Ketch's 10 Thoughts From the Weekend (Let me be crystal clear...)

@Ketchum re: Items 1,2,3 Preach Ketch Preach!! In fact, many of us were screaming at Charlie last year for burying an OBVIOUSLY better Foreman under Gray. Jist one more piece of evidence of his ineptitude.
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It is my opinion that outside of his success in recruiting in the last two classes
Not unless Oklahoma and Texas have the rare kind of developed athletes at once that they used to have almost a decade ago.
Those two statements contradict.

We don't know if Charlie can recruit quality athletes.

We know he had one year of recruiting highly rated athletes - whether they actually turn out to be worth a chit remains to be seen.
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it's the most profitable athletic department in the country yet continues to fail to get top notch facilities
Didn't realize how average our facilities were until I had breakfast with a fine gentleman from my town whose grandson was a highly ranked lineman (4*) from a couple years back - this kid was recruited by most of the Big 12 and SEC - When I asked how he liked his trip to Texas, he said he enjoyed it but was very underwhelmed by our facilities - he surprised me by saying the school he like the best (facility-wise) was Arkysaw.
Didn't realize how average our facilities were until I had breakfast with a fine gentleman from my town whose grandson was a highly ranked lineman (4*) from a couple years back - this kid was recruited by most of the Big 12 and SEC - When I asked how he liked his trip to Texas, he said he enjoyed it but was very underwhelmed by our facilities - he surprised me by saying the school he like the best (facility-wise) was Arkysaw.

Oh my.
Are we bigger than notre dame? They fired willingham after 3 seasons and the only reason he lasted that long is that he had a good first season. They fired him after going 5-7 and 6-5 and before the "who cares about this sucky bowl game" bowl game in season 3. Keeping a black coach who is underperforming because he is black hints of a lot more racial bias than firing one who has underperformed to the point that we celebrate any victory.

A fair point.
The only thing perfectly clear is that Ketch is anti-Strong and has a homo-erection for Herman, who should be off of EVERYBODY'S list! Elite?? Losing big to SMU?? NOT!!

The next 3 games are key! Charlie stays at 6-6, if the games are close. At 7-5, he gets a short term extension. At 8-4, a long term extension.

He took a program in decline, and, in changing the horrible, losing Mack Brown entitlement culture, had to sacrifice all upper class leadership. Seriously, Perkins & Haynes are the Senior bell cows?? Strong has the locker room, the parents, and the HS coaches. Now we're being led by Frosh & Sophs, who are understandably erratic. The Defense is making great strides since Strong took over. Wait'l next year, and we'l be making some noise!

Gilbert deserves far more criticism than he has gotten for those close losses! His play-calling in the 4th Quarters has been consistently suspect. I like him! But, like Strong is learning to be a elite program HC, Sterlin is learning to be an OC!

Meanwhile, Orangebloods will start bleeding subscribers so long as the ANTI-Longhorn Ketch is the lead! He thinks perfection comes at the snap of a coach's fingers. NOT! Ketch used to be unbiased and fair-minded, but those days are GONE!
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The only thing perfectly clear is that Ketch is anti-Strong and has a homo-erection for Herman, who should be off of EVERYBODY'S list! Elite?? Losing big to SMU?? NOT!!

The next 3 games are key! Charlie stays at 6-6, if the games are close. At 7-5, he gets a short term extension. At 8-4, a long term extension.

He took a program in decline, and, in changing the horrible, losing Mack Brown entitlement culture, had to sacrifice all upper class leadership. Seriously, Perkins & Haynes are the Senior bell cows?? Strong has the locker room, the parents, and the HS coaches. Now we're being led by Frosh & Sophs, who are understandably erratic. The Defense is making great strides since Strong took over. Wait'l next year, and we'l be making some noise!

Gilbert deserves far more criticism than he has gotten for those close losses! His play-calling in the 4th Quarters has been consistently suspect. I like him! But, like Strong is learning to be a elite program HC, Sterlin is learning to be an OC!

Meanwhile, Orangebloods will start bleeding subscribers so long as the ANTI-Longhorn Ketch is the lead! He thinks perfection comes at the snap of a coach's fingers. NOT! Ketch used to be unbiased and fair-minded, but those days are GONE!

Mack fired at 8-4, Charlie long-term extension. Seems legit.
Jeez what a f--king negative piece of shit board this is. I'd swear Ketchum, jinsotex, MB horns, pBaker et al are all the same person. They all seem to have the same sources and same disgust for CS. While you hand out superlatives to certain players who deserve it, you asses seem to forget who reads this board. Our team deserves better regardless of what you think about Charlie. And for you Ketch, just who do you think would come here to coach? Come on, you have all of the inside knowledge.
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I agree. Sadly the admin won't have the balls to fire him at 7-5. That's why all the trial balloons to prepare everyone that he's coming back at 7-5.

Agree with ketch that he's the worst game manager I've ever seen seen. And it's not even close.
John Blake when he was head coach at OU was really bad and at the NFL level, Jason Garrett was putrid for a long time. But Coach Strong definitely is horrible at in-game management decisions. He doesn't seem able to process info quickly. I see Shaka Smart with the basketball team and he seems to be on a whole different level of decision making than Coach Strong.
That's a bit of a misrepresentation of things, but I'm getting used to that.

No. 5 – Buy or sell …

BUY or SELL: Sterlin Gilbert is still the offensive coordinator at Texas in 2017?

(Sell) I think he’s going to be the next head coach for Baylor if the Longhorns have the kind of season I think they’re going to have. Honestly, he’s perfect for them. If I was Baylor, I’d offer him the job right now and tell him to take over for Jim Grobe on Monday.
This would be a relevant comparison if the starting point for all of the coaches in the history of the school was the same, or if the culture, the opposing coaches, the existing chemistry etc... were the same. They aren't.

AGP Taylor, perhaps the greatest historian of the 20th century, once observed that trying to draw lessons from history and to apply them to current situations is folly because everything about every historical situation is different from every other one ------ the historical players, their motivations, their goals, their personalities, the histocial antecedents that preceded them ----- are different.

What is he then if he's not the worst ever?

Arguably the worst?

What data is relevant and which of it is applicable to Charlie?

That was a long-winded, fancy way of saying Charlie really isn't that bad.
The only thing perfectly clear is that Ketch is anti-Strong and has a homo-erection for Herman, who should be off of EVERYBODY'S list! Elite?? Losing big to SMU?? NOT!!

The next 3 games are key! Charlie stays at 6-6, if the games are close. At 7-5, he gets a short term extension. At 8-4, a long term extension.

He took a program in decline, and, in changing the horrible, losing Mack Brown entitlement culture, had to sacrifice all upper class leadership. Seriously, Perkins & Haynes are the Senior bell cows?? Strong has the locker room, the parents, and the HS coaches. Now we're being led by Frosh & Sophs, who are understandably erratic. The Defense is making great strides since Strong took over. Wait'l next year, and we'l be making some noise!
Gilbert deserves far more criticism than he has gotten for those close losses! His play-calling in the 4th Quarters has been consistently suspect. I like him! But, like Strong is learning to be a elite program HC, Sterlin is learning to be an OC!

Meanwhile, Orangebloods will start bleeding subscribers so long as the ANTI-Longhorn Ketch is the lead! He thinks perfection comes at the snap of a coach's fingers. NOT! Ketch used to be unbiased and fair-minded, but those days are GONE!

please post more. PS: when you get the Please Post Less response, it means your truth has struck a nerve with the numb nuts.
I have never agreed more with a single @Ketchum post in the history of this site. You analysis of Strongs tenure is dead on
BUY or SELL: OB has more subscribers now (during a really bad time for football) than during 2005 or 2009?

(Buy) Our last big surge in numbers occurred when Strong was hired and we’ve been holding mostly steady since then. Overall, 2005-09 was a major time of growth for the site and probably shouldn’t be compared to today’s dynamics.

Like I told you several weeks back @Ketchum personally benefit from UT doing bad. And that's ok. People just need to understand where your motive comes from. You get to write negative posts to stir everyone up...and wait for the money to roll in...
The only thing perfectly clear is that Ketch is anti-Strong and has a homo-erection for Herman, who should be off of EVERYBODY'S list! Elite?? Losing big to SMU?? NOT!!

The next 3 games are key! Charlie stays at 6-6, if the games are close. At 7-5, he gets a short term extension. At 8-4, a long term extension.

He took a program in decline, and, in changing the horrible, losing
Okay all you football geniuses. Give some names for your new head coach.
A very pertinent question, there are probably three sure things in the coaching ranks none of whom are coming. So basically we'd be giving somebody else a chance to prove themselves.

Do you folks remember how many people chose not to pursue the job when Charlie was hired? Do you remember the turn downs for the offendive co-ordinator job? Money is a limited motivation because everybody has money and after the first three of four million a year it really doesn't change your lifestyle.

The sad truth to me is that Charlie is still learning how to be a head coach and Mr. Gilberts still learning how to be a big league offensive coordinator. They might actually grow into really good coaches, unfortunately for them Texas is not a place where you grow into it.
The birth of yet another OBism!

Oh, I'm on the floor laughing so hard I can't stand it. This is just brilliant!!!! Will it stick like mind bottling ? You are the best!!!
Like I told you several weeks back @Ketchum personally benefit from UT doing bad. And that's ok. People just need to understand where your motive comes from. You get to write negative posts to stir everyone up...and wait for the money to roll in...

I respectfully disagree. Nobody benefits long term from being negative when their product requires public followers. Mr Ketchum is the only negative staff member because he can be. The rest of the negativity comes from us. It is interesting how virtually every other "fan site " pursues positivity even at Baylor which must be really hard. Being negative is not a long term growth strategy unless you're the ayatollah or a despot.

I think we are on the road to trying to train somebody else up to being a big league coach and I hope it works this time.
The only thing perfectly clear is that Ketch is anti-Strong and has a homo-erection for Herman, who should be off of EVERYBODY'S list! Elite?? Losing big to SMU?? NOT!!

The next 3 games are key! Charlie stays at 6-6, if the games are close. At 7-5, he gets a short term extension. At 8-4, a long term extension.

He took a program in decline, and, in changing the horrible, losing Mack Brown entitlement culture, had to sacrifice all upper class leadership. Seriously, Perkins & Haynes are the Senior bell cows?? Strong has the locker room, the parents, and the HS coaches. Now we're being led by Frosh & Sophs, who are understandably erratic. The Defense is making great strides since Strong took over. Wait'l next year, and we'l be making some noise!

Gilbert deserves far more criticism than he has gotten for those close losses! His play-calling in the 4th Quarters has been consistently suspect. I like him! But, like Strong is learning to be a elite program HC, Sterlin is learning to be an OC!

Meanwhile, Orangebloods will start bleeding subscribers so long as the ANTI-Longhorn Ketch is the lead! He thinks perfection comes at the snap of a coach's fingers. NOT! Ketch used to be unbiased and fair-minded, but those days are GONE!

Nice troll attempt. No one is this far off the reservation
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I respectfully disagree. Nobody benefits long term from being negative when their product requires public followers.

Did you not read his own words? More subscriptions now (when football times are bad) than when playing for National Championships...
Did you not read his own words? More subscriptions now (when football times are bad) than when playing for National Championships...
I did, I still think it's not a viable long term strategy, but we'll see. I could be wrong. I'm limited by a very long career managing this kind of thing, but goodness knows I still get surprised.
Completely agree with Ketch. The man may be a good guy, he may stand for good values and he has done some good recruiting. He just isn't ever going to be a great head coach and that is what we need. How can anyone disagree with that.
Strong knew he was rolling the dice with Ash. He failed to address the position numerous times. He could be picked up a juco for depth in the least. He didn't exactly inherit a pile
Of shit that some like to claim either. He also brought in an absolutely horrible OC who wasn't a fit for the big 12. Everyone knew this before Strong ever coached a game here. Some reporting in the past even say Strong was told by those close to him Watson was a bad choice at Texas.
Never said Strong made all the right decisions. Never said we should keep Strong. Hell I never said he was a good coach. But you're blind with hatred to not admit there are a ton of variables to not consider that an overly harsh statement.
Sunday reminded me of the good ol’ days of the 90s when the Cowboys would show up in an opposing stadium with as many of their fans as opposing fans and then just pummel the opposition in such a way that it basically turned into a stats game.

Cowboys are legit. Halfway in and I think we are one of the best two teams in the league. And to think, one year ago Dak and Zeke weren't even on the team. No smoke and mirrors here. We are stacked. Bring the pain.
"(Sell) He’s clearly the guy that Charlie would like to bring in if the Texas administration will ignore that pesky former show-cause based on what I’ve heard, but I’ve always believed there’s no way Texas would sign off on something like that, but who knows? Maybe in an effort to make it look like they’ve given Strong everything he’s ever wanted and to eliminate any excuses, they will."

Not again. If he insists on bringing in a Lousiville DC, then ,make Grantham an offer.