Dear aggies

There was this aggie driving down a country road in his pickup truck where he came across this pig off the side of the road. He didn't know what to do so he put it in the bed of the truck.

He came to the first house he saw and asked the man are you missing a pig? The man said no. The aggie said what should I do? The man said wth take him to the zoo.

The next week the aggie saw that man. The man asked well did you take that pig to the zoo?

The aggie smiled and said yes we did and we had so much fun were going to the circus tomorrow.

You absolutely MUST read this thread. I'm a gassed..........

dear lort....this gives me lol and sad all whenever I saw it....

Seriously, I see and hear this every day. The diminution of literacy in this country, and particularly among the young is staggering. A survey of college freshmen in 2015 reported that the average American college freshman was reading at a 7th grade level. Does anyone here really believe that this appalling statistic has improved since? Especially given the 1.5 year suspension of in-person learning due to the WuFlu? Now we increasingly rely on distance education, but in my experience, this method of instruction does not work for the majority of students.

The current grammar trend that drives me aggy-shit crazy? The incorrect usage of "whenever".....see above....

I'm just trying to save the classroom at a time.....
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You absolutely MUST read this thread. I'm a gassed..........

Paragraph 11.

Can I get someone to translate that for me please?


You absolutely MUST read this thread. I'm a gassed..........

Haven't even opened the thread yet and it already screams face-palm. "Intensive purposes?"

No clue why that simple idiom mistake bugs me but it does. Intents & purposes please. Champing at the bit, bald-faced liar, moot point, whet my appetite, deep seated.
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Haven't even opened the thread yet and it already screams face-palm. "Intensive purposes?"

No clue why that simple idiom mistake bugs me but it does. Intents & purposes please. Champing at the bit, bald-faced liar, moot point, whet my appetite, deep seated.
That was the first thing I noticed as well. Here’s a few more that get me agitated:

“Supposably” instead of supposedly

“Donkey Hotey” instead of Don Quixote

“Expresso” instead of Espresso

“Perspire” instead of perspire

“Irregardless” instead of regardless

“Passes mustard “ instead of passes muster
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That was the first thing I noticed as well. Here’s a few more that get me agitated:

“Supposably” instead of supposedly

“Donkey Hotey” instead of Don Quixote

“Expresso” instead of Espresso

“Perspire” instead of perspire

“Irregardless” instead of regardless

“Passes mustard “ instead of passes muster

“Perspire” instead of perspire? 🤔
That was the first thing I noticed as well. Here’s a few more that get me agitated:

“Supposably” instead of supposedly

“Donkey Hotey” instead of Don Quixote

“Expresso” instead of Espresso

“Perspire” instead of perspire

“Irregardless” instead of regardless

“Passes mustard “ instead of passes muster
Irregardless is actually okay, regardless of your regard.
It’s considered nonstandard language. It’s one of the words that becomes a word, just because so many people used it. Instead of constantly correcting them, dictionaries just throw up their hands and say “F**K IT!”
Okay. It’s better than “let me axe you a question”.
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It’s considered nonstandard language. It’s one of the words that becomes a word, just because so many people used it. Instead of constantly correcting them, dictionaries just throw up their hands and say “F**K IT!”
Please, for the love of God, tell me this isn’t actually true. I’m not going to look it up, out of sheer terror.
Dats ray-sis.....
Maybe. I used to work with a guy- white, country, classic horseshoe mustache, very intelligent, and yet he would pronounce it that way. Probably his upbringing and through his life was never told or corrected. It’s just one of those pet peeve word pronouncements that drives me crazy.

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