Ketch's 10 Thoughts From the Weekend (Tom Herman's big 2018)

more intellectual dishonesty. Soaking wet with it.

"whatever reasons they were choosing to protest".

I had to track you down over here. Of course you avoid the main point of the discussion and throw in an ad hominem for good measure. If there’s “intellectual dishonesty” on display, it’s pretending the backlash against the N.A. flap was about players protesting what you say is “systemic racism” rather than the disrespect of the anthem, or bizarrely that Milwaukee fans’ applause somehow indicates support for the outrageous things Hader said or did years ago in high school, rather than their accepting his mea culpa at face value and moving on — just like his teammates did. Is their support of him shameful or somehow endorsing what he said or did in the past? Of course not. Just a lot of unclear thinking or intentional obfuscation here.

And no it wasn’t clear to many of us whether the NFL protesters were protesting police shootings, systemic racism, Trump, or something else.
Yes, it has been. Open your eyes. It's right in front of you.

You yell me your interpretation of the reasons. But my main point is the anger generated had nothing to do with the validity of the protests, instead it was their time and place, something you seem to refuse to acknowledge.