Chip: On Case

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No conspiracies. No drama. Let's just let it play out.

And Iceman ...

Originally posted by LongAus:

Originally posted by LonghornNYC:

Originally posted by ut engr:
little nervous to touch this (as folks are a bit testy) - but out of respect for one of our more famous posters,


Can someone remind me, is McPhaul a power player? What's his connection to the program? EM is bros w/ Akina, right?

What about Santa Rita? Back in the day he was hailed as an insider. I remember him coming out of retirement to lay it down regarding the WM situation. Never to be heard from again.
In no particular order I've always paid special attention to: Depock (connected to dub C)
Santa Rita
Giant Baba
El Mandingo

I may be missing a few.

LMAO Iceman.

And regarding Ash: I like Ash, but I don't see how anyone can watch his play and think its a guarantee he's going to be the guy. I've certainly seen more explosive runners and more accurate throwers and QB's with a better feel for the rush, but he is a freshman and he is playing decent for a freshman with little experience.
Originally posted by sa horn freak:
amie is Chance Mock iirc. He made some weird comments about Greg Davis one time.
Amie isn't Mock. Local Austin guy, but not Chance Mock.
I imagine mcphaul is nursing one ugly hangover today. Say hello to the porcelain gods for me.
Originally posted by sa horn freak:
amie is Chance Mock iirc. He made some weird comments about Greg Davis one time.

Chance Mock is a big Michigan St. basketball fan?
Originally posted by sa horn freak:
amie is Chance Mock iirc. He made some weird comments about Greg Davis one time.

aime is definitely not chance mock.
This is one epic thread, thanks to everyone for my afternoon entertainment
Iceman, LOL, yes,yes, I had that coming and appreciate a good laugh even when it is at my expense. I appreciate those that jumped on Iceman in my defense but, Iceman is as true as an OB brother as you will find on here.

Yes, I was drinking. At the time, I did not feel that drunk. That alone is worth another laugh or jab.I Was celebrating turning 50. After battling & beating cancer twice in 18 months, I had a good drunk coming.

Next time I drink and post, I will charge a comedian fee. That might cover the alcohol tab. It did not take much for me to get there.

And yes, I might not have wrote or shared everything I tried to communicate.

Anyway, it appears Jesus S is getting in front of the story. There is certainly more to follow. However, you all will have to overnite a bottle of good scotch if you expect to hear it from me.

Chip, my intention was not to call you out. You are absolutely the best on this site and worth every cent you earn. We are all lucky to have you.

I believe this is only the first phase of attrition. I don't see one position that will not experience attrition by the end of spring ball.
I liked the other guy who was using your handle better....Could you at least let us know what kind of scotch he likes?
This post was edited on 11/3 10:26 PM by Hook'm RD
Hookem RD,

You would like him more if you were drinking with Or shall I say, you might understand him better if you were drinking with him.

I will tell him you said hello
Originally posted by mcphaul:
Iceman, LOL, yes,yes, I had that coming and appreciate a good laugh even when it is at my expense. I appreciate those that jumped on Iceman in my defense but, Iceman is as true as an OB brother as you will find on here.

Yes, I was drinking. At the time, I did not feel that drunk. That alone is worth another laugh or jab.I Was celebrating turning 50. After battling & beating cancer twice in 18 months, I had a good drunk coming.

Next time I drink and post, I will charge a comedian fee. That might cover the alcohol tab. It did not take much for me to get there.

And yes, I might not have wrote or shared everything I tried to communicate.

Anyway, it appears Jesus S is getting in front of the story. There is certainly more to follow. However, you all will have to overnite a bottle of good scotch if you expect to hear it from me.

Chip, my intention was not to call you out. You are absolutely the best on this site and worth every cent you earn. We are all lucky to have you.

I believe this is only the first phase of attrition. I don't see one position that will not experience attrition by the end of spring ball.
McPhaul, if you're ever in Austin and the interest suits you, shoot me an e-mail. I'd love to buy you a drink or dinner. I promise to keep the......ahem......."ladies" away.

p.s. Glad to hear you kicked cancer in the teeth.
Iceman, Actually I was thinking we could have that drink when some of your wife's South American lady friends were in town.

I'm from Austin and most of family lives there so, I visit often. I certainly will take you up on that offer. You already know how to get me to spew the sheet out.
I can guarantee with 100% certainty that amie is not Chance Mock. Chance has an account and it's name is, wait for it.........................................................................Chance Mock.

amie is a local sports guy and he knows his basketball stuff,, but not Chance
Mcphaul, There is a free little item you can use called spell check
or either do us all a flavor, and not drink before you post.
Originally posted by sharphorn:
Mcphaul, There is a free little item you can use called spell check
or either do us all a flavor, and not drink before you post.

^^^ irony. you may want to brush up on your grammar and punctuation before you start asking others to.
so if Case quits the team and announces it today before the game and shows up at a SMU practice next Tuesday will everyone say "good luck Case!"?
HORSE...DEAD! Repeatedly. No need to continue kicking. The horse is already dead!

Move on, move on, move on.
Originally posted by mcphaul:
No,no,no. Much with doing to nothing? When Jalen Overstreet and Conner Brewer is backing up Ash, we are talking about MUCH DO WITH NOTHING.

Again boys, lets lay it out. Lets talk about what we are really facing here. Is not a bad picture too me. Harsin has alot more tools at the QB position than he has ever has before he have.

Remember that!! This cat is going change the QB position on how it is called upon to play a role in the UT offense.
Is this shit real or did I miss the punch line? Is this a running bit or something? LMAO!!!!!!
Originally posted by RKirkD:

Originally posted by = Ice Man =:
McPhaul, you're a definite asset to the board, but I've got to the heck.......are you drinking? There is no way you wrote that sober.

I spend all day speaking to Indians, Russians, and Israelis, so I've got a knack at deciphering English, Engrish, Engish, Lenglish, and everything in between, but I have no clue what on Earth you just tried to say.

Was thinking it but glad someone else said it.

I recognized the telltale trace of ethanol in the original post because it so closely resembled the druken post I authored a couple of weeks ago!
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