Leaked video of Bo Davis going full Augie Gurrido after the ISU stomping

At least the team now knows that the fanbase and the administration are united against them. It's as if the petulant turtle was still leading the rats. They gonna get booed mercilessly at home.

They will most likely be booed at home, and deservedly so. Also, there will be lots of fans disguised as empty seats against KU and KSU. I think that KU will be the only win that Texas has in the remaining games.
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Rumor on the inside Texas forum is montrell Estelle according hookah horns. They keep deleting any mention of the name
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It's about time somebody did this. However, the fact that this video exists proves that this team is rotten to the core. I would wager that someone thought that this would get him fired. It's having the opposite effect with the fanbase. It's the soft players from Hermie's roster. Time to purge this fvcking roster and get back to football. No more liberal CRT fvcking studies. Kick the bitches out. (WARNING!!! EXPLICIT LANGUAGE, IT'S ALMOST CATHARTIC TO HEAR, LOL!!!)

This video (and the fact it was leaked) is just proof that for too many players (and people in general these days) feelings matter more than success.
Sark sending a message today subtly but very clear get on board or get out with his comments regarding this situation