OT: School Shootings

I'm not and allow me if you will, to tell you why:


That's what I want to say to the kid. "Why did you do this? Was it about them teasing you? Were you off your meds? Why were you on meds to begin with? Who gave you the meds? You weren't on meds? Ok....... we're you abused? If so, by whom? Did you report it? Did a girl reject you? Did you have any friends? Who were you angry at?"

See, asking these questions can better help us to understand what CAUSES this sh!t instead of just tossing the blanket over GUNS.
Fully understand that point of view and agree. I am NOT in favor of tossing a blanket over guns.
How about we hang onto him for a year, get answers to your questions, then allow every parent who lost someone put a bullet in him.

He planned this, and maybe even had help. His clothing had same symbol from guys who did Columbine? He needs to go. And as quickly as possible.
Why mock Christians? Let people who want to pray do it in peace.

Didn’t know Christians where the only people that pray also didn’t know they’re the only people that post on social media sites everytime this happens. So I guess I’m “mocking” more than one religious person. My point is posting I’m praying for the victims doesn’t seem to help the situation since it’s done every time this happens. Think we need another response. Sorry if I offended anyone that post about praying.
I can explain why they post Prayers sent or whatever. They’re paying respects on social media. I think it’s great. Prayers to the victims and families.
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Europe does not seem to have a problem.
The Europeans are largely disarmed. That was true in the 30s as well. Do you remember how that turned out? Seriously , do you know any euro youth? I have a Roman nephew and i hosted a couple of exchange students for a year. Euro youth make ours look like over achievers.
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Do they not have mental illness in other countries that are similar to the US though? We (US) seem to have a big problem with mass shootings and just shootings in general at schools. If mental illness is the issue shouldn't this happen in other countries. We're all human we all are capable of having mental problems.
The U.S. is different on mental health. The Kennedys had a psychotic sister who had a lobotomy, was cared for at home. They were horrified by state hospitals, especially the documentary film TITTICUT FOLLIES. They started a crusade against state hospitals. Something like 90% of beds eliminated. Many, perhaps most homeless would have been involuntarily committed.

On the lapel, there is a star with the hammer and sickle. Dylan Kliebold from Columbine wore the same thing. This is the symbol of the old Soviet flag which represented communism.

There’s also an Iron Cross, a symbol last used by the Nazis. Somehow I don’t think any coherent political ideas formed the basis of his actions.
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As a parent of teenagers I think the parents need to start being held to some degree of responsibility. No way in hell my kid would be mixed up in that type of lifestyle or exhibiting those kinds of behaviours and beliefs without me seeing or knowing something aint right.
And bell, I believe that you believe what you just said is 100% accurate........ however, what parent would say "well sh!t, it figures. I saw this coming for years....."
It's almost like people I see walking their pitbulls that swear it's the "most docile dog ever" and "it will only lick you to death" and then a year later you see that same person in public and they have stitches or scars and you ask them where their dog is and they say "oh, I had to put him down because he bit me........ but he never, ever acted like that before....".

I don't think parents inherently see flaws in their kids because a flaw in their kid means a flaw came from the parent.

Obviously bell I'm not saying your kids would ever be involved in something like this, but which parent does?
And bell, I believe that you believe what you just said is 100% accurate........ however, what parent would say "well sh!t, it figures. I saw this coming for years....."
It's almost like people I see walking their pitbulls that swear it's the "most docile dog ever" and "it will only lick you to death" and then a year later you see that same person in public and they have stitches or scars and you ask them where their dog is and they say "oh, I had to put him down because he bit me........ but he never, ever acted like that before....".

I don't think parents inherently see flaws in their kids because a flaw in their kid means a flaw came from the parent.

Obviously bell I'm not saying your kids would ever be involved in something like this, but which parent does?
I agree but I’m also the kind of parent who is humble enough to recognize my kids aren’t perfect and if I see an issue developing I will not hesitate to have them start talking to a counselor or whatever. Wearing born to kill shirts would never have happened in my house and in my opinion if your kid is wearing that type of stuff, it’s time to rip him out of his setting and get to the bottom of what’s going on. That’s just my opinion on how I would handle it.

I had an old neighbor whose kid at 11 years old was getting picked on and bullied mercilessly at school. He was bigger than most kids at that age and probably not totally right in the head. If that was my kid, I probably would have ripped him out of that school and sent him to private school etc. instead his idiot parents put him on antidepressants at 11. He’s 19 now and a mess. I actually surprised he didn’t go off the deep end and make a name for himself for all of the wrong reasons.
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The problem with all of the kids stem from parents. Reason why, A) most believe that their kid is the best kid in the world and wouldn't hurt a fly. B) The kids you see with guns are trained from parents or other adults on how to use guns. C) Parents does no home training no more. When I look at when I was a kid. I had a grandPA and grandma that taught and showed me things such as cooking in the kitchen, planting a garden, cutting a yard. You don't have grand parents like that no more (well, not as much). The grandparents are way younger and most are still trying to club. Mothers of now are late teens. The dads are young as well. So they are dumb as nails because the ones who teaching these kids are other kids who influence them in bad things. I remember growing up and kids would listen to hard rock but never seen them go do the crazy stuff on a rock song or listen to rap and do crazy stuff.
Kids need home training. Whip they butt and let them know that you are the parent and they are the kid. I see kids cursing the mom out and she's cursing him back. That's the problem right there. Trying to treat them equally. No kid will be equal in my home until he or she goes off to college or the military to be a man or woman.
Not to get to far into the weeds on this one, but you can see the degeneration of society starting along the same time the family unit began to decline in numbers. When parents would rather be friends with their children instead of parents, or when parents don't do the things that parents are supposed to do like teach their kids how to handle adversity and rejection, and how to deal with things, it was only a matter of time before ill-equipped teens began to do stupid stuff. There are so many factors that go into what makes teens function, but not having parents who are involved (as a parent) in the lives of their teens is one of the biggest red flags there is. Someone said it above, we have too many parents who don't want to hurt their kids feelings with anything and so when they face rejection or adversity for the first time sh*t hits the fan.
You can't getcha club on and getcha kid on at the same time. You gotta choose----

Chris Rock
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There’s also an Iron Cross, a symbol last used by the Nazis. Somehow I don’t think any coherent political ideas formed the basis of his actions.
I've seen posts from both extremes, trying to blame the killing on the other side. I'd be surprised if someone wasn't using PhotoShop in this endeavor. Someone, somewhere is creating fake memes.

Present company excepted, I assume.
It appears the kid had a crush on a girl that eventually called him out in front of his classmates and embarrassed him. So, he shot her.

He then went around and shot other kids he disliked and spared the kids he liked. Yet another reason to legalize prostitution. I know many will scoff at that but, be honest..... when you were 16 and gettin some, what were you thinking about all day in class?
I'd never want to trivialize suicide, but:

In my day, to "show those people," a guy would take his own life (or hopefully, think better of it). Now, he tries to make the world news by taking 15.

Curiously, this problem is rather USA-specific. Whether it's our culture or the availability, we need to figure this out. We ALL need to reexamine our assumptions. Or it's just going to get worse. Sooner or later, it's going to affect someone you love, or some school that you're familiar with.

It has for me.