Governor Abbott Shoots Down Harris County Judge Hidalgo's mask mandate and fine

I think we can both agree that neither collusion, impeachment or Coronavirus will prevent Trump from remaining our President thru 2024 and that makes us all proud I know. He’s handled this hybrid flu like a pro.

MM, And political comments like this are OK?
MM, And political comments like this are OK?
How on earth is that offensive to you? If you don’t agree that’s your business and I believe everyone is ok with that. I think myself and ace_degenrate are on the same page
I’m glad to see this gentlemen now realizes the error of his ways even if he was trying to protect himself from the virus. He was just frustrated like the rest of us.

"In April of last year, a 19-year-old gunman believed to have been motivated by far-right ideology killed one worshipper and wounded three others at a synagogue in Poway, just outside of San Diego."

The last line in the news story. These "journalists" just can't help themselves. It is like a sickness. Someone help me with how this is relevant or even correlates besides using 6 degrees of separation.
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I find it offensive that positive ( but false) comments about certain politicians are OK, but objective comments (based on facts) are not when they are not aligned with MM's own philosophies....
I find it offensive that positive ( but false) comments about certain politicians are OK, but objective comments (based on facts) are not when they are not aligned with MM's own philosophies....
If you have a differing option than me than feel free to post it.
If you have a differing option than me than feel free to post it.

Only so that MM can lock the thread?
No. Thank you.

MM has turned this site into an intolerant one that discourages those that disagree with him (and like-minded people like you) from posting freely.
Anybody old enough to remember Bert the turtle? A little black and white cartoon that taught you how to "duck and cover" if you saw a bright flashing light in the sky? A nuclear explosion? All you had to do, according to the government and the local school district was duck and cover under your desk and you'd be just fine. You see, what you didn't know was your desk was made of magic plywood and nuclear resistant steel that would create a perfect cocoon around you and protect you from the 5000 degree Celsius heat that the blast emanated. All you had to do was duck under your desk and you were A OK.

This is the new duck and cover. The CDC and the powers that be in government WANT you to feel safe wearing a stupid mask that gives you just as much protection from a disease that the magical desk gave our parents against a nuclear blast.

Fools. The lot of us.

Clob….you are way too young to have been around "duck and cover"....Those of us that lived through it knew that "duck and cover" was just a polite way of saying..."bend way over and kiss your ass goodbye"
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Only so that MM can lock the thread?
No. Thank you.

MM has turned this site into an intolerant one that discourages those that disagree with him (and like-minded people like you) from posting freely.
The posts that get deleted are usually those views with hate and racial undertones which I agree should not be tolerated and MM does a great job of nipping those in the bud but he never says you’re not entitled to your opinion.
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Only so that MM can lock the thread?
No. Thank you.

MM has turned this site into an intolerant one that discourages those that disagree with him (and like-minded people like you) from posting freely.
Ehhhhh... I think threads get locked when people get heated. Avoid smarty pants comments or below the belt personal attacks and all will probably go well.
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Only so that MM can lock the thread?
No. Thank you.

MM has turned this site into an intolerant one that discourages those that disagree with him (and like-minded people like you) from posting freely.

Quit criticizing how the board is run. If you don't like it here, then don't post. You can always scroll right on past a topic that doesn't fit your agenda.
Ehhhhh... I think threads get locked when people get heated. Avoid smarty pants comments or below the belt personal attacks and all will probably go well.

If you were to go back you and investigate you would fine that Belldozer is the reason most threads get locked.
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If you were to go back you and investigate you would fine that Belldozer is the reason most threads get locked.

I have locked some threads due to comments by Bell, but also just as many have been locked due to others. There are a few people who continually try to push things, continually complain about how the board is moderated, are rude, name call, insult others, and don't get along with posters here. Being a mature adult is about sometimes agreeing to disagree without making it personal. Some folks here can't grasp that.
Quit criticizing how the board is run. If you don't like it here, then don't post. You can always scroll right on past a topic that doesn't fit your agenda.

Look the coronavirus is a serious issue. Not since WW2 has America been so consumed by one issue. People have strong opinions and posters like Belldozer antagonize other posters with his out of nowhere reasoning.

And ftr I think Gov Abbott and lt Gov Patrick are trying to keep the real number of cases and casualties from being made public. You want to open up the economy because it's far more important than people dying go ahead. It will then spread like wildfire through TX and they will be an embarrassment to the US.
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Quit criticizing how the board is run. If you don't like it here, then don't post. You can always scroll right on past a topic that doesn't fit your agenda.
You should really be giving this advice to the likes of belldozer. Like mentioned by others, he needs to know to be respectful of others when they express things that he finds unpalatable. But, he consistently comes with his opinions in a disrespectful manner and ends up changing the tone of the discussion.
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Look the coronavirus is a serious issue. Not since WW2 has America been so consumed by one issue. People have strong opinions and posters like Belldozer antagonize other posters with his out of nowhere reasoning.

And ftr I think Gov Abbott and lt Gov Patrick are trying to keep the real number of cases and casualties from being made public. You want to open up the economy because it's far more important than people dying go ahead. It will then spread like wildfire through TX and they will be an embarrassment to the US.
Everything I have read says that Covid deaths are being padded. Everything. What are you basing this opinion on? FWIW - friend of mine had 2 stints put in today because he had 90% blockage in an artery. He's waited 2 months because this was "elective" surgery. Elective?? WTH??? I guess his medical issue is less important than the Covid? Thank goodness we have a governor who made this procedure available. Otherwise, he would've died in NY. Those at risk, or fearful - stay at home! Those that don't fall into these two groups - be smart and courteous!
Oh one last thing. 83,120 and counting.

I do not know anyone who has had this virus. Hence, it does not exist. It is all propaganda. 7000 Americans die everyday. Let's move on. We have spent enough time and money on this.

Anything else Bell?
Look the coronavirus is a serious issue. Not since WW2 has America been so consumed by one issue. People have strong opinions and posters like Belldozer antagonize other posters with his out of nowhere reasoning.

And ftr I think Gov Abbott and lt Gov Patrick are trying to keep the real number of cases and casualties from being made public. You want to open up the economy because it's far more important than people dying go ahead. It will then spread like wildfire through TX and they will be an embarrassment to the US.

I respectfully disagree. IMO, Bell is spot-on with the things that he's said. Just because you or others don't have that opinion doesn't mean he has "nowhere reasoning". It's called respecting the other person's opinion. If anything, the death numbers are skewed towards the virus, when in many cases, people have died by having pre-existing conditions, which made them susceptible to the virus, but their death is categorized as dying by the corona virus.

I'm of the opinion that the economy should have never been shut down in the first place. We could have been doing what we're doing right now at businesses that are open and have never been closed, using social distancing, good hygiene and common sense. That is working fine. The nation will be at 20% unemployment very soon, and people are losing everything by having no income and no job. All because of a virus with a 2% mortality rate. Hell, look at Sweden. They never shut anything down and they're doing great. They're the model for how it should be handled. Disagree all you want, but don't make it personal or make it like others who have a differing opinion than you have "nowhere reasoning".
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Look the coronavirus is a serious issue. Not since WW2 has America been so consumed by one issue. People have strong opinions and posters like Belldozer antagonize other posters with his out of nowhere reasoning.

And ftr I think Gov Abbott and lt Gov Patrick are trying to keep the real number of cases and casualties from being made public. You want to open up the economy because it's far more important than people dying go ahead. It will then spread like wildfire through TX and they will be an embarrassment to the US.
You’re certainly entitled to your opinion but I and many others are willing to take the chance of getting “the virus” versus losing everything you have out of an over abundance of caution for a big “what if” game. It’s a very slippery slope you’re advocating and I can assure you if you weren’t on a fixed income your view would be very different imo.
I do not know anyone who has had this virus. Hence, it does not exist. It is all propaganda. 7000 Americans die everyday. Let's move on. We have spent enough time and money on this.

Anything else Bell?
It does exist but the mandated precautions being forced on all of us severely outweigh the risks imo and many others.
You should really be giving this advice to the likes of belldozer. Like mentioned by others, he needs to know to be respectful of others when they express things that he finds unpalatable. But, he consistently comes with his opinions in a disrespectful manner and ends up changing the tone of the discussion.

Really? I "should" do this and I "should" do that. :rolleyes: How about you stop telling me what I should or shouldn't do and how I should moderate the board, chief?
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I do not know anyone who has had this virus. Hence, it does not exist. It is all propaganda. 7000 Americans die everyday. Let's move on. We have spent enough time and money on this.

Anything else Bell?
We are all going to die. No, 2 million will die. No, 240K will die. No, 100K will die. No, its not the deaths, its overrunning the healthcare system. System not overrun? Then its its flattening the curve. Curve flattened? Then it will go back up if we let people go somewhere besides, Wal Mart or Home Depot, so cancel college 4 months from now. Have I missed any of the goal post movements?
We are all going to die. No, 2 million will die. No, 240K will die. No, 100K will die. No, its not the deaths, its overrunning the healthcare system. System not overrun? Then its its flattening the curve. Curve flattened? Then it will go back up if we let people go somewhere besides, Wal Mart or Home Depot, so cancel college 4 months from now. Have I missed any of the goal post movements?
And there you go. Well said. And anyone showing NO symptoms of the virus will be doing themselves no favors by voluntarily being tested. I can assure you, some in this great country of ours want nothing less than social tracing as the norm, via an app, so they can keep this deal going for years on end or until their agenda has materialized.

under that plan, we’ll have half the US under a revolving quarantine year round, think about it.
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And there you go. Well said. And anyone showing NO symptoms of the virus will be doing themselves no favors by voluntarily being tested. I can assure you, some in this great country of ours want nothing less than social tracing as the norm, via an app, so they can keep this deal going for years on end or until their agenda has materialized.

under that plan, we’ll have half the US under a revolving quarantine year round, think about it.

Yep, some groups are loving this "plandemic".
You’re certainly entitled to your opinion but I and many others are willing to take the chance of getting “the virus” versus losing everything you have out of an over abundance of caution for a big “what if” game. It’s a very slippery slope you’re advocating and I can assure you if you weren’t on a fixed income your view would be very different imo.

Rolling my eyes big deep yawn
I do have a job plus SS. At my age, 65 btw, I can work as long as I don't make more than $1471 a month. But next year I can work full time and not have any deductions. I'm blessed to work part time at Deseret Industries which is a Mormon owned thrift store. Btw it's a 1000 x better than goodwill or Salvation. But we are still being paid. The LDS church gets this from members all over the world who tithe to the church. These are called sacred funds used only for emergencies like this.

But even with the stimulus were on a tight income. But just because my wife and I are getting by doesn't mean we don't care about those who aren't. Most important we don't want anyone else to die.
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Rolling my eyes big deep yawn
I do have a job plus SS. At my age, 65 btw, I can work as long as I don't make more than $1471 a month. But next year I can work full time and not have any deductions. I'm blessed to work part time at Deseret Industries which is a Mormon owned thrift store. Btw it's a 1000 x better than goodwill or Salvation. But we are still being paid. The LDS church gets this from members all over the world who tithe to the church. These are called sacred funds used only for emergencies like this.

But even with the stimulus were on a tight income. But just because my wife and I are getting by doesn't mean we don't care about those who aren't. Most important we don't want anyone else to die.

Shutting down the entire economy isn't the right thing to do. How many children should starve in order to make you feel safe? How many families must go bankrupt in order to make you feel safe? How many business owners should lose everything they've worked for in order to make you feel safe? How many people have to lose their jobs, their health insurance, their life savings, etc. to make you feel safe?

This is the biggest overreaction in this country's history, all because of a virus with a 2% mortality rate. Thankfully Texas has a great governor, who is making common sense, sound economic decisions, compared to California and other states of those types who want to keep people sheltered and the economy in shambles as long as possible, no matter who they hurt or who they step on, for their own selfish, hateful agenda.
Rolling my eyes big deep yawn
I do have a job plus SS. At my age, 65 btw, I can work as long as I don't make more than $1471 a month. But next year I can work full time and not have any deductions. I'm blessed to work part time at Deseret Industries which is a Mormon owned thrift store. Btw it's a 1000 x better than goodwill or Salvation. But we are still being paid. The LDS church gets this from members all over the world who tithe to the church. These are called sacred funds used only for emergencies like this.

But even with the stimulus were on a tight income. But just because my wife and I are getting by doesn't mean we don't care about those who aren't. Most important we don't want anyone else to die.
I feel I need to let you in on the big news: We’re all going to die at some point in our lives, whether it be from the virus or by some other means. It is not reasonable to go to drastic measures for “what if “ scenarios. I keep going back to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. It was absolutely a death sentence but we didn’t lose our minds and shut the country down.

the people are speaking, open the country and get back after it. Herd immunity here we come
I feel I need to let you in on the big news: We’re all going to die at some point in our lives, whether it be from the virus or by some other means. It is not reasonable to go to drastic measures for “what if “ scenarios. I keep going back to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. It was absolutely a death sentence but we didn’t lose our minds and shut the country down.

the people are speaking, open the country and get back after it. Herd immunity here we come

I'm going to start calling you Dan Patrick Jr

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