Fire this idiot !!!!

Ok, I waded through the filth at Surly to discern a few things that some people in the know are talking about over there. These are RUMORS so take them for what they are worth.

**** Apparently Tom Herman is a combination of Major Applewhite and Steve Sarkesian. They are implying that Herman is an alcoholic and has been sleeping around. If the University has proof is this, which some over there are implying, then Herman will be terminated soon. He may not see a red cent afterward. He is in much deeper trouble than just losing his job.

Replacement chatter:

1. Urban Meyer is still #1 and he has not said no.

2. Backup is Christobal.

Don't shoot the messenger. If you don't like what I have said, go to Surly and tell them why they are wrong. They are a welcoming lot.
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I’ll just point this out... As Texas hired Tom Herman the “no brainer”. LSU and Baylor hired coach O and Matt Rhule. 4 years later coach O has a national title, Matt Rhule became an NFL coach, and Tom Herman is headed for the unemployment line. So if we’ve learned anything over the last 4 years it should be to keep an open mind and not get fixated on a name

You're about to see the real Coach O dude. Guy is not a HC.

Gene Chizik also won a natty. So did Larry Coker. Doesn't mean it was a good hire.
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Thank you Clob. I forget that social media is big now a days for these players and if they have a big following and manage to get drafted then they are in a better position now than players were back 15 years ago. If the right coach is hired then the recruits will come. Let's say it UM do you see Texas making a turn around in a year 1 or maybe the 2nd year? We also need to take into account the transfer kids that may want to look at Texas if it is UM. I'm not sure if this is possible but does a coach like Kyle Shanahan being the same set of eye balls that UM does? I'm only asking just in case UM says no. Who are the realistic coaches that bring the same set or close to the same set of eye balls that UM would bring. This is all just in case UM says no.
Thank you Clob. I forget that social media is big now a days for these players and if they have a big following and manage to get drafted then they are in a better position now than players were back 15 years ago. If the right coach is hired then the recruits will come. Let's say it UM do you see Texas making a turn around in a year 1 or maybe the 2nd year? We also need to take into account the transfer kids that may want to look at Texas if it is UM. I'm not sure if this is possible but does a coach like Kyle Shanahan being the same set of eye balls that UM does? I'm only asking just in case UM says no. Who are the realistic coaches that bring the same set or close to the same set of eye balls that UM would bring. This is all just in case UM says no.
Shanahan isn't happening. Too big of a buy out. Could Urban pick up some top recruits in year one? Certainly. Kids want to play for him. Will the transfer portal help us? Likely, but not as much you think. Really good players don't usually leave their school unless there's a beef with the staff. His best bet is to comb the Juco players. But those kids usually come with their own sets of problems. Can he put 10 wins on the board year 1? Of course he can. Tom could have. The talent is here and the conference is ripe for a 10 win Texas team next year. You just have to have the right guy to put the pieces together.
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I dont know that yall see things the way they really are....Should he have gone for it on 4th down?.....why a fake punt when you are ahead?......The fact is that these are the moments that define a program. these are the plays that make or break a program. Herman calls them, but he almost never makes them. DKR won a Natty with the dumbest call ever....down 14-8 .....time running out....4th and 3 or 4 I think it was.....and he calls a looonnng pass down the sideline into what will be certain double coverage....It is completed, Texas wins. The difference?....One play was called with confidence in the play, the training, and the players. One play(or both plays last week) was called out of desperation with both fingers play was what winners do. The others were what losers do.

A winner might not win every time, but a loser loses every. Damned. Time. are no Darrel Royal!
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You and me both. And now my stepson's wife has covid19. And so does her daughter. And now my son has it. But my son and granddaughter and son are going to be fine. They're practicing the necessary quarantine. And this was only the 2nd full game I watched this year OSU being the other one. I saw the first half of OK and WV but that doesn't cause I had to youtube the full game when I got home.

Our boys played good enough to win but our coaches started coaching not to lose instead of coaching to win. Today we showed how much talent we have on both sides of the ball but the coaches screwed up. I am not going to get into a who should be the next coach I have to trust the powers that be.

Well it turns out my son had a false positive and Im relieved. But in the case of my daughter in law and granddaughter let me tell you significant. My son and his family live in a rural county in TN and in this 2nd wave of covid19 the places getting hit the hardest are rural counties.

You know I said something last month and everyone got mad at me. What I meant we don't know if the next coach will be a success or not. It's up to CDC and the athletic council to decide and we don't have a say in it.

Another thing is with this pandemic our athletic department has lost millions that we won't get back. Can we afford a very expensive buyout while we are losing and will continue to lose money as long as this pandemic has its grip on us? This is an important issue. But with Sam Cosmi deciding to opt out and I wonder if coach Herman has lost his team.

But in talking with my son on T day I was talking about everything that has happened this year. The pandemic, the violence in the streets, the POTUS election, and how I took all of this personally. My son was saying that there isn't much we can do about it. And he's right now I'm having to deal with the pandemic on a personal basis what's most important is family and my church. And with all of this going on it's really just fb.

Friday's game was for me the most disappointing loss for me in 20 years. We should have never lost this game. But with everything I've said here if the powers that be still feel a change has to be made than so be it. No matter what I'm always loyal to the horns.
Yeah, they did. I guess I don't understand your point, because Chizik/Coach O/Coker were not good hires overall.
Why wasn’t Coker a good hire? 3 conference titles, one national title. Worst year was 7-6. Wasn’t his fault the NCAA caught up with Miami.

my overall point though is win you win a title you can’t be a bad hire.
Wait until 12/1 to save the $5M, but offer back $1M of the savings to Tom for an LHN sanctioned 8 round boxing match with Zac Smith, held in Gregory Gym. Tom gets Herb Hand as his corner man, which means he won’t block a punch. Zac gets Peter Dinklage (the dramatic version from GOT, not the children’s book author from Elf) cuz it would be kind of funny. Between rounds, show a video montage of Tom “securing the bag” against Mizzou, going after Coach Gundy, flipping off the cameras, and head butting his players prior to the Beatdown he took from Baylor last year, all set to “Don’t Stop Believing.” Post-fight press conference mandatory.
Wait until 12/1 to save the $5M, but offer back $1M of the savings to Tom for an LHN sanctioned 8 round boxing match with Zac Smith, held in Gregory Gym. Tom gets Herb Hand as his corner man, which means he won’t block a punch. Zac gets Peter Dinklage (the dramatic version from GOT, not the children’s book author from Elf) cuz it would be kind of funny. Between rounds, show a video montage of Tom “securing the bag” against Mizzou, going after Coach Gundy, flipping off the cameras, and head butting his players prior to the Beatdown he took from Baylor last year, all set to “Don’t Stop Believing.” Post-fight press conference mandatory.
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Another thing is with this pandemic our athletic department has lost millions that we won't get back. Can we afford a very expensive buyout while we are losing and will continue to lose money as long as this pandemic has its grip on us? This is an important issue. But with Sam Cosmi deciding to opt out and I wonder if coach Herman has lost his team.

Can the program survive another year of Tom Herman? Our recruiting is pure crap right now, if we keep tom it will only get worse. That is the big issue. The money issue isn't an issue and will never be an issue. The BMDs will pay the buyouts and the salary of the new hire. It's always been that way. I've been around for 6 Texas hires and in every one it was the BMDs that wanted the move and made it happen with their check book.
Why wasn’t Coker a good hire? 3 conference titles, one national title. Worst year was 7-6. Wasn’t his fault the NCAA caught up with Miami.

my overall point though is win you win a title you can’t be a bad hire.

Coker won the title with players he didn't recruit, they were left over from the previous coach, the program began to fade quickly as those players graduated. The same thing with Chizik.

I will also say this, there are a lot of juniors I'm willing to bet hit the transfer portal to leave the program, lets face it, Herman has not prepared anyone for the next level. This was a top 3 class and they look anything but top 3 right now. Cosmi is just the first.
The kids of today, especially the top talented kids, "usually" come from middle class or lower economic back grounds. 25 years ago, playing in the NFL meant 2-3 million a year contracts. Now that's a lot of money, don't get me wrong--- but it wasn't generational money. Kids now see, with the rise of social media, that they can not only cash in on the NFL wealth, but also on the social media wealth. If you're the QB for a major college team and your Twitter account or YouTube or Instagram account has a million followers, you get paid. If you've got two million social media followers, you're building a brand. If you come out of college with two million followers and a brand, then Nike, Coca-Cola, Budweiser etc all know that if they want to sign you, they are going to have to pony up more money to do so, because they aren't creating your marketing footprint, they're paying for the one you've already created.

How does a kid create a huge following?

By going to a school that is in the hunt year in and year out for national titles.

Does Urban Meyer have the sort of reputation for creating winning teams and causing eye balls to look in his direction? Damn right he does. Saban is Saban. The shine is slowing starting to wear off on him. Still a great coach and program, but he doesn't have that new car smell anymore. Dabo is the "new" new car. He's at his peak right now. The only coach that could cause a stir like dabo is Urban. Kids will flock to that because they know, eventually (soon), Urban will put a quality product on the field and eyeballs will be glued to the top players. That equates to followers on social media-- which in the eyes of five star players destined for the NFL-- equates to more money for them over the long haul.

Very good analysis clob. Your insight is much appreciated on this board and is a big reason I read this forum daily. I also have much respect for many others who post here regularly. There's no better place on the web than here to get the best unfiltered Longhorn news and analysis. I'm amused by people who still actually pay for "insider" news.
Wait until 12/1 to save the $5M, but offer back $1M of the savings to Tom for an LHN sanctioned 8 round boxing match with Zac Smith, held in Gregory Gym. Tom gets Herb Hand as his corner man, which means he won’t block a punch. Zac gets Peter Dinklage (the dramatic version from GOT, not the children’s book author from Elf) cuz it would be kind of funny. Between rounds, show a video montage of Tom “securing the bag” against Mizzou, going after Coach Gundy, flipping off the cameras, and head butting his players prior to the Beatdown he took from Baylor last year, all set to “Don’t Stop Believing.” Post-fight press conference mandatory.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. o_O
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Very good analysis clob. Your insight is much appreciated on this board and is a big reason I read this forum daily. I also have much respect for many others who post here regularly. There's no better place on the web than here to get the best unfiltered Longhorn news and analysis. I'm amused by people who still actually pay for "insider" news.
Appreciate it.

It's difficult sometimes to see beyond just football in certain arenas. I know kids today seem scatter brained and all over the place (especially to baby boomers) but make no mistake, this generation is the most photographed and "look at me" generation to come along in world history. Do many of them make stupid ass decisions that would make Nero blush? Yes. Yes they do. Some of these dumb asses actually go out and commit crimes and then video said crime and then POST IT on their webpages--- hoping that they will garner enough attention to start collecting a check. You know, so they don't have to get a REAL job.
But one thing they ALL understand is the power of social media. We have to change with the times and if you want the best players, you have to give them a platform for attention.

Urban Meyer will be that platform.
Appreciate it.

It's difficult sometimes to see beyond just football in certain arenas. I know kids today seem scatter brained and all over the place (especially to baby boomers) but make no mistake, this generation is the most photographed and "look at me" generation to come along in world history. Do many of them make stupid ass decisions that would make Nero blush? Yes. Yes they do. Some of these dumb asses actually go out and commit crimes and then video said crime and then POST IT on their webpages--- hoping that they will garner enough attention to start collecting a check. You know, so they don't have to get a REAL job.
But one thing they ALL understand is the power of social media. We have to change with the times and if you want the best players, you have to give them a platform for attention.

Urban Meyer will be that platform.

Care to predict how this goes? Does he get the axe tomorrow?
Care to predict how this goes? Does he get the axe tomorrow?
From what I hear, UM has been offered a 5 year tiered contract. Year 1 is somewhere around 10m. Year 2 is around 11 .... And so on. There's incentives that can greatly escalate the value--- none of this 250k for a big 12 title and 250k for a NYE bowl game. Apparently it's double that or more.
One of the "fly in the ointments" that I have heard is that, out of respect for Tom, Urban won't take the job until Tom is gone. And CDC won't let Tom go until Urban has committed. A Mexican stand off, of sorts. Apologies to all you folks of Mexican descent, I didn't invent that saying, but there's some truth in there.
So my best guess is that with no big 12 title to play for and now with players jumping ship, they let Tom run this until the bowl game and then bring Meyer in for a quick transition. Bite the bullet on the first recruiting cycle a bit, and hope that the transfer portal and JUCOs can fill the gap.

I wouldn't do it that way, but that's probably why I'm never going to be in charge.
From what I hear, UM has been offered a 5 year tiered contract. Year 1 is somewhere around 10m. Year 2 is around 11 .... And so on. There's incentives that can greatly escalate the value--- none of this 250k for a big 12 title and 250k for a NYE bowl game. Apparently it's double that or more.
One of the "fly in the ointments" that I have heard is that, out of respect for Tom, Urban won't take the job until Tom is gone. And CDC won't let Tom go until Urban has committed. A Mexican stand off, of sorts. Apologies to all you folks of Mexican descent, I didn't invent that saying, but there's some truth in there.
So my best guess is that with no big 12 title to play for and now with players jumping ship, they let Tom run this until the bowl game and then bring Meyer in for a quick transition. Bite the bullet on the first recruiting cycle a bit, and hope that the transfer portal and JUCOs can fill the gap.

I wouldn't do it that way, but that's probably why I'm never going to be in charge.

Thanks Clob, I always appreciate what you bring to the table. I agree with you. Fire him tomorrow and let Ash run the show until UM is announced. Save this recruiting cycle. Tom is still walking away with 15 mil so I don't feel bad about it. We maybe get Ewers and Blake's boys back. This is too big a cycle to miss on. Its a program changing cycle.
Thanks Clob, I always appreciate what you bring to the table. I agree with you. Fire him tomorrow and let Ash run the show until UM is announced. Save this recruiting cycle. Tom is still walking away with 15 mil so I don't feel bad about it. We maybe get Ewers and Blake's boys back. This is too big a cycle to miss on. Its a program changing cycle.

Ewers maybe. The Brock's are gone unfortunately IMO
Why wasn’t Coker a good hire? 3 conference titles, one national title. Worst year was 7-6. Wasn’t his fault the NCAA caught up with Miami.

my overall point though is win you win a title you can’t be a bad hire.

LC won a nc in his first year with the talent he inherited. After that the talent level started to diminish and the last 2 years with his own recruits the U became mediocre. In the all about the U part 2 documentary I learned that the players walked all over him.

And the SEC has been on such a roll the last 25 years that average coaches have caught lightening in a bottle 1 year and won a nc. TN, Auburn, and now LSU. In fact Auburn almost won another title with a team that was a fluke. That's why I shook my head when someone on this thread recommended Gus Malzahn as a coach the mans going to be fired at the end of the season. Point to all this is that sometimes average coaches win nc.
Appreciate it.

It's difficult sometimes to see beyond just football in certain arenas. I know kids today seem scatter brained and all over the place (especially to baby boomers) but make no mistake, this generation is the most photographed and "look at me" generation to come along in world history. Do many of them make stupid ass decisions that would make Nero blush? Yes. Yes they do. Some of these dumb asses actually go out and commit crimes and then video said crime and then POST IT on their webpages--- hoping that they will garner enough attention to start collecting a check. You know, so they don't have to get a REAL job.
But one thing they ALL understand is the power of social media. We have to change with the times and if you want the best players, you have to give them a platform for attention.

Urban Meyer will be that platform.

This whole year with the pandemic, the election, the social issues, have shown that social media is not a good thing.
This whole year with the pandemic, the election, the social issues, have shown that social media is not a good thing.
Agree. Social media may be fine if it only — with minor exceptions — functioned as a platform through which content passes. In its current form, a biased, propaganda machine (I.e., acting as a publisher of the govt), it is pure evil. Unfortunately, the vast majority are receiving their “news” from social media and wind up brainwashed.
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Someone said that BMD flew to Dallas today? Can that be a sign of a coach they are talking to at the moment or a secret meeting being held with other BMD's. The next few days will be Interesting as we play the wait and see game. Could we flip the Brockmeyer twins if they knew UM was coming to town?
Someone said that BMD flew to Dallas today? Can that be a sign of a coach they are talking to at the moment or a secret meeting being held with other BMD's. The next few days will be Interesting as we play the wait and see game. Could we flip the Brockmeyer twins if they knew UM was coming to town?
Brockermeyers have already signed.
they cant sign yet. early signing day this year is dec 16th.

That being said, i just cant believe that we do anything with herman before the kansas game. We never have. I think it should be done now and feelings be damned. name ash the interim and full court press Urban and make him get a restraining order against us or agrees to coach.
they cant sign yet. early signing day this year is dec 16th.

That being said, i just cant believe that we do anything with herman before the kansas game. We never have. I think it should be done now and feelings be damned. name ash the interim and full court press Urban and make him get a restraining order against us or agrees to coach.

Obviously Herman will be allowed to finish out the season. Whatever the deal is I'm sure Urban is aware of the timeline and is probably fine with it if he is still interested, maybe Urban wants to finish his obligations with FOX. Just try to relax and let it play out, if Urban wants in it will happen, if he doesn't then there isn't anything to do anyway because the next option would still be in the middle of their season and won't come on board until after ESD. Either way we would be in the same boat and firing Herman before ESD would probably cause some recruits to back out. Keep the status quo until all the ducks are in a row.
A few thoughts about this mess.

You know if you look at most programs around the country you'll notice that most of them are from or spent most of their asst coach days in the region where they're hc now. I mean if you haven't noticed it yet than start looking. The Midwest hc are midwestern guys, same in the south, west coast, and also the Big XII.

And then you have the guys who have won all over the place but there's not many of those guys. You have Urban, and Saban, but that's about it. And here is the rub for the TX Longhorns. What hot names out there that are out that are familiar with the lay of the land to come and win big right away at TX? I can't think of anybody not even 1.

Another thought.

What if Urban really says no. What are the chances that he can give CDC some names? I mean he won big at a blue blood and he probably knows who's out there that has the right stuff to win big at blueblood like TX. Just sayin

One last thought

This new coach is going to have the personality and leadership skills to work out this Eyes of Texas issue. I can't even begin to describe how much is at stake here. Or how many people with a personal stake in this. The new hc has to take a leading role to bring everyone together its that serious. Also if a big name comes in can he convince all the 3rd and 4th year players to stay at TX for another year. Only a top name can get those players to even listen.
Urban has won big at Utah, Florida, and Ohio State. The latter two being national titles. As far as recruiting goes, Urban came in and raped Texas of it's top talent while at both Florida and Ohio State. Remember 5'star guys like Barron Browning, Jeffery Okuda, and JK Dobbins.

We might not get the Brocks, but there are a number of other guys weh have a legit shot at getting with him. Remember besides being a legit coach, he can also offer early playing time, something Bama and Ohio State can't offer. Might not work for 2021 class but will be huge for 2022.