The Eyes of Texas

How tight do you think Daniel Snyder's a$$hole is right now. Regardless of your opinion on this, their is zero chance the NFL let's him keep that name and doesn't get crushed by the media.

I guess he could throw enough money at BLM that they forget that RLM too.
A political moron who is out of his element with regards to public health policy. Better?
Political lifers are the reason we are in much of the beurocrasy mess we have been in for the last 60 years.

See Ted Kennedy, Strom Thurmond, John McCain, Barbara Boxer et al.
For Whom the Bell Tolls

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The Eyes of Those Co-opted by Race Hucksters are upon you,
All the livelong day.
The Eyes of Those Co-opted by Race Hucksters are upon you,
You cannot get away.
Do not think you can escape them
At night or early in the morn --
The Eyes of Those Co-opted by Race Hucksters are upon you
Til you pay for what others have done.

Fixed It
Gone With The Wind is racist. At least I read that somewhere.

I got my on copy for my Grand-kids to watch when they are older..Not gonna let anyone wipe out my history...I got tons of history books in my office at home, not gonna let what happen in Germany happen here...burning all the books. That maybe next , ya ever think of that?
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