OT: School Shootings

Police in America today remind me of the Argentinian army: great at killing unarmed civilians, not so good at fighting other people with guns.
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I've never been in that situation (not even close) where I had to run into a building and try to take down and active shooter who has a semi automatic rifle and all I had was pistol. I'm sure he was scared and probably thought if he goes in there he will probably never see his family again. I'd imagine that's a pretty hard spot to be in and I'm not going to judge. With that said, I think teachers should be able to arm and protect themselves if they choose. They can't rely on others to protect them. Not saying all the teachers will be expected to actively seek the shooter out, but it would be nice to have a way to defend yourself when you are barricaded in a room and a guy busts in shooting at you.
I've never been in that situation (not even close) where I had to run into a building and try to take down and active shooter who has a semi automatic rifle and all I had was pistol. I'm sure he was scared and probably thought if he goes in there he will probably never see his family again. I'd imagine that's a pretty hard spot to be in and I'm not going to judge. With that said, I think teachers should be able to arm and protect themselves if they choose. They can't rely on others to protect them. Not saying all the teachers will be expected to actively seek the shooter out, but it would be nice to have a way to defend yourself when you are barricaded in a room and a guy busts in shooting at you.

If you don't want to be a cop don't be a cop, but if you are a cop you got to do your job.
It takes a village.

We've lost that in our world. When the native American warriors would leave camp and go to hunt or on a raid, if their settlement came under attack, everyone else took up arms to defend the tribe. If a child was orphaned, the entire tribe would band together to feed, clothe and raise the child.

Of the last 27 mass shootings in this country, 26 of the shooter grew up without a father in their lives.

26 out of 27. I'm no mathematician but I did get an A in statistical analysis in college------ and THAT right there is an undeniable trend.
It takes a village.

We've lost that in our world. When the native American warriors would leave camp and go to hunt or on a raid, if their settlement came under attack, everyone else took up arms to defend the tribe. If a child was orphaned, the entire tribe would band together to feed, clothe and raise the child.

Of the last 27 mass shootings in this country, 26 of the shooter grew up without a father in their lives.

26 out of 27. I'm no mathematician but I did get an A in statistical analysis in college------ and THAT right there is an undeniable trend.

There would be some in society that would tell you having a father is not a necessity and that men are becoming pointless...
You can probably link the broken home theory to just crime in general not necessarily school shootings.
You can probably link the broken home theory to just crime in general not necessarily school shootings.
I don't disagree with you Bubba. Not at all. But 26 out of 27 is pretty overwhelming....
It takes a village.

We've lost that in our world. When the native American warriors would leave camp and go to hunt or on a raid, if their settlement came under attack, everyone else took up arms to defend the tribe. If a child was orphaned, the entire tribe would band together to feed, clothe and raise the child.

Of the last 27 mass shootings in this country, 26 of the shooter grew up without a father in their lives.

26 out of 27. I'm no mathematician but I did get an A in statistical analysis in college------ and THAT right there is an undeniable trend.

To go further, I wonder what type of discipline they all received growing up. Kids used to get spankings at school and now if a teacher or anyone even touches them wrong or hurts their feelings it's grounds for getting fired. Does anyone think there is any correlation in the rise in mass shootings and the fall in butt whoopings? Seems like they started around the same time. I would love to know more facts about these kids backgrounds and how they were raised.
Punishment, especially physical punishment is a very poor way to modify behavior. But that's besides the point. People don't just walk out one day and decide they are going to kill a bunch of people. It takes years of neglect and abuse to develop that type of anger and disconnection from reality. Apparently this kid was a problem child for years. If you add teacher spanking to the mix he probably snaps and goes after teachers with a gun.
Punishment, especially physical punishment is a very poor way to modify behavior. But that's besides the point. People don't just walk out one day and decide they are going to kill a bunch of people. It takes years of neglect and abuse to develop that type of anger and disconnection from reality. Apparently this kid was a problem child for years. If you add teacher spanking to the mix he probably snaps and goes after teachers with a gun.

Punishment is a poor way to modify behavior? Of course spanking or the lack of spanking didn't push these kids one way or another, just pointing out the difference in what is now considered acceptable punishment and what seems like an increasing amount of mentally disturbed young adults there are now. Whatever the reason, I'm betting these kids parents all failed them somehow.
After the Virginia Tech shooting, all law enforcement was given the mandate and training to change the way they responded to this type shooting. Before the VT deal they were told to get into defensive positions and wait for swat. After the VT incident they were told/given training to enter and nullify the shooter no matter if they were alone or not. This has been taught for a looooong time. This POS cop WITH A GUN chose to sit around and do nothing while unarmed children were dying.

No excuse for this inaction!
So many people lack purpose today. Self sacrifice, integrity, volunteering for community, virtue, etc.... are not looked upon with reverence as they have been in the past. Excessive greed fostered by 24x7 marketing, easy credit, easy default, instant gratification were all once shunned. Now evil is good and good is evil.
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After the Virginia Tech shooting, all law enforcement was given the mandate and training to change the way they responded to this type shooting. Before the VT deal they were told to get into defensive positions and wait for swat. After the VT incident they were told/given training to enter and nullify the shooter no matter if they were alone or not. This has been taught for a looooong time. This POS cop WITH A GUN chose to sit around and do nothing while unarmed children were dying.

No excuse for this inaction!

Bet if his kid or kids were in there he’d have dropped his nuts and charged in.
He was in fear for his life. Like the Orlando SWAT team that waited outside for hours while the shooter killed.
Errrrr......ummmm....... as it turns out----- there were four---- count'em, FOUR cops that waiting around for someone to go in.

What the actual Fook is this about? Four armed men with badges just sitting around outside while "pop, pop, bang, bang" goes on inside.......

Honest to god..... and I don't like verbalizing stuff like this---- but how do these dudes continue to live with themselves? I mean, I don't particularly like most kids......... but I'm not going to stand by and watch them get shwacked by some slapnut---- especially if I have a sgun to shoot bakc with.
You never know who is going to stand when the SHTF. I don't know but I bet the guy that didn't go in had never been tested under fire. He was probably a very dependable officer and did his job by the book. Some people can't handle it.

I worked in a prison for 20 years and I've seen the big bad weight lifter tough talking officer break and a 130 pound woman never back up during a use of force. You never know who you can depend on during a use of force, but you never, never forget the ones that don't break.
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Errrrr......ummmm....... as it turns out----- there were four---- count'em, FOUR cops that waiting around for someone to go in.

What the actual Fook is this about? Four armed men with badges just sitting around outside while "pop, pop, bang, bang" goes on inside.......

Honest to god..... and I don't like verbalizing stuff like this---- but how do these dudes continue to live with themselves? I mean, I don't particularly like most kids......... but I'm not going to stand by and watch them get shwacked by some slapnut---- especially if I have a sgun to shoot bakc with.
The Orlando night club shooting was much worse. There was an off duty officer at the door. The SWAT was ther in just a few minutes. Then they waited for the right moment, which didn't come for hours while people were dying. Of course it was investigated "internally".
My first year teaching was 2000 at a Jr. High. During teacher in-service the new SRO introduced himself and talked about his different roles and responsibilities. One of the biggest things he talked about was positive interactions with law enforcement. He talked about school shootings. Columbine happened 18 months prior to that. He said the officers there did it by the book but the book was wrong. He had just completed training to enter a building during an active shooter situation and I will never forget what he told us. He said every morning before he put his Kevlar vest on he would ask himself if he was willing to die that day. As long as the answer was yes he would put on the vest and go to work. He said the day the answer was no he knew it would be time to retire.
Errrrr......ummmm....... as it turns out----- there were four---- count'em, FOUR cops that waiting around for someone to go in.

What the actual Fook is this about? Four armed men with badges just sitting around outside while "pop, pop, bang, bang" goes on inside.......

Honest to god..... and I don't like verbalizing stuff like this---- but how do these dudes continue to live with themselves? I mean, I don't particularly like most kids......... but I'm not going to stand by and watch them get shwacked by some slapnut---- especially if I have a sgun to shoot bakc with.

Now it is past time to villify those cowardly cops. The blame has to be squarely at the feet of the Sheriff! He has the responsibility to insure that his department is trained for these situations. That training is available....even the live fire training that separates those who will fight and those that will freeze.

This is very like a military operation and no military operation that fails is blamed on the private that did not act properly.
so much for the consealed carry idea preventing the tradgedy.....turns out there was a deputy sherriff outside the building the whole time the shooting was happening....just sorta hanging around.

They now say FOUR deputies would not enter the school. If true, I'd get some new Sheriffs Deputies.

Do you think the Football Coach who died shielding High School kids from the shooter might have done better if he had been carrying? He might have got the little (***rd by me ) and, depending on when he and the shooter were together, might have saved 16 AND himself.
Add another to the list. Santa Fe High School. Everyone make sure they post on social media "prayers" because you know that is working.
Damn, I was soph at Bay City in 1999 when we had a teacher assaulted in a classroom that made national news. I can't even imagine witnessing 8 students being shot and killed. This is getting out of control.
Add another to the list. Santa Fe High School. Everyone make sure they post on social media "prayers" because you know that is working.

Just going to have to get used to it if we are unwilling to harden the schools. If you want to disarm society, you will be going house to house fighting law abiding citizens while the schools are still getting shot up.

On the lapel, there is a star with the hammer and sickle. Dylan Kliebold from Columbine wore the same thing. This is the symbol of the old Soviet flag which represented communism.
Just going to have to get used to it if we are unwilling to harden the schools. If you want to disarm society, you will be going house to house fighting law abiding citizens while the schools are still getting shot up.

I don’t want to disarm society. Never wanted that i just want kids to able to go to school and not worry about another kid killing them. How donwe solve that without getting everyone up in arms about their guns getting taken way and about someone saying that needs to be done. Dunno!
I don’t want to disarm society. Never wanted that i just want kids to able to go to school and not worry about another kid killing them. How donwe solve that without getting everyone up in arms about their guns getting taken way and about someone saying that needs to be done. Dunno!

Treat schools like banks.... God knows that what's in the schools is more important than fiat dollars.
Hmm. Quiet, kept to himself, (isolated) played a lot of video games (I'm guessing a lot of call of duty), obsessed with gun, wore black clothes and a trench coat to school every day and people say there were no warning signs.
Hmm. Quiet, kept to himself, (isolated) played a lot of video games (I'm guessing a lot of call of duty), obsessed with gun, wore black clothes and a trench coat to school every day and people say there were no warning signs.

Ya, go figure.
I’m bummed the dude survived.
I'm not and allow me if you will, to tell you why:


That's what I want to say to the kid. "Why did you do this? Was it about them teasing you? Were you off your meds? Why were you on meds to begin with? Who gave you the meds? You weren't on meds? Ok....... we're you abused? If so, by whom? Did you report it? Did a girl reject you? Did you have any friends? Who were you angry at?"

See, asking these questions can better help us to understand what CAUSES this sh!t instead of just tossing the blanket over GUNS.
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As a parent of teenagers I think the parents need to start being held to some degree of responsibility. No way in hell my kid would be mixed up in that type of lifestyle or exhibiting those kinds of behaviours and beliefs without me seeing or knowing something aint right.