Decision to go for it on fourth down in fourth quarter
“It was a tough one. The analytics said to go for it. You go up there by two scores if you get it. You kick the field goal…you’re up by a touchdown. I felt confident in the play that was called and we didn’t get it.”
Analytics are what coaches blame things on when they don't go their way because most people are math stupid and don't get it. Well I get math, and I know football. The metric by which their analytics are based are completely wrong, or Tom is lying. You decide.
Thoughts on playcalling on second to last drive in fourth quarter
“We knew a couple of first downs wins us the game. We knew that after the first run that the box was going to be significantly loaded and we didn’t get the first down.”
So you ran it on first down and got 5 yards. But because you didn't get the first down ON first down, you decide to THROW IT two more times and burn hardly any clock? Let me guess, the analytics said you should throw it. So what if they had eight in the box. The box count doesn't block-- your offensive line does. You don't trust your OLine coach enough to put a body on the 8 guys and get 5 more yards in two chances? Sad.
Thoughts on play that ended in Ehlinger sack on last drive
“Four verticals and the back on the checkdown and was hoping to get the back on the checkdown to add some yardage before the field goal.”
So let me get this straight--- on 3rd down and while in FG range, the analytics told you to run four deep vertical routes and a bail out route into the flats to your RB? Are you taking fvcking crazy pills dude? No crossing route? No wheel route? No quick slant or curl for a bailout route? You're relying on your QB to look back to his left over his shoulder for a RB in the event that your four deep vertical routes are covered up. That's a fvcking brilliant play call. How about we call a play that is a little less risky Tom. Wait, you didn't call the play, the "analytics" did. My bad.
Herman has a problem. He does not assess risk well. Tom Herman is the guy who drives the city bus all week and then goes to the Casino and blows his whole paycheck because his system says to do it. These kinds of people are prototypical losers because it's all or nothing for them. They cannot moderate risk. They chase the pot of gold. In the dictionary, next to sucker, is a picture of Hermie.