What actually is social justice?

Don't try to have a give and take discussion with this board because they respond with insults. But your posts on this thread are good. Go check out Mack Brown's twitter acct listen to what be says about BLM.

Don't try to have a give and take discussion with this board because they respond with insults. But your posts on this thread are good. Go check out Mack Brown's twitter acct listen to what be says about BLM.
Look, I think Mack is a heck of a human being but any football coach openly criticising BLM is committing coaching suicide imo
The first time I heard a speech by Jesse Jackson I was very moved.It was right after Dr King was assinated and the NCAAP asked him to address them as they were exploring him as their new leader. The speech went something like this...:

" welfare is a tool of the white man to keep the Black man down. If you have your hand out it is what they want.......and...You are not a man if you make a baby. You are a man if you raise a baby...."

He wasnt selected. He had his own organization then called CORE...I miss THAT Jesse Jackson.
I agree, I think.

I just oppose racist whites or blacks jumping to conclusions.)

This I completely agree.

On that note, was it proven that either of the two recent incidents an act of racism? Or was it adequate to assume that just because there was a black person and a white cop involved, it was an act of racism?

Yes, there is a lot of racism in the world. But, any same person would agree that the timing of these protests and reactions to these incidents is more politics than trying to improve black lives.

If they REALLY care about black lives, they will approach it holistically and address the biggest factors that undermine their well being. Racism is NOT the biggest issue affecting the black community.
Racism is the most marketable issue and hence getting attention.
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We are about to witness the whole sports enterprise collapse. In the next decade, most of this crap will not exist. The backlash is going to mean bankruptcy/cancellation for many pro and college teams.

I posted a video detailing how blm is an organization steeped in witchcraft. The evidence comes right from Patrice Colors mouth. When you see "Just Say her/his name" on a shirt, they are calling on the names dead individuals and for their spirits to inflict harm on their enemies. It's a voodoo cult. It's called odu ifa to be exact and they call on dead spirits for power. This is slowly coming to light... add this to the outright racism within blm and the lives of black people are going to become much harder outside the cocoon of liberal enclaves. The ghetto is going to become like a real African city. Keep rubbin those voodoo dolls and sticking those pins in whitey, you're going to need it.

Anyone supporting blm is an enemy of Christianity and names are being taken. This is not going to end well.
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I agree, I think.

But let's say everything were reversed. Let's say blacks were in control, and we were 1 ninth or whatever of the population, and black cops were kneeing one of us to death. They were going into our homes and shooting one of us down. We were frightened to call on their help. They were shooting us in the back, in front of our kids. And we made a fraction of what whites made, for doing the same job (when we could get it).

Would you be surprised if some whites tried to take it out on "the system"? They decided looting was the only way to get anything close to fairness?

Looting is wrong. Violence is NOT the way to protest or achieve racial justice. But would you be surprised if a few thought otherwise, and if peaceful groups were unable to control everyone? (And I'm not saying BLM is peaceful or not; I dunno. I just oppose racist whites or blacks jumping to conclusions.)

It's called S. Africa. The Boers are being pillaged.
My initial, gut reaction to BLM was that All Lives Matter, but I get it now, I think. With so many cases of injustice against blacks--not just in the USA, either--the point needs to be stated more firmly. Black Lives Matter.

Want BLM to go away? Well, make sure your community, state and nation treat blacks at least at the level of Latinos, Asians and, yes, whites. We're nowhere near that now.

Whites hop into our cars, and get a different level of justice on the roads. If we cause an altercation with blacks, and they DARE to report it, many cops are likely to arrest them, not us. That should be offensive to us all. If you love justice, it is.

"So many cases of injustice against blacks", that is your premise to your argument? Are you saying there are hundreds of cases this year or 10 cases this year? Regardless, I do not think your premise is correct. For example, the guy shot 7 times by the police in Kenosha was a no Angel. The facts show that a lady he sexually assaulted previously had called the police to help her that day because he showed up to confront her. He had a knife on him and tried to fight the police. The police used a taser to stop him but he kept on fighting them and then went to his car to get another knife. He also had multiple assault convictions. Were the police suppose to wait until he thrust the knife into their stomach? Then there is Mr. George Floyd, who one time threatened to stab a pregnant woman a few years ago. Floyd was on narcotics when he was arrested and found to have taken Fentanyl. What caused his death may never be known. Was the cop right in keeping his knee on his neck? No, I do not think so. Was Floyd right in being on drugs and alcohol and trying to drive a vehicle that day? No, he was not. I also do not think one can say there are many injustices against blacks as a blanket statement that must be true. Just because activists scream about it all the time does not make it true. For the last 20-30 years many local police in predominately black neighborhoods have black police officers. This is not 1963.

Blacks in the USA have been given preferential treatments and opportunities in getting into schools, employment, and landing bids on jobs over other competition just because of the pigment of their skin. Some have taken advantage of that to be successful but others have not. Affirmative action is discrimination and one day it will be done away with because it discriminates against others for not having the right skin pigment.

Police have reasons to be worried about dealing with a black man because black men commit a disproportionate amount of the crimes in our Country. Especially young black men. That is a fact. Look at the FBI statistics for the last 50 years. Why do black men commit more crimes and murders? I actually would like to know but my guess is that is goes back to the fact that over 75% of black boys have no Dad in their home. The Great Society of LBJ can be attributed to this stat. Prior to 1964, most blacks lived in the nuclear family of a mom and dad and had less of a crime problem.

We would all feel better if there were no racists cops. We would all feel better if there were no racist politicians or doctors or in any profession. To paint all cops as racists is a loser argument.

Further, BLM is an Anarchist Socialist organization that wants to tear down our Country. Read their own website.

All lives do matter. What does not matter is using violence to protest. These riots only show us a bunch of losers who hate our Country. The BLM and ANTIFA rioters were even chanting "death to America" like the Iranians did.

If you want to hang your hat on BLM, that is your option but beware what they actually stand for, which is hate of our Country. The protests of today are nothing compared to the Civil Right Protests in the 1960s.
My initial, gut reaction to BLM was that All Lives Matter, but I get it now, I think. With so many cases of injustice against blacks--not just in the USA, either--the point needs to be stated more firmly. Black Lives Matter.

Want BLM to go away? Well, make sure your community, state and nation treat blacks at least at the level of Latinos, Asians and, yes, whites. We're nowhere near that now.

Whites hop into our cars, and get a different level of justice on the roads. If we cause an altercation with blacks, and they DARE to report it, many cops are likely to arrest them, not us. That should be offensive to us all. If you love justice, it is.
We can all differ in our opinions and hopefully come to some common ground and go forward as a nation. However, we have to agree on facts even if we only loosely agree. I don't agree with the positions you posted above, but that is why it is important to sit down and talk. When you say "how the nation treats blacks..." how about including how blacks treat blacks? When will black people be held accountable? Why do they get a pass on who they vote for and who they listen to for leadership? How about some black millionaire athletes, Obama, Oprah and others to get on public service announcements and tell their community to quit looting and destroying communities. That is what has everybody's goat is that nobody is coming out and telling BLM to stop. The leadership that dares to do so, like Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder and others get called Uncle Toms and other names in attempts to demean and discredit them. I think NAACP is a good organization, but, as far as BLM, it is unbelievable to me that they have any credibility with the mission statement on their website and the violent rhetoric of their own leaders.
Don't try to have a give and take discussion with this board because they respond with insults. But your posts on this thread are good. Go check out Mack Brown's twitter acct listen to what be says about BLM.
Thanks for responding, Cali.

That matches my initial take on the OP and this thread, which is why I ignored it for so long, but my instinct to give peace a chance took over. I think everyone deserves a chance or 15.

My take on America:
We have whites who are gung-ho hood wearers. The ones you see on videos, disgracing themselves and their community. Tiny fraction of the USA? Not tiny enough.

Then there are the "But I'm not racists!" (BINRs) whose actions and failures thereof indicate otherwise. That's a good chunk of the USA. Enough for an Electoral College win, if the opponent is disliked enough.

BINRs seem to rule this board. Or is that wishful?

This is the opposite of my other social media, but, hey, I've always enjoyed diversity.
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We can all differ in our opinions and hopefully come to some common ground and go forward as a nation. However, we have to agree on facts even if we only loosely agree. I don't agree with the positions you posted above, but that is why it is important to sit down and talk. When you say "how the nation treats blacks..." how about including how blacks treat blacks? When will black people be held accountable? Why do they get a pass on who they vote for and who they listen to for leadership? How about some black millionaire athletes, Obama, Oprah and others to get on public service announcements and tell their community to quit looting and destroying communities. That is what has everybody's goat is that nobody is coming out and telling BLM to stop. The leadership that dares to do so, like Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder and others get called Uncle Toms and other names in attempts to demean and discredit them. I think NAACP is a good organization, but, as far as BLM, it is unbelievable to me that they have any credibility with the mission statement on their website and the violent rhetoric of their own leaders.
Why don't you quote the mission statement elements, and cite their online source, that you find so unbelievable and literally incredible.

On their About page, I find:
  • "eradicate white supremacy"
  • "build local power to intervene in violence" (namely: "violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes")
  • "work(ing) for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise"
Do you oppose any of that? If so, why?
Thanks for responding, Cali.

That matches my initial take on the OP and this thread, which is why I ignored it for so long, but my instinct to give peace a chance took over. I think everyone deserves a chance or 15.

My take on America:
We have whites who are gung-ho hood wearers. The ones you see on videos, disgracing themselves and their community. Tiny fraction of the USA? Not tiny enough.

Then there are the "But I'm not racists!" (BINRs) whose actions and failures thereof indicate otherwise. That's a good chunk of the USA. Enough for an Electoral College win, if the opponent is disliked enough.

BINRs seem to rule this board. Or is that wishful?

This is the opposite of my other social media, but, hey, I've always enjoyed diversity.

Wow, you are so insightful, really you are like Mr. ESP without the N. Even coming up with a new acronym for racists, "BINR".

Oh wait, uh let me see. What is the word I am looking for? Oh right right right. I cannot say that word but let me try to explain it to you this way Mr. Acronym Liberal: God gave you one mouth and two ears, you should listen more than what you spew. Calling others names who disagree with BLM leftist garbage is weak. You would love for us to go: "Oh no, you called us racists, we have to now shut up." Sorry, using the racist card was overplayed a long time ago and we have friends who are black and brown who think the same way we do. I have two black Veteran conservative buddies who would stomp any Liberal into the ground for saying they are racist. Just because others have political beliefs that differ from the Left does not make them racist.

Keep on calling us names if it makes you feel good because with you Libs it is all about your feelings. You cannot argue with opposing viewpoints, just name call and that is just sad.
Why don't you quote the mission statement elements, and cite their online source, that you find so unbelievable and literally incredible.

On their About page, I find:
  • "eradicate white supremacy"
  • "build local power to intervene in violence" (namely: "violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes")
  • "work(ing) for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise"
Do you oppose any of that? If so, why?

These are all highly subjective statements that sound good but do not truly help black lives.

"Salvation lies within".
If I have to be healthy, I have to try to strengthen my own immune system. Trying to eradicate viruses cannot be my primary (or worse, only) approach.
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Why don't you quote the mission statement elements, and cite their online source, that you find so unbelievable and literally incredible.

On their About page, I find:
  • "eradicate white supremacy"
  • "build local power to intervene in violence" (namely: "violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes")
  • "work(ing) for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise"
Do you oppose any of that? If so, why?

I guess I just missed the key bullet points
* focusing on drastically reducing "systemic" black on black violence (the primary cause of death for young black men), and
* working to increase the presence, and roles of responsible black fathers in raising their children to better equip them to prosper in society.

Maybe it is there somewhere in the mission statement and I just missed it...
Thanks for responding, Cali.

That matches my initial take on the OP and this thread, which is why I ignored it for so long, but my instinct to give peace a chance took over. I think everyone deserves a chance or 15.

My take on America:
We have whites who are gung-ho hood wearers. The ones you see on videos, disgracing themselves and their community. Tiny fraction of the USA? Not tiny enough.

Then there are the "But I'm not racists!" (BINRs) whose actions and failures thereof indicate otherwise. That's a good chunk of the USA. Enough for an Electoral College win, if the opponent is disliked enough.

BINRs seem to rule this board. Or is that wishful?

This is the opposite of my other social media, but, hey, I've always enjoyed diversity.

Coming up with the acronym BINR doesn't take much effort. I don't attempt to dissuade you of your entrenched positions. My sense is that the majority on this board embrace diversity of culture and thought. I, however, admit to discriminatory, biased, and profiling behaviors in my business and my circle of friends: I favor those (of all colors, backgrounds, genders) that embrace a hard work ethic and believe in the credo of "work for and earn what you have." Just about anyone I know that exhibits a bias does so based, not on color, but on someone's lack of desire to advance one's lot in society and a victim mentality. The US has some issues, but it certainly isn't the caste system of 1950s England or Asia, where there was a complete lack of mobility.
I guess I just missed the key bullet points
* focusing on drastically reducing "systemic" black on black violence (the primary cause of death for young black men), and
* working to increase the presence, and roles of responsible black fathers in raising their children to better equip them to prosper in society.

Maybe it is there somewhere in the mission statement and I just missed it...

Yep, those key points are missing! Not missing but selectively left out are the following points taken directly from the BLM organization's mission statement:
  • We acknowledge, respect, and celebrate differences and commonalities.
  • We practice empathy.
  • We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” . . .
Just curious as to where the empathy has been for David Dorn or Tamarris Bohannon. Since the peaceful demonstrations, and riots, and looting, and other criminal behavior began in earnest in May, I haven't seen much of the above.
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Black-on-white racism does exist, and should stop, but whites aren't the ones (to my knowledge) being killed and maimed by blacks.

You're not paying close attention to the news, or what is more than likely the case you're watching the fake news.

There is a hell of a lot of black on white killing going on right now. The two most horrific were the murders of 5 year old Cannon Hinnant and the murder of the 4 month old baby at Delaware Day care. No less horrific was the family murdered by a black man that rear-ended their car, they called it a road rage incident, but it was a hate crime by his own admission.

Crime happens, but right now black criminals are specifically going after whites and it isn't being reported by mainstream media, not to the level that white on black crime is being reported. I'm starting to wonder if White lives matter?

I don't fear that white people are going to kill my black family members, I'm scared to death that another black person is going to hurt or kill my black family members. This is 100 times more likely than a cop or a white person.

I'm going to close with this video.

I don't assume that you're racist because of your political views. But it doesn't help matters that you immediately laugh at what I say, and seem to assume that I don't agree with anything you've written.

Black-on-white racism does exist, and should stop, but whites aren't the ones (to my knowledge) being killed and maimed by blacks.
Check the FBI's UCR: twice as many whites killed by blacks as blacks killed by whites. Possibly because the black homicide rate is so high.
Why don't you quote the mission statement elements, and cite their online source, that you find so unbelievable and literally incredible.

On their About page, I find:
  • "eradicate white supremacy"
  • "build local power to intervene in violence" (namely: "violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes")
  • "work(ing) for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise"
Do you oppose any of that? If so, why?

I've read they've said to your post see what I mean about give and take now? HornsRuleU, we live in uncertain times. I was around in 1968 numerous books and documentaries were written about 1968 look it up if you don't already know. But 2020 may end up as the most turbulent year of my lifetime and I'm 65. This coronavirus has affected America worse than anything I've ever seen more than almost any war we were involved in. It has forced most Americans inside for the last 6 months and its cabin fever × 1000. And with the police violence that gets worse every day Americans. are fighting and taking sides against each other the likes of which I've never seen. The longer the coronavirus lasts, and its nor going away anytime soon, the worst its going to get and we may see more and Americans killing each other. Mentally and emotionally I think the coronavirus has affected people in ways they don't realize. And I'm not even talking about the people who have been affected by it I'm talking about the ones who aren't. Being couped for 6 months and longer will do that to you. And then you have police violence which has always been there, and racism which has always been there but with the effects the coronavirus it's under the microscope like never before. And HornsRuleU that's what I mean when I say we live in uncertain times especially in regards to race. And sadly with the election coming up Americans are going to start killing each other especially when it comes to race and there's nothing that can be done to stop it. Donald Trump certainly won't do anything about it.

As to how its affected me after 6 months I finally went back to work and I've forgotten most of my coworkers name imagine that. We're Mormons and my wife and I have followed scripture study and we are on schedule to finish the BoM in December like we were asked to do at the beginning of the year. We just now realized what's it done for our marriage and what's its don't to strengthen our household we have an extended family of 7 in our home and we are finally getting the proper perspective. Because like I said at the top

We live in uncertain times
Why don't you quote the mission statement elements, and cite their online source, that you find so unbelievable and literally incredible.

On their About page, I find:
  • "eradicate white supremacy"
  • "build local power to intervene in violence" (namely: "violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes")
  • "work(ing) for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise"
Do you oppose any of that? If so, why?
If somebody says "BINR", I pretty much believe them at face value. If they add, I am not racist, I am just pro-black or pro-white, then I would steer clear. It has never happened in person, but I have seen on TV at some point or another.

As far as your list, yes, I disagree unless, I get more information to understand the entirety of the meaning.
1) "eradicate white supremacy": This is an unbelievable waste of time and money. White supremacy is such a minuscule problem that it isn't even a barrier to advancement of any minority. There will always be Aholes in every country and they will never be eradicated just as crime will never be eradicated. However, if they were to organize to replace "eradicate white supremacy" with "eradicate crime in their neighborhoods" would be so much more beneficial to their children's long term prosperity.

2) "build local power to intervene in violence" (namely: "violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes"): Is this like "Guardian Angels" patrols created Curtis Sliwa where they patrol their communities for criminal behavior or emotional instigators to create destruction and rioting like we have now, or is it like a legal arm to bring any cop that acted wrongly against a citizen? Since, I don't agree with BLM's tactics and what is truly is in it's heart, I don't trust what they mean by "intervene". I won't even touch the absurdity of "vigilantes".

3) "work(ing) for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise": So now the world is racist? Programs like Doctor's without Borders, Feed the Children and so many that provide financial aid to Africa and other countries are far and away by white people and Christians in particular. Targeted for demise is a new level of stupidity.

HRU, I will leave my arguments there. We have been on this board for a long time and I have no beef with you personally. We just disagree on BLM and I hold no grudge for a difference of opinion. If I were to be involved in helping the black community, it would be no different that of the white, brown or yellow community. This would be to make sure they master "Reading, Writing and Math and that children also need a safe place to play, free of crime and drugs (more law enforcement not less). All that are poor in this country, especially where children are involved, have access to free healthcare, food programs and education including college via pell grants. If they don't use the system to its fullest, how is it anybody else's fault?
Thanks for responding, Cali.

That matches my initial take on the OP and this thread, which is why I ignored it for so long, but my instinct to give peace a chance took over. I think everyone deserves a chance or 15.

My take on America:
We have whites who are gung-ho hood wearers. The ones you see on videos, disgracing themselves and their community. Tiny fraction of the USA? Not tiny enough.

Then there are the "But I'm not racists!" (BINRs) whose actions and failures thereof indicate otherwise. That's a good chunk of the USA. Enough for an Electoral College win, if the opponent is disliked enough.

BINRs seem to rule this board. Or is that wishful?

This is the opposite of my other social media, but, hey, I've always enjoyed diversity.

In addition to those 2 groups, you have the following:

1. The white oppressor, that tries to keep blacks from being successful by creating incentives that discourage raising their kids, getting jobs, and earning things based on merit.

2. Blacks that glorify violence, gangs, selling drugs, prostitution, homophobia, disrespecting women, and racism.

3. SAMFs that call anyone that makes these observations a racist, believes only news sources that are in-line with their views, and swing from the d*cks of white oppressors.
I have only met two men in my life that were true racist. I knew this woman whose father (old Aggie) was straight up racist. Used the N word all the time. Believed that if you touched a black person he would give you black person germs etc. The second sat next to me on a plane ride from San Antonio to Boston. He was another old dude who was drunk as hell and dying of cancer so he was telling all about the white race. I didn't have the heart to tell him I wasn't really white. He sure did offend a lot of people on that flight.

Other than those two people I never new a single person in my 52 years that was a true racist. Even my buddy who when to prison and became a higher up in the Aryan Nations, once he got out he was himself again, he married a Latino woman he has 2 kids with her and though he is a conservative republican we both have many friends we played football with who are black.

So with all that said, I have a hard time wondering who BLM is actually fighting against? You would think I've met some of these assholes, but really I haven't. I have met more than a few very racist blacks and Latinos, more so the Latinos than blacks. Latinos tend to talk shit about every race including dark Latinos.

When my brother was at Howard he told me about black sorority's that would measure your darkness against a paper bag, if you were darker you were not allowed to join.

That is just messed up, my brother is a Q-Dog he is one of those loud SOBs that likes to bark.
My initial, gut reaction to BLM was that All Lives Matter, but I get it now, I think. With so many cases of injustice against blacks--not just in the USA, either--the point needs to be stated more firmly. Black Lives Matter.

Want BLM to go away? Well, make sure your community, state and nation treat blacks at least at the level of Latinos, Asians and, yes, whites. We're nowhere near that now.

Whites hop into our cars, and get a different level of justice on the roads. If we cause an altercation with blacks, and they DARE to report it, many cops are likely to arrest them, not us. That should be offensive to us all. If you love justice, it is.
I treat everyone the same. Give me respect and you'll get respect. It's earned. I lead by example. If some folks out there aren't inclined to follow that example, that's not on me. It's on them. Doesn't matter the color of a person's skin. There are decent people in every race.

There are also ass holes in every race.

And if you're from a race, any race, and you lump all people from one race together by calling them "racists"--- then you're the ass hole. You're the problem. The door swings both ways.
I treat everyone the same. Give me respect and you'll get respect. It's earned. I lead by example. If some folks out there aren't inclined to follow that example, that's not on me. It's on them. Doesn't matter the color of a person's skin. There are decent people in every race.

There are also ass holes in every race.

And if you're from a race, any race, and you lump all people from one race together by calling them "racists"--- then you're the ass hole. You're the problem. The door swings both ways.

You can label me whatever you want, but I have live my entire life by the following rules:

1. Are you willing to work hard
2. Are you good at your job
3. Are you dependable

I don't care what your race, gender, orientation, or beliefs are, if you check those boxes.

My 1st team chief was a black man from southern LA. It took about 3 days before I could understand what he was saying. I haven't seen him in 25 years and, if he called me right now and asked me to run into a burning building, I would.

While I haven't been teaching for long, my mentor at my 1st job was a black woman. She is hands down the best teacher I have ever worked with and every day I try to emulate her in my classroom.

You want to know what's irrelevant about those examples? That their black.

People in this country are trying to redefine the word racism to be this nebulas all-encompassing term to label anyone who disagrees with their way of thinking.

Once more, the people that have created policies that are defined as "systemic racism" are the people that minorities support.
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I treat everyone the same. Give me respect and you'll get respect. It's earned. I lead by example. If some folks out there aren't inclined to follow that example, that's not on me. It's on them. Doesn't matter the color of a person's skin. There are decent people in every race.

There are also ass holes in every race.

And if you're from a race, any race, and you lump all people from one race together by calling them "racists"--- then you're the ass hole. You're the problem. The door swings both ways.

I treat all folks (color, gender) who are respectful, not "victims", not looking for the government to be their life-long savior, and generally pull themselves up by their bootstraps similarly. But, I get that there are those in every race that are inclined to look to the government to resolve all of their problems. If I point that out about a white person, folks will agree with me. If I point that out about a black person, I'm judgmental or a racist. I've stopped caring that my meritocracy viewpoint is viewed as judgmental or racist. It's on them.
Communists look for any angle to drive the wedge of victimhood. If they can pit people against one another, then they can divide and conquer. Race is an easy target as well as financial standing. Sadly, too many take the bait. It's the same ploy that was used at the Garden of Eden.
Thanks for responding, Cali.

That matches my initial take on the OP and this thread, which is why I ignored it for so long, but my instinct to give peace a chance took over. I think everyone deserves a chance or 15.

My take on America:
We have whites who are gung-ho hood wearers. The ones you see on videos, disgracing themselves and their community. Tiny fraction of the USA? Not tiny enough.

Then there are the "But I'm not racists!" (BINRs) whose actions and failures thereof indicate otherwise. That's a good chunk of the USA. Enough for an Electoral College win, if the opponent is disliked enough.

BINRs seem to rule this board. Or is that wishful?

This is the opposite of my other social media, but, hey, I've always enjoyed diversity.

Have you read "In Defense of Looting"?

Amazon product ASIN 1645036693
All our beliefs about the innate righteousness of property and ownership, Osterweil explains, are built on the history of anti-Black, anti-Indigenous oppression.

So anyone who owns property and doesn't want to give it away is a "POAR" (Property Owners Are Racists)?

I would like to see what you consider "actions and failures thereof indicate otherwise" in defining "BINR's". This lady seems to think that home ownership = racism.
Have you read "In Defense of Looting"?

All our beliefs about the innate righteousness of property and ownership, Osterweil explains, are built on the history of anti-Black, anti-Indigenous oppression.

So anyone who owns property and doesn't want to give it away is a "POAR" (Property Owners Are Racists)?

I would like to see what you consider "actions and failures thereof indicate otherwise" in defining "BINR's". This lady seems to think that home ownership = racism.

If no one owns anything, then who owns everything? I think i know. ;)

Come and take it.
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Have you read "In Defense of Looting"?

All our beliefs about the innate righteousness of property and ownership, Osterweil explains, are built on the history of anti-Black, anti-Indigenous oppression.

So anyone who owns property and doesn't want to give it away is a "POAR" (Property Owners Are Racists)?

I would like to see what you consider "actions and failures thereof indicate otherwise" in defining "BINR's". This lady seems to think that home ownership = racism.

Screw it, I'm a racist, I own shit and ain't going to give it up without a fight.