My best friends brother in law was killed in a car accident on Friday night in Liberty Hill when two teenage kids potentially racing ran a red red light and both cars t boned his truck on the drivers side. He went out to get Diapers and never made it home that evening. Brandon was the sole bread winner as she was staying home with there 3 year old daughter and 1 year old son. Our world is shattered. Hug your loved ones because you never know when it might be the last time you'll get to do it. If anyone feels compelled to help out, a go-fund me has been set up to cover some of the speed bums Kaila is sure to deal with.
Donate to Support for Kaila Rogers and her family after tragic loss, organized by Kate Bunch
Brandon Rogers lost his life 02/28/25 while driving home from wor… Kate Bunch needs your support for Support for Kaila Rogers and her family after tragic loss
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