Ketch's 10 Thoughts From the Weekend (Shaka is a damn good coach)

Charlie is a damn good coach, too. He's just not great.

I don;t know if Shaka is great.

Stated as much in the article.

Charlie is not a damn good coach. His recruiting was avg for texas, his record was horrible, his selection of asst coaches puzzling, his game planning bizarre, his program mgmt lacked strategy and vision, strength and conditioning embarrassing and his attention to detail nonexistent. Theres probably 100 texas high school coaches more talented than charlie strong! Cth corrected about 500 things wrong w the program in year one. You have lost credibility.
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You won't be alone. None of it can be refuted. Easier for some to skip truths.
People are bottom line thinkers
If you have not won a conference championship you suck

I agree with your view on Shaka
But most horn fans are just tired of waiting
The jury is still out on the team. This team is wildly inconsistent. They need to win 2 of their next 4 to get into the tournament. Would you go all in on this happening? They need to win one more game simply to assure they don’t have a losing season.
Your Coach of the Year antics were by design to get everyone riled up...
The Coach of the Year does not have some of the ugly losses and inconsistencies this team has had. That Kansas State loss was bad, WVU, etc. That being said, if Shaka gets this team to the tournament, I believe it will be viewed that he has indeed turned the corner...

My point as well. Good post. We are who we are and as fans we are willing to accept just getting in the dance as our bar of success. Hope in another year our bar is raised.
He hasn't done a damn good job here in the totality of his three seasons, which I detailed in the article.

He's still a damn good coach.
Well then, what are your requirements for being a "damn good coach" ? wins and losses--nope.
Well coordinated offense--nope. Consistent play week in and week out--nope. I just don't see it.
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# 1 read with #5 sums it up. I’m not a subscriber to fox or cnn and never will be. Not sure what sports or humanity have to do with your political officiation. Cancelling my subscription for a couple of reasons... I’ll list them:

1. Opinions don’t matter just one particular view that is based on opinion. Hitler used the shut up and follow because I have the mic act as well. Yeah that worked out. Not surprisingly I think he would have a few bans on Twitter for outlandish hate insuring statements.

2. I subscribed to a sports board that provided no subjective info. You crushed that

3. Integrity.... not just talking about open forum either. I think there’s a lot of misconceptions on Ketch and I think the top one is with anyone who trusts the dude.

I have a boss that is diehard democrat and we get along perfectly fine because she is open to debate and I’m an independent. Ketch on the other hand pushes agendas. This board has become a tool and at that point I’m not going to be a nail. I’m out, I’ll find a site that has no agendas and actually wants the best for UT.

#1 was quite interesting. Comparing anyone to Hitler who is the most hated and racist human being in the history of mankind is in poor taste.
They are honestly still paying you to do this? No wonder you can’t rhink clearly on political topics either.
Click, click, click...this turns into a reality show with almost every Ketch post.
Just so we're clear here...the same guy who wrote this about the football team and Tom Herman in his first year...

is writing this about the basketball team and Shaka Smart in his third year...

You seriously couldn't make this stuff up if you tried. Hey OP, why do you hold each coach and program to such a different standard if not for politics?
good post.
Bwahahahahahaahaha. Best troll job ever.

Shaka has recruited very well, no question about that. The flip side. His offense is childish. His defense isn't much better. He is famous for a full court press, that he never uses at Texas.

I want to like Shaka, just like I wanted to like Charlie. And I want him to be successful.

But the man gets less results out of more talent than anyone in the conference. And its not close.

Did you see the bigs OU played against us. With those guys, we would go winless in the conference. That's why we beat OU. That and Young was in his first shooting funk and never broke out. That's a team that has lost 5 in a row and 8 of 10. And based on that remarkable turn of events, you dug up his prior record and propped him up as a great coach..

Let me just say again. Bwahahahaha. Charlie had a great record in a meh conference as well.

Next year will tell. No Bamba. No more excuses of being young since we will start 3 seniors. Matt Coleman better turn into TJ Ford or you wont ever get to post about BB again.

Let me say this. I hope you are right, because I love BB. I hope my lying eyes are just blinded by the product I have watched the last two years.
But ...but ... I don't think he can coach?
But ...but ... he's a one-hit wonder!
But ...but ... he's done a terrible job this year!
That's crazy talk. 85-percent! SJW! You're a clown!
Yeah, but last year was the worst year in school history.We're Texas. We can do better.
Yeah, but I still don't think he can coach.
So, you're saying he's going to be a success at Texas?

You won't be alone. None of it can be refuted. Easier for some to skip truths.
OK, so based on a strawman argument with a hypothetical ignoramus of your own devising, you now claim to have irrefutably proven that Shaka is doing a great job. Irrefutable? This is a Rush Limbaugh-esque level of of delusional self-inflation. I love you Ketch, but you're better than that.

Look, I appreciate some of your points:
  • Recruiting has been exceptional under Smart, especially considering our record (although I'd argue we put a lot of eggs in the Keldon Johnson basket and got badly burned this year).
  • We are a young team (although in year 3 that starts to look like the coach's fault)
  • The Big 12 is a really tough conference (although with KU down it's the best opportunity in over a decade for a title)
  • We've been competitive with some great teams (although we always seem to lose those down the stretch, and for every Duke game this year we seem to have a KSU letdown to match)
  • Smart has done a great job before at VCU (although he did it in a mid-major conference where all that was needed was a good tourney run)
  • Texas is a tough place to win. We have always been a football school (although in some ways this helps, as our hoops program isn't burdened with teh expectations that a KU, UK or Duke job carries).
The bottom line for me, though, is simple. I expect our coach to have a team that is mentally prepared to compete every time they take the floor. I expect him to have an offensive system that takes advantage of his team's talents, creates mismatches against other teams' weaknesses, and put points on the board consistently. And I expect to see improvement - both individually and as a team - over the course of the season. Instead we have yet another year where this team periodically shows signs of regression and is, often as not, simply painful to watch.

I'm not saying Shaka is terrible in all aspects of coaching, I'm not trying to get the guy fired, and I'm not asking for Final 4. But I do think it's very fair - especially in year 3 - to have serious doubts about whether Shaka is going to get it done here. I'm at an Agent Mulder level "I want to believe" with Smart, but based on the evidence so far I just can't see it happening.
OK, so based on a strawman argument with a hypothetical ignoramus of your own devising, you now claim to have irrefutably proven that Shaka is doing a great job. Irrefutable? This is a Rush Limbaugh-esque level of of delusional self-inflation. I love you Ketch, but you're better than that.

Look, I appreciate some of your points:
  • Recruiting has been exceptional under Smart, especially considering our record (although I'd argue we put a lot of eggs in the Keldon Johnson basket and got badly burned this year).
  • We are a young team (although in year 3 that starts to look like the coach's fault)
  • The Big 12 is a really tough conference (although with KU down it's the best opportunity in over a decade for a title)
  • We've been competitive with some great teams (although we always seem to lose those down the stretch, and for every Duke game this year we seem to have a KSU letdown to match)
  • Smart has done a great job before at VCU (although he did it in a mid-major conference where all that was needed was a good tourney run)
  • Texas is a tough place to win. We have always been a football school (although in some ways this helps, as our hoops program isn't burdened with teh expectations that a KU, UK or Duke job carries).
The bottom line for me, though, is simple. I expect our coach to have a team that is mentally prepared to compete every time they take the floor. I expect him to have an offensive system that takes advantage of his team's talents, creates mismatches against other teams' weaknesses, and put points on the board consistently. And I expect to see improvement - both individually and as a team - over the course of the season. Instead we have yet another year where this team periodically shows signs of regression and is, often as not, simply painful to watch.

I'm not saying Shaka is terrible in all aspects of coaching, I'm not trying to get the guy fired, and I'm not asking for Final 4. But I do think it's very fair - especially in year 3 - to have serious doubts about whether Shaka is going to get it done here. I'm at an Agent Mulder level "I want to believe" with Smart, but based on the evidence so far I just can't see it happening.
good post.
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You didn’t ever actually use any facts to explain how or why Shaka is a “damn good coach”

You just kept force feeding us through your column that he is. Really weird take
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The only thing I don't understand is why you go to bat so fiercely for Shaka, yet you're much harder on Tom comparatively?

Why does Shaka get the benefit of the doubt from you, but Tom doesn't. I'm not saying you hate Tom, but you definitely have a "show me" type tone in your columns and podcasts in particular.

You know but aren’t saying it.
Stopped reading at Shaka is a damn good coach...

... I really hope after 61 years in being a more than a T Shirt Fan that I am wrong and the Social Warior is right, but I just do not view Shaka as a great coach ... He is not in the Metro or Middle Eastern Lower NY Subway League anymore putting up those number of wins!!! It's Kansas, et al, and Aunty Em ain't home!!! My take is that Coach K walked off the court wondering how Texas collapsed or we played UT again and got 33 minutes of Hell !!!!
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Never mind that he took an 11-seed into the Final Four with a tougher road than any Texas team has ever climbed.

Or the six straight seasons of 26+ wins.

Or the seven total tournament appearances.

How many conference championships did he win in that crap conference you keep quoting all the wins from? Let us know. We’ll be waiting.
I report with considerable regret that I read it all, and still don't agree with it.
Struck me as mostly argumentative, but you've staked out your position.
Whatever, I didn't join OB because of your writing, nor do I stay because of it.

Quite apart from my disagreement with the Shaka Con part of it, the whole thing was among the least informative
in recent memory.
@Ketchum Draw up our fast break completion. What is our early offense? How many different sets do we run with 15 on the shot clock and 10 second sets. Draw up 5 inbounds plays we run. Draw up how many sets we run against a zone.

Take whatever sets you can find and compare what’s been added in conference play.

You may not like your answers but from a basketball pie chart the coaching x’s and o’s is missing. He may be a damn fine human and a motivator of men, but he is not well prepared and his teams show it night in and night out in conference play.

I know that you do not know much about how coaching the game of basketball actually works. Just say you love Shaka and you wish he would have been the guy you have in your heart and mind. That’s better than embarrassing yourself on actual coaching mechanics and exposing your guy.
You didn't answer the question.
Yea, pretty much this. Damn good coaches do not waste momentum after a huge win and lose their next two home games against mediocre teams, good coaches don't blow 12 point leads against mediocre teams on the road. This season could have been pretty good, but it's simply mediocre because we simply have a mediocre coaching staff.
Good coaches do those things all the time.

See Lon Kruger.
The jury is still out on the team. This team is wildly inconsistent. They need to win 2 of their next 4 to get into the tournament. Would you go all in on this happening? They need to win one more game simply to assure they don’t have a losing season.
Your Coach of the Year antics were by design to get everyone riled up...
The Coach of the Year does not have some of the ugly losses and inconsistencies this team has had. That Kansas State loss was bad, WVU, etc. That being said, if Shaka gets this team to the tournament, I believe it will be viewed that he has indeed turned the corner...
The Coach of the Year comments were made to emphasize just how good of a job he's doing this year.
Ketch, before you post another thread exalting any of Shaka Smart’s virtues as a coach, you should just stop and count to ten.
One Mississippi. Two Mississippi, Three.... No, wait! Oh, never mind.

Four is the word you were looking for.;)
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This is my first time posting. I joined OrangeBloods this winter because I kept seeing links to articles on the basketball team by Dustin McComas on Twitter and I wanted to read them. I love college basketball and and pretty much from November thru March I constantly have a game on. I grew up in Memphis rooting for the Memphis St. Tigers (now U of Memphis), went to Duke (my first year was also Coach K's first), and now I am also a diehard Longhorn basketball fan (have lived in Austin area for about 30 yrs, husband got MBA at UT and my 2 youngest children are currently at UT). And I am rooting for Shaka Smart. And I am rooting for this team. The vitriol

Mike Krzyzewski
Coach K was 10-17 in 1981-82, his 2nd year. He was 11-17 in 1982-83. And he was 38-47 in his first 3 years.
I'm not saying Shaka is Coach K, but based on his first 3 seasons I doubt very many Duke fans believed that he would end up being one of the truly great coaches.