nature.
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Imean really, its a he said/she said. Petersens reasoning to "make up" that he told Briles would be what? To pull a "CYA" or whatever the hell you said?

Briles on the other hand has legit reasons to lie and cover this up. And from what we have seen from the way BU handles things....they do like to try and cover things up.

Again Petersen had nothing to gain or lose by interjecting himself in the story well after it was already written. He merely got tired of seeing BS and thought he'd toss the truth out. That happens.

Briles had everything to gain by claiming ignorance at the start of the story. Bet he wishes he'd have known it would have become a bigger story. He might have thought twice about lying if he'd have known that. But go ahead and bury your head about the way humans obviously act......and just make up more stuff to spin and muddle the story. It worked for Johnny Cochran and OJ.
Thank you for making my argument for me. So your point is that Briles is the one with something to gain - He thought he was getting a great player, sees that it went south with the rape, and lies to protect his job. You could say the EXACT SAME THING ABOUT PETERSON! He thought he was getting a great player. Player hits girl. Peterson DOES NOT REPORT IT TO HIS BOSSES (isn't that the alleged crime by Briles?) Why would Peterson keep it hush hush? To save his job? To keep the administration from knowing he recruited a player of questionable character? Why would Peterson lie (if he did) about saying he told Briles? What does he have to gain? Uhhhhhh maybe to keep his job at Washington? Next.
And all the other rapist football players at Baylor? Briles completely unaware and innocent in those cases too?
...Title IX lawsuits for disgusting people covering up rapes and failing to protect female co-eds from a rampant rape culture within the football program because Ws. That's what's next.
And all the other rapist football players at Baylor? Briles completely unaware and innocent in those cases too?
I'm kind of surprised at you Scholz. I had you pegged as the resident liberal. I'm in the innocent until proven guilty camp. As stated earlier, the Oakman allegation really bothers me. The Boise guy there is plausible deniability. But Oakman there is no excuse. If it turns out that Briles knew about the Boise incident, he needs to go. If Oakman is convicted, then count me in the camp that he needs to go - there is in fact a culture that is out of hand. But I am willing to wait until the allegations are proven (be it the Peterson allegation that he told Briles or the Oakman charge).
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Thank you for making my argument for me. So your point is that Briles is the one with something to gain - He thought he was getting a great player, sees that it went south with the rape, and lies to protect his job. You could say the EXACT SAME THING ABOUT PETERSON! He thought he was getting a great player. Player hits girl. Peterson DOES NOT REPORT IT TO HIS BOSSES (isn't that the alleged crime by Briles?) Why would Peterson keep it hush hush? To save his job? To keep the administration from knowing he recruited a player of questionable character? Why would Peterson lie (if he did) about saying he told Briles? What does he have to gain? Uhhhhhh maybe to keep his job at Washington? Next.

What world do you live in????? It is not the exact same story. Not even close.

One coach takes a HS kid, disciplines him and boots him off team for transgressions. Another coach gives said questionable player a 2nd chance. And then the school covers up his issues he has on their campus. A big story about how red of a flag he was when he left Boise and questions as to why they took him. And the coach and school continue to cover it up.

I hope you used a shovel when you introduced your head in to the sand.
I'm surprised at you as well, diadevic. I didn't peg you for a $ooner win at all costs cover up artist wait until the courts decide when the truth is obvious person. Disappointing.

Baylor fan has now lost all moral standing over anything ever. Ken Starr belongs in prison as well.
What world do you live in????? It is not the exact same story. Not even close.

One coach takes a HS kid, disciplines him and boots him off team for transgressions. Another coach gives said questionable player a 2nd chance. And then the school covers up his issues he has on their campus. A big story about how red of a flag he was when he left Boise and questions as to why they took him. And the coach and school continue to cover it up.

I hope you used a shovel when you introduced your head in to the sand.
One coach's boss has gone on the record that the coach did not report any incident of violence against women. And that coach isn't in Waco. Now go get my shine box.
Washington could give 2 craps about a player that Petersen booted off from Boise when he screwed up. In fact, they probably gave him a high five and said keep that sort of disciplining up while you are here.

The lies have nothing to do with Boise or Washington. Its all about Baylor and what was told to BU. And UW or Boise could care less if BU was told or not told. UW wasn't doing some investigation or trying to fire him, so he spoke up and blamed BU.
Questions were flying towards BU. BU lied. UW coach simply chimed in to help expose that lie. With nothing to gain or lose by speaking or being silent.

Now who has more to gain on a story about a BU player raping at BU after being booted from another school for similar actions.....the BU HC or anyone else in America? (answer is the BU HC is the ONLY person who has something to gain by lying here about what he did/didn't know and about what the other HC told him......Boise and Washington and Petersen aren't even more than a sliver of this story.......not to mention BU and the HC have a history of lying in these rape incidents for a few years now)

Deflection denied.
Baylor claiming to be a Christian university is ridiculous at this point as well.