Sick of reading about how they like to be told how special they are. With the implication that if you aren't constantly praising us we aren't going to let our athletes attend your programs. I was sick of it when Mack was here, and I was sick of it when Strong was hired and the articles were written of how the txhsfb coaches didn't have Strong's back, and I am sick of reading about how Herman gets it because he does have the support of txhsfb coaches.
Meanwhile every major program that depends the most on texas hs football players is in the dumps right now.
First off you are entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine. I respect your stance on the subject of txhsfb coaches and for speaking what you believe in and what you believe to be true.
1) Sick of reading about how they like to be told how special they are.
I don't think I've ever read this. Ever. But is it so wrong to get praised? Txhsfb coaches are the best in the country, bar none. More than half the country doesn't even have full time coaches. They work other jobs and put forth a crap result on the field. The other half the country works in private schools that recruit their players. Tx is the example for all hs sports and most other states try follow our model. Tx was the first state to pass the No Pass No Play rule for hs athletics. There are currently 18 states that still do not have this rule for public schools. Private schools it's usually up to the admin if their athletes can participate if they are failing courses. If an education is the goal then txhsfb coaches seem pretty special to me.
2) With the implication that if you aren't constantly praising us we aren't going to let our athletes attend your programs.
This sounds like false reporting. I would bet 99.9% of all Coaches want what is best for their players over praise for their own work, and whether that's attend college in state or out of state it doesn't matter. Every player is different and has different areas of importance when looking at where to go to school. Just like any normal college kid does. The underlying attribute is winning. Kids want to win. If a kid wants to win a Natty and compete for conference championships he's going to be steered to programs like OSU, Bama, and FSU. Texas hasn't been winning, thus Texas has been on the outside looking in for the states top recruits. Winning fixes everything, win and Texas will run the state again and keep top talent home.
3) I was sick of it when Mack was here, and I was sick of it when Strong was hired and the articles were written of how the txhsfb coaches didn't have Strong's back, and I am sick of reading about how Herman gets it because he does have the support of txhsfb coaches.
I don't remember Mack ever having a bad relationship with tsxhsfb coaches. He seemed to be thought highly of across the state. The Strong thing was blown way out of context. He was speaking at the DFW Regional Meeting in feb and was the key note speaker (his first meeting with txhsfb coaches since he had been hired, and the meeting where all these rumors started). Coaches in the past who had spoke like Sumlin, Briles, Kingsbury, Morris, etc usually talked for about an hour and had some sort of presentation to go over, sometimes X's and O's, sometimes leadership, sometimes program building, etc. I was at that meeting with Strong and he literally talked for about 15 minutes and then opened it up for questions. There was like 1 questions asked, and then he left. He didn't hang around and chat afterwards or anything like others had in the past. It was just weird and and rubbed a lot of coaches the wrong way. It was, admittingly, probably blown out proportion. But I think it was understood that he didn't know, it wasn't communicated to him, or he had a schedule conflict. Either way other coaches in the past found a way to make time.
4) Meanwhile every major program that depends the most on texas hs football players is in the dumps right now.
See 2nd point above. But to attribute the demise of programs in the state to txhsfb coaches is a stretch, especially with the likes of Baylor.
Saying a coach has Texas ties goes a long way in this state. Bc there's a lot that goes on in this state with the coaches behind the scenes that you don't know about and will never hear about. Recruiting is a can be a very dirty game and whats at stake is the lively hood and future of these kids.