Don't try to have a give and take discussion with this board because they respond with insults. But your posts on this thread are good. Go check out Mack Brown's twitter acct listen to what be says about BLM.

Don't try to have a give and take discussion with this board because they respond with insults. But your posts on this thread are good. Go check out Mack Brown's twitter acct listen to what be says about BLM.
Does your wife know you’re posting? I would heed her advice, even she knew you were in over your head![]()
Look, I think Mack is a heck of a human being but any football coach openly criticising BLM is committing coaching suicide imoDon't try to have a give and take discussion with this board because they respond with insults. But your posts on this thread are good. Go check out Mack Brown's twitter acct listen to what be says about BLM.
I agree, I think.
I just oppose racist whites or blacks jumping to conclusions.)
I agree, I think.
But let's say everything were reversed. Let's say blacks were in control, and we were 1 ninth or whatever of the population, and black cops were kneeing one of us to death. They were going into our homes and shooting one of us down. We were frightened to call on their help. They were shooting us in the back, in front of our kids. And we made a fraction of what whites made, for doing the same job (when we could get it).
Would you be surprised if some whites tried to take it out on "the system"? They decided looting was the only way to get anything close to fairness?
Looting is wrong. Violence is NOT the way to protest or achieve racial justice. But would you be surprised if a few thought otherwise, and if peaceful groups were unable to control everyone? (And I'm not saying BLM is peaceful or not; I dunno. I just oppose racist whites or blacks jumping to conclusions.)
My initial, gut reaction to BLM was that All Lives Matter, but I get it now, I think. With so many cases of injustice against blacks--not just in the USA, either--the point needs to be stated more firmly. Black Lives Matter.
Want BLM to go away? Well, make sure your community, state and nation treat blacks at least at the level of Latinos, Asians and, yes, whites. We're nowhere near that now.
Whites hop into our cars, and get a different level of justice on the roads. If we cause an altercation with blacks, and they DARE to report it, many cops are likely to arrest them, not us. That should be offensive to us all. If you love justice, it is.
We can all differ in our opinions and hopefully come to some common ground and go forward as a nation. However, we have to agree on facts even if we only loosely agree. I don't agree with the positions you posted above, but that is why it is important to sit down and talk. When you say "how the nation treats blacks..." how about including how blacks treat blacks? When will black people be held accountable? Why do they get a pass on who they vote for and who they listen to for leadership? How about some black millionaire athletes, Obama, Oprah and others to get on public service announcements and tell their community to quit looting and destroying communities. That is what has everybody's goat is that nobody is coming out and telling BLM to stop. The leadership that dares to do so, like Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder and others get called Uncle Toms and other names in attempts to demean and discredit them. I think NAACP is a good organization, but, as far as BLM, it is unbelievable to me that they have any credibility with the mission statement on their website and the violent rhetoric of their own leaders.My initial, gut reaction to BLM was that All Lives Matter, but I get it now, I think. With so many cases of injustice against blacks--not just in the USA, either--the point needs to be stated more firmly. Black Lives Matter.
Want BLM to go away? Well, make sure your community, state and nation treat blacks at least at the level of Latinos, Asians and, yes, whites. We're nowhere near that now.
Whites hop into our cars, and get a different level of justice on the roads. If we cause an altercation with blacks, and they DARE to report it, many cops are likely to arrest them, not us. That should be offensive to us all. If you love justice, it is.
Thanks for responding, Cali.Don't try to have a give and take discussion with this board because they respond with insults. But your posts on this thread are good. Go check out Mack Brown's twitter acct listen to what be says about BLM.
Why don't you quote the mission statement elements, and cite their online source, that you find so unbelievable and literally incredible.We can all differ in our opinions and hopefully come to some common ground and go forward as a nation. However, we have to agree on facts even if we only loosely agree. I don't agree with the positions you posted above, but that is why it is important to sit down and talk. When you say "how the nation treats blacks..." how about including how blacks treat blacks? When will black people be held accountable? Why do they get a pass on who they vote for and who they listen to for leadership? How about some black millionaire athletes, Obama, Oprah and others to get on public service announcements and tell their community to quit looting and destroying communities. That is what has everybody's goat is that nobody is coming out and telling BLM to stop. The leadership that dares to do so, like Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder and others get called Uncle Toms and other names in attempts to demean and discredit them. I think NAACP is a good organization, but, as far as BLM, it is unbelievable to me that they have any credibility with the mission statement on their website and the violent rhetoric of their own leaders.
Thanks for responding, Cali.
That matches my initial take on the OP and this thread, which is why I ignored it for so long, but my instinct to give peace a chance took over. I think everyone deserves a chance or 15.
My take on America:
We have whites who are gung-ho hood wearers. The ones you see on videos, disgracing themselves and their community. Tiny fraction of the USA? Not tiny enough.
Then there are the "But I'm not racists!" (BINRs) whose actions and failures thereof indicate otherwise. That's a good chunk of the USA. Enough for an Electoral College win, if the opponent is disliked enough.
BINRs seem to rule this board. Or is that wishful?
This is the opposite of my other social media, but, hey, I've always enjoyed diversity.
Why don't you quote the mission statement elements, and cite their online source, that you find so unbelievable and literally incredible.
On their About page, I find:
Do you oppose any of that? If so, why?
- "eradicate white supremacy"
- "build local power to intervene in violence" (namely: "violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes")
- "work(ing) for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise"
Why don't you quote the mission statement elements, and cite their online source, that you find so unbelievable and literally incredible.
On their About page, I find:
Do you oppose any of that? If so, why?
- "eradicate white supremacy"
- "build local power to intervene in violence" (namely: "violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes")
- "work(ing) for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise"
Thanks for responding, Cali.
That matches my initial take on the OP and this thread, which is why I ignored it for so long, but my instinct to give peace a chance took over. I think everyone deserves a chance or 15.
My take on America:
We have whites who are gung-ho hood wearers. The ones you see on videos, disgracing themselves and their community. Tiny fraction of the USA? Not tiny enough.
Then there are the "But I'm not racists!" (BINRs) whose actions and failures thereof indicate otherwise. That's a good chunk of the USA. Enough for an Electoral College win, if the opponent is disliked enough.
BINRs seem to rule this board. Or is that wishful?
This is the opposite of my other social media, but, hey, I've always enjoyed diversity.
I guess I just missed the key bullet points
* focusing on drastically reducing "systemic" black on black violence (the primary cause of death for young black men), and
* working to increase the presence, and roles of responsible black fathers in raising their children to better equip them to prosper in society.
Maybe it is there somewhere in the mission statement and I just missed it...
Black-on-white racism does exist, and should stop, but whites aren't the ones (to my knowledge) being killed and maimed by blacks.
Check the FBI's UCR: twice as many whites killed by blacks as blacks killed by whites. Possibly because the black homicide rate is so high.I don't assume that you're racist because of your political views. But it doesn't help matters that you immediately laugh at what I say, and seem to assume that I don't agree with anything you've written.
Black-on-white racism does exist, and should stop, but whites aren't the ones (to my knowledge) being killed and maimed by blacks.
Why don't you quote the mission statement elements, and cite their online source, that you find so unbelievable and literally incredible.
On their About page, I find:
Do you oppose any of that? If so, why?
- "eradicate white supremacy"
- "build local power to intervene in violence" (namely: "violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes")
- "work(ing) for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise"
If somebody says "BINR", I pretty much believe them at face value. If they add, I am not racist, I am just pro-black or pro-white, then I would steer clear. It has never happened in person, but I have seen on TV at some point or another.Why don't you quote the mission statement elements, and cite their online source, that you find so unbelievable and literally incredible.
On their About page, I find:
Do you oppose any of that? If so, why?
- "eradicate white supremacy"
- "build local power to intervene in violence" (namely: "violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes")
- "work(ing) for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise"
Thanks for responding, Cali.
That matches my initial take on the OP and this thread, which is why I ignored it for so long, but my instinct to give peace a chance took over. I think everyone deserves a chance or 15.
My take on America:
We have whites who are gung-ho hood wearers. The ones you see on videos, disgracing themselves and their community. Tiny fraction of the USA? Not tiny enough.
Then there are the "But I'm not racists!" (BINRs) whose actions and failures thereof indicate otherwise. That's a good chunk of the USA. Enough for an Electoral College win, if the opponent is disliked enough.
BINRs seem to rule this board. Or is that wishful?
This is the opposite of my other social media, but, hey, I've always enjoyed diversity.
I treat everyone the same. Give me respect and you'll get respect. It's earned. I lead by example. If some folks out there aren't inclined to follow that example, that's not on me. It's on them. Doesn't matter the color of a person's skin. There are decent people in every race.My initial, gut reaction to BLM was that All Lives Matter, but I get it now, I think. With so many cases of injustice against blacks--not just in the USA, either--the point needs to be stated more firmly. Black Lives Matter.
Want BLM to go away? Well, make sure your community, state and nation treat blacks at least at the level of Latinos, Asians and, yes, whites. We're nowhere near that now.
Whites hop into our cars, and get a different level of justice on the roads. If we cause an altercation with blacks, and they DARE to report it, many cops are likely to arrest them, not us. That should be offensive to us all. If you love justice, it is.
I treat everyone the same. Give me respect and you'll get respect. It's earned. I lead by example. If some folks out there aren't inclined to follow that example, that's not on me. It's on them. Doesn't matter the color of a person's skin. There are decent people in every race.
There are also ass holes in every race.
And if you're from a race, any race, and you lump all people from one race together by calling them "racists"--- then you're the ass hole. You're the problem. The door swings both ways.
I treat everyone the same. Give me respect and you'll get respect. It's earned. I lead by example. If some folks out there aren't inclined to follow that example, that's not on me. It's on them. Doesn't matter the color of a person's skin. There are decent people in every race.
There are also ass holes in every race.
And if you're from a race, any race, and you lump all people from one race together by calling them "racists"--- then you're the ass hole. You're the problem. The door swings both ways.
Thanks for responding, Cali.
That matches my initial take on the OP and this thread, which is why I ignored it for so long, but my instinct to give peace a chance took over. I think everyone deserves a chance or 15.
My take on America:
We have whites who are gung-ho hood wearers. The ones you see on videos, disgracing themselves and their community. Tiny fraction of the USA? Not tiny enough.
Then there are the "But I'm not racists!" (BINRs) whose actions and failures thereof indicate otherwise. That's a good chunk of the USA. Enough for an Electoral College win, if the opponent is disliked enough.
BINRs seem to rule this board. Or is that wishful?
This is the opposite of my other social media, but, hey, I've always enjoyed diversity.
Have you read "In Defense of Looting"?
All our beliefs about the innate righteousness of property and ownership, Osterweil explains, are built on the history of anti-Black, anti-Indigenous oppression.
So anyone who owns property and doesn't want to give it away is a "POAR" (Property Owners Are Racists)?
I would like to see what you consider "actions and failures thereof indicate otherwise" in defining "BINR's". This lady seems to think that home ownership = racism.
BLM?If no one owns anything, then who owns everything? I think i know.![]()
Have you read "In Defense of Looting"?
All our beliefs about the innate righteousness of property and ownership, Osterweil explains, are built on the history of anti-Black, anti-Indigenous oppression.
So anyone who owns property and doesn't want to give it away is a "POAR" (Property Owners Are Racists)?
I would like to see what you consider "actions and failures thereof indicate otherwise" in defining "BINR's". This lady seems to think that home ownership = racism.
The crazier thing is all the people standing around with cell phone cameras not helping.
I wonder if the SJWs will still believe in the cause once the unemployment or Soros checks go away.The crazier thing is all the people standing around with cell phone cameras not helping.