Ohio State and Urban be troublin'

I forgot about Reese. He was lucky, selling drugs is not as hot a topic as domestic violence right now. I guess timing really is everything.
Is he looking like a player? Think he redshirted.
The difference is, had Mixon played for Texas and pulled that shit, he would've been booed off the field. Oklahoma fans roared their approval every time he touched the ball. That's the difference between scum and decent folk.

I know plenty of OU fans who have no love for Mixon. but arent gonna actively root against their team or a player on their team they dont like. No fan is gonna take a break from football to wait for a player they dislike to leave.

Bell you said a fan has no say. I'm responding by saying yes they do and they can sway a decision. You changing the topic to UT having a "drug dealer" from a women beater is typical. If the fans really didn't want Mixon to play for OU they would've made it possible. I'm not saying YOU alone can do it but get enough backing and it can happen. I don't hold you responsible for Mixon I think the post was saying OU fans as a whole didn't care enough.

It's not the fans so much as the boosters and the money behind the program. It's THOSE folks that would have any, if at all, sway into decisions the team makes. Those people can talk with coach, AD, the President who all can influence what happens. You cant collectively make millions of fans feel a certain way and the AD knows there will always be 80 90k+ folks out of those millions to fill out a stadium saturdays almost no matter what, like clockwork to support a winner. For all the moral indignation for however many fans, there are just as many in any fanbase who will support the team almost unquestioningly.

I mean look at all the stupidity performed by coaches, players, ex players, team owners that have been supported by their fans in all the big sports over the years. If the fact that Briles, Meyer and Paterno had throngs of fans fully 100% supported them and fought tooth & nail to keep them doedsnt tell you about the mindset of the sports fan nothing will. Hell this even extends to politics. Look who we elected to the presidency because people hated the other side so much. It's amazing what hate and love can do to a person's opinion about another person.
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The fans have no say so and do not make the decision if Mixon plays or not so give the high horse a rest.
Hold up dude, I'm not attacking you or accusing you of condoning Mixon's actions. You've got your dander up and there's no reason.

We both know if your daughter were a student at OU and even if you were not a season ticket holder, you'd have found a way to express your disapproval about what happened. Perhaps you file a lawsuit, perhaps you travel to Norman to raise hell, perhaps you grab a bat and beg the cops to give you 5 minutes alone in a room with mixon. But make no mistake, you'd have done something.

On the flip side of that coin, there's a perception that "many" OU fans just sort if shrugged it off. In today's society (whether right or wrong) if an act like this is committed and there's not visible outrage, it "can be" perceived as apathy. I remember you specifically admonishing mixon for his actions, but I think we can both agree if it happened to your child, admonishment would have been your lowest level of outrage. In short, you CAN have an impact, even if it's not your child.

As far as the drug dealer comment, this is the first I've heard of it. Who was the clown and what did he do?
OU was so upset with the Baylor situation that they pushed the conference to withhold 25% of BU's revenue. Now they defend playing Mixon, or at best, paraphrase Bobby Knight and say if he's going to play, might as well relax and enjoy it. The only difference is Baylor hid it, and OU did it in the open for all to see.
OU was so upset with the Baylor situation that they pushed the conference to withhold 25% of BU's revenue. Now they defend playing Mixon, or at best, paraphrase Bobby Knight and say if he's going to play, might as well relax and enjoy it. The only difference is Baylor hid it, and OU did it in the open for all to see.
Yeah and we want a refund for that db Y’all gave us
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I think there's more difference than that. Baylor players repeatedly got away with crimes that were covered up by the coach, AD, and even waco PD. There are text messages proving duplicity on the part of a number of folks in the administration. Over 30 players, 50+ accusations of rape and some of this was going on while they were publicly dealing with Ukwuachu and Oakman thus detailing what was a prevailing culture of acceptable violence. Comparing with the Mixon issue, it was one player, in a single incident that was not repeated. So i dont think these can really be comparable. They're both ugly and they are both black eyes to their universities but I hardly see how that can be compared apples to apples. Even if you added up all the questionable characters that played for OU in the Stoops era it wouldnt still be anywhere near the scope of the scandal at baylor. And before you go crazy and say that this is me supporting mixon, its' not, its me saying comparing mixon to baylor is not a good comparison.
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Don't want to rehash this again, BUT - its not just ONE incident at OU. Sholz help me out with the body county - Chaisson, Deded Westbrook, Dorial Green Beckham, Frank Shannon, Joe Mixon. BU is reaping wht is sowed. But what is the magic number for acceptability? 52 (as alleged but not verified in a plaintiff's lawyer petition) resulted in the burning of the Baylor program. But evidently five is ok? Because there are 5 at OU in the same time frame. That we know about.
OU screwed up bigtime keeping Mixon, he should have been gone. Stoops should be ashamed. He will always be a POS in my mind. What Mixon did was terrible and having it on video made it seem even worse.

But what Briles and company covered up was way, way worse. Can you imagine if there were videos of the crimes at Baylor that were covered up? It wasn't just one guy (so many I can not remember the names or even number of guys), and what they were doing was beyond horrible. Apples to oranges.
OU was so upset with the Baylor situation that they pushed the conference to withhold 25% of BU's revenue. Now they defend playing Mixon, or at best, paraphrase Bobby Knight and say if he's going to play, might as well relax and enjoy it. The only difference is Baylor hid it, and OU did it in the open for all to see.
I'm pretty sure that was Clayton Williams. Who managed to lose to Ann Richards. Who managed to destroy the democrats for the last 20+ years.
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Don't want to rehash this again, BUT - its not just ONE incident at OU. Sholz help me out with the body county - Chaisson, Deded Westbrook, Dorial Green Beckham, Frank Shannon, Joe Mixon. BU is reaping wht is sowed. But what is the magic number for acceptability? 52 (as alleged but not verified in a plaintiff's lawyer petition) resulted in the burning of the Baylor program. But evidently five is ok? Because there are 5 at OU in the same time frame. That we know about.
At the risk of sounding like I'm piling on, the old cliche is "the cover up is always worse than the crime". And I think you'll agree, the cover up in Waco was titanic in nature. You're focusing on the crimes--- we are focusing on the cover up.
You are correct about Clayton - I'd forgotten about that. Buy Coach Knight liked it so much he appropriated it for himself.
Clayton appropriated it from the oil bidness. My grandpa used to say the same thing years before I heard williams say it.

When he did I thought "meh--- I've heard that before"--- and I was 14. Now the open discussions about how he and his aggy buddies would drive to Nuevo Laredo to go to boys town was what shocked me.
The fans have no say so and do not make the decision if Mixon plays or not...
So explain to me why violence against females is overlooked at certain places (OU, Baylor, tOSU) and doesn’t fly at others? Because the fan bases at places such as UT wouldn’t stand for it, that’s why. The OU coaches and admins know your fans couldn’t care less so why not take the thug who’s a good football player.
Scholz my dumb ass has more class than you do. I don’t take you seriously.
You are such a easy target it’s boring. I’m not going to bring up the discussing gif you use often. You wouldn’t coach my kids buddy. Judging others you have to be shitting me.
Is this an insult towards me? I honestly can’t tell. Your English is unintelligible.
Don't want to rehash this again, BUT - its not just ONE incident at OU. Sholz help me out with the body county - Chaisson, Deded Westbrook, Dorial Green Beckham, Frank Shannon, Joe Mixon. BU is reaping wht is sowed. But what is the magic number for acceptability? 52 (as alleged but not verified in a plaintiff's lawyer petition) resulted in the burning of the Baylor program. But evidently five is ok? Because there are 5 at OU in the same time frame. That we know about.

Yep and you can add all that up, including those that never played for OU and will wouldnt come to close to what happened at baylor. Not sure how you mean 5 is okay. I never suggested it was. I guess i have to repeat myself- its not a defense of anything anyone did, its me saying comparing OU to the baylor scandal in this regard is not a good comparison.
The two things can be true at once. What happened at Baylor should end their school IMO and at the very least get them booted from the Big XII. Yes, Baylor was worse. That statement however does not mitigate OU overlooking all the girl beatings.
Yep and you can add all that up, including those that never played for OU and will wouldnt come to close to what happened at baylor. Not sure how you mean 5 is okay. I never suggested it was. I guess i have to repeat myself- its not a defense of anything anyone did, its me saying comparing OU to the baylor scandal in this regard is not a good comparison.
52 got Briles fired. 5 did nothing to Stoops. I'm just trying to figure out how many have to happen before I can grab my pitchfork.
The two things can be true at once. What happened at Baylor should end their school IMO and at the very least get them booted from the Big XII. Yes, Baylor was worse. That statement however does not mitigate OU overlooking all the girl beatings.

Never suggested otherwise.

52 got Briles fired. 5 did nothing to Stoops. I'm just trying to figure out how many have to happen before I can grab my pitchfork.

Well 3 of those 5 are not something any coach loses his job over. Chaisson never made it to campus, and DGB didnt transgress while at OU. Nobody even knew about Westbrook but he was also on good behavior while at OU. There was nothing duplicitous about what OU did, there was no subterfuge.

And both Shannon and Mixon were punished and lost a year, both incidents in the wide open. Those are the most questionable and they happened at the end of his career. I would say those 5 examples dont suggest the kind of problem like the 50+ at baylor that they covered up. I bet if Stoops was caught in a scandal and coverup like Briles he would have been gone.Stoops at least punished them and didnt pretend nothing happened. Not defending what he did, just trying to say its not that comparable.
God bless Saint Stoops. Now back to talking about how crooked of a program OSU is and their dishonest coach. I hope they get what's coming to them.
Has anybody heard how the beaten wife (allegedly) and her testimony with the investigators went yesterday??

Been awfully fvcking quiet.
Has anybody heard how the beaten wife (allegedly) and her testimony with the investigators went yesterday??

Been awfully fvcking quiet.

Oh, why would the mainstream press stop covering a hot story? Maybe because if they covered it, they would be accused of victim shaming. Victim shaming is very bad (the worst), even if it turns out the victim was bat shit crazy and making up a story in hopes of $.

Journalists who victim shame get fired. Journalists who know when to shut up don't.

Or maybe everyone has lost interest in the entire thing. Maryland is the new shiny object for the press.
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So here is the new story line:

Back in 2009 Zach decides he's going to play hide the pickle with someone down in florida ad wifey finds out. Urban and his wife sit down with the couple and convince them to go to counseling and work it out.
Urban then removes himself from the situation and allows the couple to find their own path.

Urban takes the job at Ohio state and asks Zach if he and his wife have their sh!t worked out. Zach tells urban they do, but in reality they don't. The relationship is toxic at this point but a public face is being put on by courtney because Zach is the meal ticket.

Nary a day goes by that courtney doesn't chastise him about his infidelity and threatens to fvck around on him constantly as a form of revenge. Toxic environment for both. He suggests divorce and she's like "awww hell nah" because she doesn't want to lose that 6 figure meal ticket, extravagant vacays, big house, perks etc.

So this witches brew of a relationship keeps getting worse. At this one point, both zach's mom and courtney's mom, on separate occasions, see courtney try and goad him into violence by blocking his path as he would try and come down stairs, or walk dow a hallway. In each occasion, say both moms, Zach would literally pick her up and move her out of the way. She's a little bitty person, and her mother acknowledges that "ya, if he picked me up by my arms and moved me I'm sure there would be read marks and or bruises". Turns out courtney bruises like a peach because of low iron in her blood (anemia runs in the family).

Mom went on to say courtney would then run to the bathroom and take photos of said red marks.

On several occasions both Zach and courtney's mom said they heard courtney threaten to take down Zach, Urban and the entire staff if he didn't do this or that or whatever. (this all started around 2013 allegedly)

They are painting her as the scab picker.

She just wouldn't let it go--- he knew he fvcked up by cheating on her and now she had something to hang over his head for eternity, but she wouldn't divorce him because of his wallet. She's being painted as the prettiest girl from the trailer park who married a goober with a great family name ad a $400k job and she wasn't going to give that up, but she also delighted in baiting her husband toward violence.

Now, I'm not saying I believe this, I'm not saying I don't believe this. Maybe she is a crazy b!tch, maybe she's a scorned woman.

Here's what I do know---- if you marry a woman, you've made a promise. If you can't live up to that promise, then don't get married. If you want to stick your d!ck in other women, then marry a woman that likes poosay as much as you do and the two of you can swing away.

Otherwise Zach, old boy, you kinda reap whatcha sow.
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So here is the new story line:

Back in 2009 Zach decides he's going to play hide the pickle with someone down in florida ad wifey finds out. Urban and his wife sit down with the couple and convince them to go to counseling and work it out.
Urban then removes himself from the situation and allows the couple to find their own path.

Urban takes the job at Ohio state and asks Zach if he and his wife have their sh!t worked out. Zach tells urban they do, but in reality they don't. The relationship is toxic at this point but a public face is being put on by courtney because Zach is the meal ticket.

Nary a day goes by that courtney doesn't chastise him about his infidelity and threatens to fvck around on him constantly as a form of revenge. Toxic environment for both. He suggests divorce and she's like "awww hell nah" because she doesn't want to lose that 6 figure meal ticket, extravagant vacays, big house, perks etc.

So this witches brew of a relationship keeps getting worse. At this one point, both zach's mom and courtney's mom, on separate occasions, see courtney try and goad him into violence by blocking his path as he would try and come down stairs, or walk dow a hallway. In each occasion, say both moms, Zach would literally pick her up and move her out of the way. She's a little bitty person, and her mother acknowledges that "ya, if he picked me up by my arms and moved me I'm sure there would be read marks and or bruises". Turns out courtney bruises like a peach because of low iron in her blood (anemia runs in the family).

Mom went on to say courtney would then run to the bathroom and take photos of said red marks.

On several occasions both Zach and courtney's mom said they heard courtney threaten to take down Zach, Urban and the entire staff if he didn't do this or that or whatever. (this all started around 2013 allegedly)

They are painting her as the scab picker.

She just wouldn't let it go--- he knew he fvcked up by cheating on her and now she had something to hang over his head for eternity, but she wouldn't divorce him because of his wallet. She's being painted as the prettiest girl from the trailer park who married a goober with a great family name ad a $400k job and she wasn't going to give that up, but she also delighted in baiting her husband toward violence.

Now, I'm not saying I believe this, I'm not saying I don't believe this. Maybe she is a crazy b!tch, maybe she's a scorned woman.

Here's what I do know---- if you marry a woman, you've made a promise. If you can't live up to that promise, then don't get married. If you want to stick your d!ck in other women, then marry a woman that likes poosay as much as you do and the two of you can swing away.

Otherwise Zach, old boy, you kinda reap whatcha sow.

Is it not possible for a man to divorce his wife? I mean can you not as a man go get a lawyer to draw up divorce papers just like a woman. If my wife is supposedly this crazy sorry it's time for a divorce and yes I know I'll end up giving half a way but it's not worth my career.

On several occasions both Zach and courtney's mom said they heard courtney threaten to take down Zach, Urban and the entire staff if he didn't do this or that or whatever.

Take them down for what?
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Is it not possible for a man to divorce his wife? I mean can you not as a man go get a lawyer to draw up divorce papers just like a woman. If my wife is supposedly this crazy sorry it's time for a divorce and yes I know I'll end up giving half a way but it's not worth my career.

Take them down for what?

No idea about divorce laws in Ohio. But consider this--- perhaps his religious beliefs won't allow him to divorce OR perhaps he truly felt guilty for cheating on her and he's staying with her because of said guilt (for a while at least because they eventually divorced).

She threatened to take him down because he knew she had been taking photos of her red marks, and perhaps he felt she could make up a convincing enough story to fvck him over.

Look at the climate right now-- an evil woman COULD make up a story about abuse and the vast majority of people now would believe her. Even if it ends up being bullsh!t, it's like an IRS audit when you know you've done nothing wrong--- still a massive pain in the arse.

Now, I'm not saying it's true, I'm just reporting.
Clayton appropriated it from the oil bidness. My grandpa used to say the same thing years before I heard williams say it.

When he did I thought "meh--- I've heard that before"--- and I was 14. Now the open discussions about how he and his aggy buddies would drive to Nuevo Laredo to go to boys town was what shocked me.
What was shocking about boys town? The deed, or that they talked about it?
What was shocking about boys town? The deed, or that they talked about it?
Well when you're 14 and a freshman and you've just diddled your first girl who was a 16 year old junior, and a candidate for governor is openly talking about going to Mexico to shag sloots, and how much fun it was........ you know..... PAYING for poonanny, ya man, it was a little shocking for a 14 year old.

Maybe I was naive at that time but even today, and I've been to boystown before (and no, I did not pay for anything other than beers and the entry fee to the donkey show) I'm not just going to start a public conversation like this:

"You know, back when I was in school in college station, me and the boys would hop in the truck with a handle of whiskey and drive to the border cause there weren't no girls in our town....".

Why not drive to houston, or austin or San Antonio?

"Awwww hell nah. You could go to boystown and for 5 dollars get you wick wet!"

Shocking..... for a 14 year old.
I don't get prostitution. Truth be told, I actually tried it once. Thanks to idiot friends and Las Vegas. I just sat there in this long awkward moment, then told the ho I'd just pay her and she could leave. I just couldn't get excited about the project. No thrill of the hunt. No conquest. Sh*t just ain't for me.
I don't get prostitution. Truth be told, I actually tried it once. Thanks to idiot friends and Las Vegas. I just sat there in this long awkward moment, then told the ho I'd just pay her and she could leave. I just couldn't get excited about the project. No thrill of the hunt. No conquest. Sh*t just ain't for me.
You mean she loved you, but wasn't "in love" with you? :)
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perhaps his religious beliefs won't allow him to divorce OR perhaps he truly felt guilty for cheating on her and he's staying with her because of said guilt (for a while at least because they eventually divorced).

Perhaps he thought it was cheaper to keeper.

She threatened to take him down because he knew she had been taking photos of her red marks, and perhaps he felt she could make up a convincing enough story to fvck him over.

But what does that have to do with Urban and staff?

Here's my guess of what probably happen.

They had plenty of fights and it probably was her throwing his infidelities at him every time. Trust wasn't given and it was constant nagging from her and he probably exploded and possibly hit her or pushed her. His and her parents couldn't have been there every single time they got into an argument.
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Are you asking how she would take them down? Because she took her ex completely down and kicked Urban in the nuts.

Right but I'm speaking of before. Clob is saying that she was threating about taking everyone down (2013) not in 2015 when the alleged abuse happen "again". So I'm wondering what is she threating to take them down with if supposedly no abuse happened between 2010-2014. We all know about the allegations in 2009 so was she talking about that again or was there something also going on in between those years.

She took them down just recently and it's because of the 2015 incident and it not supposedly being reported.
I don't get prostitution. Truth be told, I actually tried it once. Thanks to idiot friends and Las Vegas. I just sat there in this long awkward moment, then told the ho I'd just pay her and she could leave. I just couldn't get excited about the project. No thrill of the hunt. No conquest. Sh*t just ain't for me.
That's the whole thing for me. I enjoy the Jedi mind games.

"Those are not the panties you are looking for...."

I've even done the chase and flipped the script midway through, several times in fact. Mind games are fun, in bars. Especially the "my girlfriend would like to buy you a drink" moments. Come at me with one of those and by the end of the night I'll have said female convinced that she'd drink a gallon of bleach if it meant she could get in my pants.

I know..... "Clob, use your powers for good--- not evil...". It's just too much fun...... sometimes.
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