This Just Got Real

Tomorrow's statement will be really f*cking rich coming from this SOB. "Baylor has to understand: You can throw 'em down the stairs. You can cave in their faces. But, for heaven's sake, you can't rape 'em."
Reading between the lines - you better release Parrish Cobb from LOI.
hey you were insinuating to go with the biggest hypocrite you could find so go big or go home right?
No, I was talking about how ridiculous it was for a $ooner to be talking about violence against women. Because you're scumbags.
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Look, I don't have time to explain things to complete idiots today (I'm not a f*ckface whisperer in general). We're having a good day over here. Maybe try breathing through your nose or something because you're not getting enough oxygen through your mouth. Or stop trying. Something.
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Look, I don't have time to explain things to complete idiots today (I'm not a f*ckface whisperer in general). We're having a good day over here. Maybe try breathing through your nose or something because you're not getting enough oxygen through your mouth. Or stop trying. Something.
Scholz I am glad you didn't take the bait douche put out. It is his ignorance that shows every time he opens his mouth or hits reply. ou is scum and he has no right to talk about anyone's character.
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Scholz I am glad you didn't take the bait douche put out. It is his ignorance that shows every time he opens his mouth or hits reply. ou is scum and he has no right to talk about anyone's character.
How else was he supposed to respond? Defend her? Chuckulz. Baylor makes OU look heavenly.
Look, I don't have time to explain things to complete idiots today (I'm not a f*ckface whisperer in general). We're having a good day over here. Maybe try breathing through your nose or something because you're not getting enough oxygen through your mouth. Or stop trying. Something.
Look you left yourself wide open so stop being sensitive. What Baylor is guilty of is on a whole other stratosphere than the Mixon deal. Good grief. And no I don't condone the Mixon deal but it was well publicized and not hidden away.
Look you left yourself wide open so stop being sensitive. What Baylor is guilty of is on a whole other stratosphere than the Mixon deal. Good grief.
You seem to forget the "old days" at ou. Lot's of date rape and cocaine. Muck is muck. Just because something doesn't rise to the level of X doesn't mean Y gets a pass....Good grief.
You seem to forget the "old days" at ou. Lot's of date rape and cocaine. Muck is muck. Just because something doesn't rise to the level of X doesn't mean Y gets a pass....Good grief.
Yeah and in the not so distant past Mack had some choir boys too. Take your own advice whiny. And btw, this level of sophisticated and premeditated cover up by Baylor is far and away worse than anything thing OU in the past.
Look you left yourself wide open so stop being sensitive. What Baylor is guilty of is on a whole other stratosphere than the Mixon deal. Good grief. And no I don't condone the Mixon deal but it was well publicized and not hidden away.
No I didn't. You're just dishonest about how scummy blowu is. You're a dishonest, stupid person. You've had 4 guys recently who have beaten up, kidnapped, threatened to kill, thrown down stairs or attempted to rape girls (Chaisson, DGB, Shannon, Mixon). So STFU, dumbass scumbag. You and your fat, gay president.
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...who were kicked off the team immediately in similar circumstances, dipshit. Not kept on like Stoops likes to do.
Don't let the truth get in the way of a douche talking point. He has no ammo so he just makes crap up.
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...who were kicked off the team immediately in similar circumstances, dipshit. Not kept on like Stoops likes to do.
Exactly, they weren't kicked off. Welcomed back and given double amount of orange slices. I'm just as at liberty to comment on Baylor as you.
No I didn't. You're just dishonest about how scummy blowu is. You're a dishonest, stupid person. You've had 4 guys recently who have beaten up, kidnapped, threatened to kill, thrown down stairs or attempted to rape girls (Chaisson, DGB, Shannon, Mixon). So STFU, dumbass scumbag. You and your fat, gay president.
You did and I seized the opportunity. Stop whining about it.
Girl abusers are immediately kicked off of UT. Then and now, liar. Not so at ou. You scumbags condone violence against women, liar.
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The Big 12 Board of Directors is gravely and deeply concerned by media reports about activities involving the athletics program at Baylor University. On May 24, 2016, the Big 12 Board requested a full accounting of the circumstances surrounding the sexual assaults at the University. At this time the Board is only privy to information that has been made available to the public.

Today, Big 12 Commissioner Bob Bowlsby sent a letter to Baylor University Interim President David Garland once again requesting all documents associated with the investigations of sexual assaults at Baylor. This request is for written materials as well as any information that has been conveyed orally to University leadership or to its Board of Regents including, but not limited to, the unedited written or verbal information from Pepper Hamilton, omitting only the names of any involved students. Internal documents pertinent to the investigation have also been requested.

Because many of the incidents at Baylor reportedly involve student-athletes, the Conference is appropriately concerned with discovery of the facts. The Big 12 is primarily configured to facilitate fair competition among its members and compliance to the rules of both the Conference and NCAA. To that end, full disclosure is vital to assess the impact on the Big 12.

"All of our member universities consider student safety and security to be paramount among institutional responsibilities," said Bowlsby. "The Big 12 Board of Directors, each member of the Conference and its student-athletes want to convey that our thoughts, concerns and sympathies are with the Baylor survivors and their families."
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What Baylor is guilty of is on a whole other stratosphere than the Mixon deal.

She says she was knocked out to the point of unconsciousness, and admits she doesn't remember everything that lead to her assault. “He hit me so hard that I don’t remember anything from walking in the door,” said the victim, a junior at OU. It was around 2:30 a.m. Friday when the victim says she and a group of her friends stopped by Pickleman's Café on Campus Corner. That's when she says a group of guys, which included freshman five-star running back Joe Mixon, began harassing them outside. “Really, like harassing me and my friends, who happened to be homosexual,” she said. "They were calling them ***** and being rude." “Just being very vulgar and just, they were very intoxicated,” witness Dannen Wright recalled. What happens next is what had everyone inside the restaurant in shock, and the victim's friend, Wright, says he saw everything. She said, 'Don’t talk to me like that,' and then she turned away and looked at the table,” said Wright. “And that was when he just punched her in the face.” “My jaw bone, my cheek bone, my sinus and my eye socket are broken,” the victim said. “My jaw is completely crooked, and I do have like loose teeth,” she said. “I can’t open my mouth at all. I don’t know. I don’t know why.” In a statement, the OU Athletics Department says, "We are aware of the matter and it is under internal review."

Well, you would think that Stoops would've had the courtesy to teach Briles how to handle these things after Briles voted UT #6 in 2008.
She says she was knocked out to the point of unconsciousness, and admits she doesn't remember everything that lead to her assault. “He hit me so hard that I don’t remember anything from walking in the door,” said the victim, a junior at OU. It was around 2:30 a.m. Friday when the victim says she and a group of her friends stopped by Pickleman's Café on Campus Corner. That's when she says a group of guys, which included freshman five-star running back Joe Mixon, began harassing them outside. “Really, like harassing me and my friends, who happened to be homosexual,” she said. "They were calling them ***** and being rude." “Just being very vulgar and just, they were very intoxicated,” witness Dannen Wright recalled. What happens next is what had everyone inside the restaurant in shock, and the victim's friend, Wright, says he saw everything. She said, 'Don’t talk to me like that,' and then she turned away and looked at the table,” said Wright. “And that was when he just punched her in the face.” “My jaw bone, my cheek bone, my sinus and my eye socket are broken,” the victim said. “My jaw is completely crooked, and I do have like loose teeth,” she said. “I can’t open my mouth at all. I don’t know. I don’t know why.” In a statement, the OU Athletics Department says, "We are aware of the matter and it is under internal review."

Well, you would think that Stoops would've had the courtesy to teach Briles how to handle these things after Briles voted UT #6 in 2008.
I don't know man it seems like a habitual orchestrated coverup of the entire university at Baylor. The Mixon deal was fully out in the public eye. Baylor is making back room deals daily right now just to not be forced to shut your program down. Baylor is in a class of your own.
She says she was knocked out to the point of unconsciousness, and admits she doesn't remember everything that lead to her assault. “He hit me so hard that I don’t remember anything from walking in the door,” said the victim, a junior at OU. It was around 2:30 a.m. Friday when the victim says she and a group of her friends stopped by Pickleman's Café on Campus Corner. That's when she says a group of guys, which included freshman five-star running back Joe Mixon, began harassing them outside. “Really, like harassing me and my friends, who happened to be homosexual,” she said. "They were calling them ***** and being rude." “Just being very vulgar and just, they were very intoxicated,” witness Dannen Wright recalled. What happens next is what had everyone inside the restaurant in shock, and the victim's friend, Wright, says he saw everything. She said, 'Don’t talk to me like that,' and then she turned away and looked at the table,” said Wright. “And that was when he just punched her in the face.” “My jaw bone, my cheek bone, my sinus and my eye socket are broken,” the victim said. “My jaw is completely crooked, and I do have like loose teeth,” she said. “I can’t open my mouth at all. I don’t know. I don’t know why.” In a statement, the OU Athletics Department says, "We are aware of the matter and it is under internal review."

Well, you would think that Stoops would've had the courtesy to teach Briles how to handle these things after Briles voted UT #6 in 2008.

Shots fired. I'm sure the OU troll responses will be more of a dud than a firecracker.
Stonewalling the Big XII. I'm sure this will go well for them. This isn't an open records request, Baylor. This is so you don't get kicked out of a private club.

You keep saying release the report....they are trying to NOT do more damage by giving out the women's information which to a degree makes sense. Why cause the women more pain so that a bunch of football fans can feel better?? All the "release the report" means is that football fans want some hope to hold onto....they don't want it released to protect those women.
sw - not trying to pick a fight but ---- it now appears that everyone on here is accusing BU of stonewalling by NOT releasing the report, and the Big XII is at least intimating BIG consequences if they don't release all information (which I interpret as the report). The only reason I bring this up is because your comment stung a little bit - I can assure you that my interest in getting all the facts/insistence on releasing the report is to make sure that all who had a hand in this are GONE, and to make sure we can put policies in place to make sure it doesn't happen again. Forget the assistant coaches for a moment and how many, if not all, should be dismissed - there are administrators who were responsible for knowing that we needed a Title IX compliance office, and they either were too incompetent to know the law or too incompetent to implement it. None of them have been fired. Regardless, Bowlsby is a boob but I hope he is able to get the information.
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sw - not trying to pick a fight but ---- it now appears that everyone on here is accusing BU of stonewalling by NOT releasing the report, and the Big XII is at least intimating BIG consequences if they don't release all information (which I interpret as the report). The only reason I bring this up is because your comment stung a little bit - I can assure you that my interest in getting all the facts/insistence on releasing the report is to make sure that all who had a hand in this are GONE, and to make sure we can put policies in place to make sure it doesn't happen again. Forget the assistant coaches for a moment and how many, if not all, should be dismissed - there are administrators who were responsible for knowing that we needed a Title IX compliance office, and they either were too incompetent to know the law or too incompetent to implement it. None of them have been fired. Regardless, Bowlsby is a boob but I hope he is able to get the information.
I know you are being truthful diadevic and I know it's a tough situation to be in. Protecting the victims identities is the most important thing right now. The report findings can be released without giving the victims away then cool. Do it.
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Stonewalling the Big XII. I'm sure this will go well for them. This isn't an open records request, Baylor. This is so you don't get kicked out of a private club.

Baylor once again hiding behind the confidentiality of "the brave survivors who shared their experiences to help the university understand it's shortcomings".

Yes, please keep using the survivors (who I truly respect and consider very brave for speaking out) as leverage to not release more information. Several have already made themselves known and what is the risk of the other's identities being discovered by releasing de-identified information?
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Baylor once again hiding behind the confidentiality of "the brave survivors who shared their experiences to help the university understand it's shortcomings".

Yes, please keep using the survivors (who I truly respect and consider very brave for speaking out) as leverage to not release more information. Several have already made themselves known and what is the risk of the other's identities being discovered by releasing de-identified information?
Guess they don't have Magic Markers in Waco to redact the materials.
Not saying its not true, but that is a weird choice. Isn't transferring and sitting out a year at a D1 school, and getting to sit in team meetings, learn playbook, etc., better than transferring to MCC, which has no football, play none, study none, then try to start all over again at another school? Or is he waiting for Team Briles to resurface in a year somewhere else?
Not saying its not true, but that is a weird choice. Isn't transferring and sitting out a year at a D1 school, and getting to sit in team meetings, learn playbook, etc., better than transferring to MCC, which has no football, play none, study none, then try to start all over again at another school? Or is he waiting for Team Briles to resurface in a year somewhere else?

It's a weird choice to go somewhere with no football, but going JUCO for a bit would give him unrestricted transfer ability. Baylor can block direct transfers to other D1 programs, but can't if he goes to the lower divisions first. Not to mention the eligibility loss if he wanted to go to another big 12 school. My guess would be he wants to go to another Big 12 school, or he wants to go somewhere that Baylor would block. In that instance JUCO makes sense, but one with a football program.
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