Look- I've been in the meetings where IMF bankers walk in and the Minister of Petroleum gets up and leaves the room to go chin wag with the global bankers. There's money in globalism, and there's people out there that want this global economy where a Coke costs the same in Barcelona as it does in Baghdad- $12.
And they want you to use the same currency in Cleveland that you'd use in Calcutta. Why?
Control. They can control monetary flow, thus controlling the flow of goods. You can't control where oil is found (which fvcks up their little scheme) but you CAN control where solar panels and wind farms are placed.
On the OTHER side of that coin are the people that make money off of chaos. Nation builders. US, China, France- all make BIG money rebuilding fvcked up places. There's powerful ppl inside of those governments that only want a "certain" amount of globalism.
Because if steel costs the same everywhere, then how are they going to rebuild war torn countries using cheap steel but charging premium prices?
The bankers want us all to get along- which gives them control. The chaos ppl want us all to destroy each other which gives them the ability to rebuild all the destroyed infrastructure.
Our country is divided not by political ideology- but by economic ideology disguised as political ideology. And the smaller, weaker countries that have collapsed in the last 50 years- have made many a rebuilder, very wealthy.
Look at Sudan- April 2012. They'd already negotiated a peaceful separation between north and south- but peace doesn't make anybody money except the bankers. So what happened?
Tanks start rolling up the fvcking street, blasting at a couple of buildings that were supposed to have leadership in them, doing meetings. Good times! Where'd the armor come from? One minute there's peace and no tanks, the next minute there's T-55s popping off rounds.
Look at the Congo. You think it's bad now? Wait until the rest of those Cobalt and Lithium mines start producing. There aren't enough private contractors OR green berets to stop what's coming. I don't know if
@GuaranteedFresh! Ever was assigned to Africom or not- but he might know dudes that were. It's going to be a fvcking shit show over there, REAL SOON.
Because the globalist bankers want their lithium and cobalt for their solar panels and windmills that they can control, and the chaos guys want oil and natural gas and war and rebuilding.
These diametrically opposed groups have already set their sites on the USA. It's coming. The question is- when?