Oh dude, I am. Here's what gets me, we've got people yelling "if you're on the no fly list, you shouldn"t be able to....... blah blah blah".
First off, as I've stated before, while that idea might SEEM like a good one, as soon as the FBI or feds can explain to me how Ted Kennedy got on that list, and how it took him 6 months to get off it, THEN explain to me how my little brother got on it--- and incidentally, it effected his life, his job, his employer was like "how in the hell did you get put on the no fly list?"..... it almost cost him his job.... we can't even deliver mail with much proficiency-- the only thing our government does well is our military. And I'm not ready to credit elected officials for that.
And let's look at that no fly list for a second. Who's in charge of vetting that Iist? Is it the FBI? Is it the same people that vetted the list of security guards that were working at federal buildings? Are those the same people that will be vetting the "middle eastern refugees" they want to bring in to the US? How do you contest being on the list or get off the list? What's the criteria for being PUT on that list? To this day they NEVER explained to my brother WHY he was on that list. A blonde haired blue eyed kid who doesn't share my love for international travel, a kid who was born in west texas, the grandson of a veteran of WWII, and someone who'd been to Mexico and I think Canada in his life time. How'd he get put on that list?
Fvck them and fvck their list. Think about this for a second-- many of you have jobs that require travel. Imagine walking into your boss and saying "Boss, I went to the airport today to fly to Phoenix and meet with our client and they wouldn't allow me to board the plane. Then I was detained by the FAA and DHS and questioned for 5 hours. By the way, we lost that big client in Phoenix."
Soooooo do you think the feds give a sh!t that your company now is going to go belly up because your biggest client was stood up by you? Then what happens when you tell the client "well, Bob couldn't get on the plane because he is now on the no fly list....". Pretty sure your client never calls again. Is the Fed going to fix that problem? Are they going to call your client and explain that it was a mistake? Are they going to repair your damaged reputation? By the time they get around to it (if they ever do) will it even matter? What if your boss fires you for a mistake made by the feds? Do you sue your boss for wrongful termination? Do you sue the feds for improperly putting you on the list? You're not going to win that trial..... and the next job interview you go on, imagine explaining that to the person you're interviewing with..... "well uh, for some weird reason, I'm on the no fly list....but I'm trying to work with the government to get off it....". Think you'll get hired?