Just wondering where all the railing against the pandemic went? I guess numbers don't lie. Was it all BS around here, or just BS when it tanked oil prices? Bell?
Best to all from a long time lurker who really just comes here to read clob (you wore 94 in '94, right?) tell me what it was like to be an actual Horn. But I am also humored by right-wing rants and economic paranoia, and there is no shortage of those here!
I also want to represent that there are some old guys (my first degree was conferred in '81) looking in that don't spend all our time wringing our hands about the national debt, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, and people that give sh*t (did I get the silly representation of "s>%t" right?) about social causes remotely left of center.
As I said, I mostly come here for football news. But the odd fantasy from clob alleging that he got his end away in a gravel parking lot/boat/storage unit, with a real estate agent/tranny/dude is certainly acceptable if well written.
I'm a numbers guy. The last numbers I saw said that you had a 0.026% chance of contracting this and dying. Those are global numbers, I would assume. So with that being said, if you believe in math and science, math and science tells us that you have a greater probability of dying in a bicycle accident, drowning, anything involving a ladder etc etc.
Most kids have bikes. Though countless numbers die in bike related accidents annually. Most people get in water. Most people have access to a ladder. Car wrecks kill more people. You either believe in the numbers and statistics or, you don't. If you don't, then you're a denier.
Does this suck?
Could it have been handled better on this planet?
No doubt.
Should we have quarantined the 15-20% most at risk of catching this and having adverse effects while the rest of us went on about our business and kept the world spinning?
Disease kills people. This is a cull. Mother nature sometimes culls our herd. In fact, she culls species all the time. Case in point, 97% of all species that have ever existed on this planet were wiped out by--- mother nature.
No, it's true. 97% of all animal species that have ever existed were completely culled by mother nature. Wooly mammoths? All gone. Velociraptors? All gone. Do Do birds? Adios. Mother nature culled them. It stands to reason that she will try and cull us as well. But because of our big brains, sometimes we have the ability to push her back a bit. To stave her off. Then mother nature groups and comes back at us with a more potent form of her virus or finds a different way to cull us. It's pretty simple actually and it's been occurring on this planet for 3.5 billion years.
If you believe in global warming or climate change then all this death is actually good news for your cause. It's over population that leads to carbon footprints. So less people means fewer carbon footprints. That means a cleaner environment. So rooting for the virus makes sense for climate activists. Or at least if they are thinking rationally it should. But you see, we humans aren't always rational. We think with our feelings.
And because we lack the ability to always be objective about any problem, rather than subjective, it will ultimately lead to us going extinct. One way or another, this planet will kill us off. If we survive the next 2 billion or so years, our sun will start losing its ability to convert helium and hydrogen into fuel and begin to grow into a red giant, thus scorching the earth. So unless we leave this solar system, we are doomed anyway.
No arguing with those facts.
So does a norovirus that whacked a hundred thousand people in this country scare me? Nope. CDC and WHO said the early estimates were that we'd lose 2.2 million people. We've lost 5% of that.
Well-- if you're taking a test that's worth a hundred points and you get 5% of the questions wrong, you still made a 95 on the test. And a 95 is a sold A in any classroom.