What actually is social justice?

So on day 101 of the Portland riots, the rioters have gone into residential neighborhoods and started throwing tear gas into the homes of residents while they sleep.

I need to go buy another gun, and I definitely need more ammo. My next purchase is a 300 blackout. incredible for short close quarter firefights.

(I wrote a bunch of other stuff I ended up deleting because I don't need anyone knowing what I'm now thinking of doing. Mostly, because I admit it is crazy).

It's time to start dropping these fools
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Well, after 3 pages no examples of the “changes” other than bringing the out of control cops to justice.

Come on HornsruleU? Give another specific example?
So on day 101 of the Portland riots, the rioters have gone into residential neighborhoods and started throwing tear gas into the homes of residents while they sleep.

I need to go buy another gun, and I definitely need more ammo. My next purchase is a 300 blackout. incredible for short close quarter firefights.

(I wrote a bunch of other stuff I ended up deleting because I don't need anyone knowing what I'm now thinking of doing. Mostly, because I admit it is crazy).

It's time to start dropping these fools
Years ago I had a buddy of mine come back from his third tour in Iraq. He was with the 724th operational support-- he was starting to let mission creep bother him. He'd come to the relegation that democracy could not be won at the end of a muzzle. Democracy had to be embraced-- not shoved down people's throats. Even if YOU thought that democracy was the way to go and was better for everyone, you couldn't force people to participate.

What Antifa is doing is the same thing we did in the middle east. Instead of "helping" a country to found a democracy and overthrow it's dictator, we overthrew the oppressor and then tried to force democracy into place.
It doesn't work that way.

Antifa is trying to change things at the end of a muzzle.

It won't work.
What Antifa wants is Marxism. During the 40s communists called themselves "anti-fascists" because the majority could see the evils of communism. A libertarian recently pointed out that city people don't know that country people will sit all day in a tree just for the opportunity to kill something.
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Years ago I had a buddy of mine come back from his third tour in Iraq. He was with the 724th operational support-- he was starting to let mission creep bother him. He'd come to the relegation that democracy could not be won at the end of a muzzle. Democracy had to be embraced-- not shoved down people's throats. Even if YOU thought that democracy was the way to go and was better for everyone, you couldn't force people to participate.

What Antifa is doing is the same thing we did in the middle east. Instead of "helping" a country to found a democracy and overthrow it's dictator, we overthrew the oppressor and then tried to force democracy into place.
It doesn't work that way.

Antifa is trying to change things at the end of a muzzle.

It won't work.

About once a month, I will take my dad to the local VFW, he likes to shoot a little pool and have a beverage. I don't usually stick around but last time I took him I spoke with a few guys there.

I can pretty much say, they are ready to absolutely drop a hammer on these antifa fools. As my dad says, these idiots are making his agent orange act up and he is starting to get war flashbacks.
I have been waiting for somebody to post this video with Kirk Herbstreit. Nobody has, so I will post it on this thread. It is on topic with this thread, but still, that elusive definition and plan is still as mysterious as the Bermuda Triangle and Hanger 18. White guilt appears to be somewhat of a goal and has actually been attained for a small percentage of people as you will see Herbstreit on full display.

I have been waiting for somebody to post this video with Kirk Herbstreit. Nobody has, so I will post it on this thread. It is on topic with this thread, but still, that elusive definition and plan is still as mysterious as the Bermuda Triangle and Hanger 18. White guilt appears to be somewhat of a goal and has actually been attained for a small percentage of people as you will see Herbstreit on full display.

He's faking.
And yet a very high percentage of the whites who benefit from the revenue of football and basketball are the ladies due to Title IX. See equestrian, cheer, softball, etc. I thought Title IX was an example of government regulation doing a good thing?

Tear it down. See my post on streaming in the Texas Game thread on how to get it done.
I have only met two men in my life that were true racist. I knew this woman whose father (old Aggie) was straight up racist. Used the N word all the time. Believed that if you touched a black person he would give you black person germs etc. The second sat next to me on a plane ride from San Antonio to Boston. He was another old dude who was drunk as hell and dying of cancer so he was telling all about the white race. I didn't have the heart to tell him I wasn't really white. He sure did offend a lot of people on that flight.

Other than those two people I never new a single person in my 52 years that was a true racist. Even my buddy who when to prison and became a higher up in the Aryan Nations, once he got out he was himself again, he married a Latino woman he has 2 kids with her and though he is a conservative republican we both have many friends we played football with who are black.

So with all that said, I have a hard time wondering who BLM is actually fighting against? You would think I've met some of these assholes, but really I haven't. I have met more than a few very racist blacks and Latinos, more so the Latinos than blacks. Latinos tend to talk shit about every race including dark Latinos.

When my brother was at Howard he told me about black sorority's that would measure your darkness against a paper bag, if you were darker you were not allowed to join.

That is just messed up, my brother is a Q-Dog he is one of those loud SOBs that likes to bark.

When Racism fails..