Here you go Dungeon crew.
One small piece of unsolicited wisdom. When he’s old enough to start being entertained with kids shows, put on the old Looney Tunes cartoons that we grew up watching. My kids watched them religiously and thoroughly enjoyed the slapstick non-PC entertainment. The cartoons they make for kids today are all hot garbage PC bullshyt that makes them hate whitey and the history of our nation.
Introduce him and expose him to as much mental and physical stimulation - sports, musical instruments, reading, building and creating things, etc.
And when you need to discipline him, just put him in his room all alone. No phone, no tv, no reading, no toys, no internet, nothing. Force him to get bored and do absolutely nothing except to think. Think and reflect about what he did and what he can do to be a better person. If he starts yelling and banging on the door, he earns a longer stay in isolation. Those moments in time out like that really make them think, mature and grow..
Not that you need any advice from, of all places, an internet message board. Just sharing what worked well for my family. Our kids are in their mid 20’s now and we couldn’t be more proud. One is at UT Law and the other working in the tech field. Both with dual degrees and were college athletes.
Once again, so happy for you and your family.