Governor Abbott Shoots Down Harris County Judge Hidalgo's mask mandate and fine

I see people wearing masks while driving their own car and walking the dog-Crazy. I understand in heavy foot traffic areas, but if you are outdoors there is no real reason.
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I see people wearing masks while driving their own car and walking the dog-Crazy. I understand in heavy foot traffic areas, but if you are outdoors there is no real reason.

If you go outside your home west, you're going to die. Unless you go to the grocery store, the doctor, fast food drive-thru, the hardware store, restaurant curb side service, WalMart, Costco, Target, CVS and Walgreens. Those places can't catch're safe there.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo overstepped her authority and Governor Greg Abbott put her in her place and announced this afternoon that no local jurisdictions have any authority to mandate that people wear masks in public, nor fine people for not wearing one.
Good. Gonzales, Texas put this in place from Saturday until April 30 and everyone down there is like, wait, wtf? Like one guy told me, at this point to try to institute that for merely a week is kind of like a girl getting pregnant and then decide to take her birth control pill.
What I find funny is the stupid people. They think the mask is like a force field that shields them from this. They don't realize that you're more likely to catch this if you're not used to wearing a mask and you keep touching your face to adjust it.

We are a dumb fvcking country.
What I find funny is the stupid people. They think the mask is like a force field that shields them from this. They don't realize that you're more likely to catch this if you're not used to wearing a mask and you keep touching your face to adjust it.

We are a dumb fvcking country.
Exactly. The only way I see it keeping you from getting the virus is if it was an airtight apparatus but even then, the virus can be on your clothing so when you take your mask off at home and start taking your clothes off, you’re going to breathe it or get it in your hands and touch your face.

you’re right people are dumb and do anything they’re told out of fear. Think about it people, if the concern was truly so you don’t get the virus, how come the requirements aren’t for us all to get suited up everyday like an ER doctor treating virus patients? Why just a mask? Accomplishes nothing, you’re either getting it or you ain’t. Hell even Dr, Fauci, Cuomo aren’t wearing masks in public, why not?
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I will say this, I truly believe if they try to pull this shutdown crap again under the guise of “oh here comes round 2 of the virus” the people will take a stand. Enough is enough
The mask is not there to protect you. It is there to protect other people from you.
Uh aren’t the other people around you wearing masks while breathing in? Again, whether breathing in or out it’s not airtight. Please @oldhorn2 don’t be one of them
Btw I’m out and about everyday not wearing a mask nor do I plan on it. If I get it so be it, (most of us have already been exposed to it) if I spread it and can promote herd immunity then I’ve done my job but I encourage others to shelter in place if you think you are vulnerable.

Any thoughts why Fauci, Newsome, Cuomo and the ilk aren’t wearing masks in public? They want to shut the country down but either know the masks don’t do squat or they just don’t want to protect others from breathing on them? Seems a little hypocritical of them if you ask me
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The mask is not there to protect you. It is there to protect other people from you.

Externalities are part of life. There are many things that other people do that I should "be protected from" but no one does a damn thing to stop them. For example, my neighbor's dog takes a dump on my lawn and nothing is there to stop the dog. The worst my be how people drive on the roads.... This is a much more dangerous external threat than a mask. Many people drive without regard for others and no one does anything about it. If anyone tells me I have to wear a mask, I'm buying a barrack obama mask and wearing devil horns with it. Then I will be the one forcing external triggers upon others but I don't care. I carry so let them make a move.
I encourage others to shelter in place if you think you are vulnerable
Information is out there on how to protect yourself and ultimately, it does and should come down to personal decisions. I don’t like that our elderly are the most vulnerable, but that is how this virus works-biggest risk with current data is >75yo, 2nd is 65-75yo, 3rd is underlying health conditions which obesity playing a big role. Smokers are somewhere further on the list.

Externalities are part of life. There are many things that other people do that I should "be protected from"
Like bad or reckless drivers? I was seeing that March of 2020 in the US had 30,000 less deaths (on average), regardless of cause, than the previous 4 years. Interesting.
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Uh aren’t the other people around you wearing masks while breathing in? Again, whether breathing in or out it’s not airtight. Please @oldhorn2 don’t be one of them
Btw I’m out and about everyday not wearing a mask nor do I plan on it. If I get it so be it, (most of us have already been exposed to it) if I spread it and can promote herd immunity then I’ve done my job but I encourage others to shelter in place if you think you are vulnerable.

Any thoughts why Fauci, Newsome, Cuomo and the ilk aren’t wearing masks in public? They want to shut the country down but either know the masks don’t do squat or they just don’t want to protect others from breathing on them? Seems a little hypocritical of them if you ask me

The mask traps the droplets and prevents them from spreading as far which in turn makes it less likely for someone to catch your germs. Is it 100%? Of course not, but it helps. Just like hand washing.
Uh aren’t the other people around you wearing masks while breathing in? Again, whether breathing in or out it’s not airtight. Please @oldhorn2 don’t be one of them
Btw I’m out and about everyday not wearing a mask nor do I plan on it. If I get it so be it, (most of us have already been exposed to it) if I spread it and can promote herd immunity then I’ve done my job but I encourage others to shelter in place if you think you are vulnerable.

Any thoughts why Fauci, Newsome, Cuomo and the ilk aren’t wearing masks in public? They want to shut the country down but either know the masks don’t do squat or they just don’t want to protect others from breathing on them? Seems a little hypocritical of them if you ask me

Bell I don't know who one of them are.

I was simply saying I hope those wearing masks are not doing it to protect may as well sprinkle salt ahead of you as you walked. I am just amazed at the things that are provided to ease your mind instead of being an actual germ protector....don't grab the food at a buffet....use the tongs....same ones everyone else is using...

At the grocery in the produce section, those plastic bags on the rolls.....the only way you can open them is by licking your fingers. So you lick your fingers, open the bag, start picking just the right tomato or lemon with those freshly licked the end of the day every item in the bin has essentially been licked before you get it.

as far as breathing in the masks....of course they are not air tight. Otherwise you would suffocate.
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The mask traps the droplets and prevents them from spreading as far which in turn makes it less likely for someone to catch your germs. Is it 100%? Of course not, but it helps. Just like hand washing.
I can get on board with that but how come the folks leading the shut down aren’t adhering to the same policies they’re preaching?
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Bell I don't know who one of them are.

I was simply saying I hope those wearing masks are not doing it to protect may as well sprinkle salt ahead of you as you walked. I am just amazed at the things that are provided to ease your mind instead of being an actual germ protector....don't grab the food at a buffet....use the tongs....same ones everyone else is using...

At the grocery in the produce section, those plastic bags on the rolls.....the only way you can open them is by licking your fingers. So you lick your fingers, open the bag, start picking just the right tomato or lemon with those freshly licked the end of the day every item in the bin has essentially been licked before you get it.

as far as breathing in the masks....of course they are not air tight. Otherwise you would suffocate.
@oldhorn2 desperate times call for desperate measures, I think the Lord is telling you to get away from the buffets and grow your own fruits and vegetables:D
Right now..
I get my veggies and fruit at a small, local stand. I'm quitting the buffet scene when it reopens (waist line). Discovered curbside pickup (hate crowds and getting run over by hurried carts;its stopped my impulse buying)
I'm old, nurse told me to wear mask not a paper bag. Maybe it works, but it improves my looks.
Right now..
I get my veggies and fruit at a small, local stand. I'm quitting the buffet scene when it reopens (waist line). Discovered curbside pickup (hate crowds and getting run over by hurried carts;its stopped my impulse buying)
I'm old, nurse told me to wear mask not a paper bag. Maybe it works, but it improves my looks.

After the last 10 years of longhorn football, paper bags are a must.
Even if 10% of the global population is at risk or contracting and dying because of this virus, you don't shut down the world to protect the 10%. You isolate the 10% and the other 90% carry the load until we see this through. We decided to use the "paralysis by analysis" route and I can assure you, we will lose as many or MORE to suicide, economic hardship, drug over doses, domestic violence etc-- than the virus would have cost us.
I do Bell, but that works for about 2 far as keeping away from the buffets.....due to my spreading waistline I cannot get very close...

That's the real social more, get a bigger belly and people can't get close! I'm with you on that oldhorn, haha
Even if 10% of the global population is at risk or contracting and dying because of this virus, you don't shut down the world to protect the 10%. You isolate the 10% and the other 90% carry the load until we see this through. We decided to use the "paralysis by analysis" route and I can assure you, we will lose as many or MORE to suicide, economic hardship, drug over doses, domestic violence etc-- than the virus would have cost us.

Why don't you love your grandparents clob? You just hate old people and don't care people are dying...:rolleyes:
That's the real social more, get a bigger belly and people can't get close! I'm with you on that oldhorn, haha

Why don't you love your grandparents clob? You just hate old people and don't care people are dying...:rolleyes:
I don't have any grandparents, so...... there's that.
And so was I soooo...... There's that. =)roll

Wearing my skeleton face Balaclava into HEB again tomorrow morning. Looking forward to the gasping reactions. People get really strange looks on their faces.
Well, my two cents in, I thing the Guvnor is doing a great job and really cares, look at the other Govs across the country, some don't have a clue what they doing, I follow Greg on Facebook , press conferences and decrees, he may have messed up on other things but, he's doing this better than Trump, we could have the Michigan Gov..LOL!