Chip: On Case

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Once upon a time, a well known Orangeblood went out for a drink....


....he got a little wild....


....and met some girls....


....they had a little fun....


....a lot of fun....


....but something was bothering him....


....something about a case....


....and the McCoys....

homeblock1.jpg he went home to talk about it on an internet message board....


....but no one could understand what he was talking about....


....until one poster broke the drunk code....this made the OP very happy....

FAT-NAKED-ARKANSAS-FAN.gif he had a few more drinks....


....sent the girls home....


....and went to bed....


....While he slept, his friends gave him a make over....


....The next morning, Pirate Princess Pickle Bunny woke up with double vision....


....a killer hangover....


....and a souvenir of the previous night's fun....


....The End.
1. The QB situation is still wide the hell open. Ash is getting every opportunity to win it right now, but hasn't done so yet. Right now QB is still by far the weakest position on the team.

2. If I'm Case, no way I'm thinking about transferring yet. Not until I see Ash start lighting things up and solidifying his starting position. Hasn't happened yet. May never happen. If not, Case is Plan B.

3. If I had to place odds on who our starting QB is for the bowl game (assuming we get to one), I'd say Ash 70%, Case 30%. So Case is far from out of this race, and he'd be stupid to have already made a decision to transfer. I don't think Case is stupid.

4. Odds that Ash has a meltdown stretch in at least one of the last 5 games (or gets hurt), and we need to turn to Colt with the game on the line? I'd say 80-90%. Colt will most likely get another shot in these next 5 games to show what he can do.

5. If I'm Mack/Harsin/Applewhite, I make damn sure Case is aware of all of the above, and reminded daily, so he keeps focused on winning the job back rather than throwing in the towel and considering transferring. And I'm sure Mack/Harsin/Applewhite are doing so.

6. If I'm Mack/Harsin/Applewhite, I take a 2nd QB regardless. Until the position is settled, we need as many lottery balls in the basket as we can get to increase our chances of hitting on at least one. We just lost 2. Great idea to get 2 more. QB recruiting is always a crap shoot, and the odds of going 0 for 4 are much less than going 0 for 2 or 0 for 3. I don't think offering Overstreet is ANY indicator of Case's transfer intentions or lack thereof.

This thing is far from over, and the outcome is still far from certain. How it turns out is still anyone's guess.
We put all of our eggs in the Garrett Gilbert basket. Now we get to improve at the pace of a true freshman. We should be better offensively next year, but still not where we want to be.
You may be the =Ice Man= but you are on fire tonight! I love mcphaul's posts like everyone else but he is having an off night. It has happened to all of us at one time or another.

There is more to this whole story than what is being told. The coaches are not going to say any more than they already have and our mods are not going to openly question them beyond what they already have and I can't blame either party.

I have thought for a while we are trying to get away from an offense that is overly dependent on the quarterback to win the game. It makes sense. We lose our overall recruiting edge if we play that game. We make a Baylor or a Tech competitive against us if they find a diamond in the rough and we gag once or twice at the QB position. The only way for us to fully utilize our recruiting advantage is to spread the responsibility of our offensive performance to a larger group of players. We will not always have a Vince or Colt on the roster. The 2009 MNC game shows what happens when you are overly dependent on one guy. I think we win the game with Colt and I never thought we had a realistic chance once he went out. Too many eggs in one basket.
ICE MAN that was outstanding! I like how you go ahead and say exactly what a lot of us are thinking. Hilarious.
I agree that Harsin is in charge of who plays at QB , not Mack Brown and I support whoever he puts out there for us. Also, I agree that Overstreet coming in---means probably 1 will be leaving.
I just spent 20 min reading this thread and can't understand why it's only **
Originally posted by LongAus:
Originally posted by LonghornNYC:
Originally posted by ut engr:
little nervous to touch this (as folks are a bit testy) - but out of respect for one of our more famous posters,


Can someone remind me, is McPhaul a power player? What's his connection to the program? EM is bros w/ Akina, right?

What about Santa Rita? Back in the day he was hailed as an insider. I remember him coming out of retirement to lay it down regarding the WM situation. Never to be heard from again.
In no particular order I've always paid special attention to: Depock (connected to dub C)
Santa Rita
Giant Baba
El Mandingo

I may be missing a few.
One of these is not like the others.

Cujo has repeatedly been proven a fraud. FYI.
Cujo is a good dude, he provides what he hears.

Originally posted by Hookah Horns:
btw, who or what is dub c?
It's my not so clever name for Will Muschamp.
Ice Man rules this thread!

I can't understand how people are responding to McPhaul without mentioning him getting absolutely smoked by Ice...oh my!
Originally posted by Ohorns:
Great post mcphaul.

Classless jab, Iceman. Even for you.
You're going to have to help me here. How is it "classless" to tease an obviously blitzed out of his mind poster, who started a call out thread? I already stated in a previous post that McPhaul is a great asset to the board and a great poster. I see no problem w/ teasing a long-time member of the OB family who got drunk and started an intelligible thread on Chip, Case, and diseaces.

And, how the heck do you understand what he's even trying to say? It's been a decade since I was in college, so I don't speak or understand "Drunk" like I used to. I honestly have no clue what he's trying to say, other than he want's Chip to get out front of something, we need to be open about what we're facing, and Case had some sort of rare "diseaces".
If McPhaul says it's going to rain and it's sunny outside, better take your umbrella and rubber boots along! McPhaul has NO agenda. He is connected and has the decency to take time out of his day and to share what he is hearing and seeing.

If you can't handle the truth then best not read his posts.

I am 52 and still speak drunk and i don't understand the post.

I also agree with Ice. that was harmless fun--and funny.

Originally posted by LongAus:
Cujo is a good dude, he provides what he hears.

Originally posted by Hookah Horns:
btw, who or what is dub c?
It's my not so clever name for Will Muschamp.

His intentions are good but it sounds like his source is 4th, 5th or 6th level usually
Originally posted by Gus McCrea:
I am 52 and still speak drunk and i don't understand the post.

I also agree with Ice. that was harmless fun--and funny.

McPhaul's a valued member of the OB family. What's family if you can't rib each other a little? If I ever drop a dozen incoherent posts on OB at midnight, you guys dang sure better razz me for it!

We love you McPhaul! Take some asprin and drink lots of water today.
Translation: Chip is wrong. Case did have an "episode" and will transfer. Harsin is God. Ash is Baby Jesus. Brewer and Overstreet will be disciples. Throw in a lot of drilling down and getting out in front and there you have it.

P.S. Someone needs to text that guy this morning and remind him that "this just happened". Good stuff. Would read again.
Originally posted by = Ice Man =:
Originally posted by Gus McCrea:
I am 52 and still speak drunk and i don't understand the post.

I also agree with Ice. that was harmless fun--and funny.

McPhaul's a valued member of the OB family. What's family if you can't rib each other a little? If I ever drop a dozen incoherent posts on OB at midnight, you guys dang sure better razz me for it!

We love you McPhaul! Take some asprin and drink lots of water today.

It's all good, IceMan. Bit of an overreaction on my part. Just didn't think it was funny, but gotta laugh at the ones we love too. So I get ya
Originally posted by = Ice Man =:
McPhaul, you're a definite asset to the board, but I've got to the heck.......are you drinking? There is no way you wrote that sober.

I spend all day speaking to Indians, Russians, and Israelis, so I've got a knack at deciphering English, Engrish, Engish, Lenglish, and everything in between, but I have no clue what on Earth you just tried to say.

Was thinking it but glad someone else said it.
Originally posted by McGuapo:
Translation: Chip is wrong. Case did have an "episode" and will transfer. Harsin is God. Ash is Baby Jesus. Brewer and Overstreet will be disciples. Throw in a lot of drilling down and getting out in front and there you have it.

P.S. Someone needs to text that guy this morning and remind him that "this just happened". Good stuff. Would read again.

I think there is something in there about Brad McCoy demanding Mack name a starter and it backfiring on him in one of the rants.
Originally posted by mcphaul:
Dos, That is where we are at, pretty green? Come on, let's drill down to what it is we are facing.

You really think Overstreet was our first choice at QB ?

Again, let me mention that Brown

Mcphaul, when you wake up this afternoon, please finish your last sentence (in a non e slurring manner so we can understand). "Let me mention that Brown".....what?
Originally posted by hilltophorn:

Originally posted by McGuapo:
Translation: Chip is wrong. Case did have an "episode" and will transfer. Harsin is God. Ash is Baby Jesus. Brewer and Overstreet will be disciples. Throw in a lot of drilling down and getting out in front and there you have it.

P.S. Someone needs to text that guy this morning and remind him that "this just happened". Good stuff. Would read again.

I think there is something in there about Brad McCoy demanding Mack name a starter and it backfiring on him in one of the rants.
Let the record be amended to reflect the preceding, although it is not substantiated in the rant...we think.
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