OT: School Shootings

I am a professor at a catholic university now. I am also what most people call a blue dog democrat. I coached mostly at rural and suburban schools. That behavior was fairly common and 90% of the time the kids were taking the initiative. I was there mostly for guidance and support.
There's never been a perfect time. Did anyone claim there was one? Talking about delaying the inevitable. But I am not a part of the public system anymore so what do I care. You're smart enough for the both of us.... Make sure to duck when you go spewing your filth in public.

errr..can I introduce you to an fine read..it is called the constitution. Any student raised in the (48th ranked) fine Texas schools could probably break it down for you. Certainly having attended and graduated from the flagship school in Texas, you attended a history class or a civics class?.. this should certainly be something that was covered in class. At least one..hopefully?
I am a professor at a catholic university now. I am also what most people call a blue dog democrat. I coached mostly at rural and suburban schools. That behavior was fairly common and 90% of the time the kids were taking the initiative. I was there mostly for guidance and support.

Re: kids behavior... as it should be. I was public school 100%. I stay away now. All I ask is that my $$$ stays away as well.
errr..can I introduce you to an fine read..it is called the constitution. Any student raised in the (48th ranked) fine Texas schools could probably break it down for you. Certainly having attended and graduated from the flagship school in Texas, you attended a history class or a civics class?.. this should certainly be something that was covered in class. At least one..hopefully?

What are you talking about? Make some sense please.
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Re: kids behavior... as it should be. I was public school 100%. I stay away now. All I ask is that my $$$ stays away as well.
Compulsory public education that is free at the point of delivery is a vital component of our democracy. Tax money for public education is a sound investment and it is our civic duty to fund education for the masses
Compulsory public education that is free at the point of delivery is a vital component of our democracy. Tax money for public education is a sound investment and it is our civic duty to fund education for the masses

Umm... well there's a problem. When kids are murdering each other, they really aren't.

The facts are that people are abandoning the public schools in droves for mostly private Christian schools and home schooling, except for rural and inner city communities but that may start changing soon. I would wager that in 5-10 years online learning (at home or some other heavily guarded building) will dominate all learning and public schools will be a shell of what they once were.

The axe is laid at the root of the tree. Don't shoot the messenger.
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I've often wondered about that. I have friends and family with kids in major universities right now: LSU, Rutgers, Pitt, TCU etc...... and I'm blown away by all of the "online" classes they have. I wonder if public education at the primary level will ever become that. Methinks no because people use public schools for the following reasons--

Daycare for their kids
Free food for the less fortunate families
Sports activities

Or any combination of the 4.
I've often wondered about that. I have friends and family with kids in major universities right now: LSU, Rutgers, Pitt, TCU etc...... and I'm blown away by all of the "online" classes they have. I wonder if public education at the primary level will ever become that. Methinks no because people use public schools for the following reasons--

Daycare for their kids
Free food for the less fortunate families
Sports activities

Or any combination of the 4.

It's going to be the great flight from established education. It's already begun. Sports will migrate to the big baller type academies and the poeple who don't want their daughters mixing with the thugs will and are escaping. Only a matter of time til the political will is there to kill the funding. Most of the Christians left years ago b/c of the ungodly teaching. That's when it started. Leftists kill everything they touch. See Venezuela. ...
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I've noticed the charter school system is exploding. The Montesorro type schools, the non denomination schools--- there's a large explosion already. I was in phx not long ago and one of my business partners parents just bought 6 charter schools because....... well, they are profitable. I kind of questioned him about "making money vs educating kids" and his response was "well, public schools are funded out the a$$ and make no money and can't graduate kids for sh!t. These schools all make money and have 99% graduation rates....... so which is better?".
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I've noticed the charter school system is exploding. The Montesorro type schools, the non denomination schools--- there's a large explosion already. I was in phx not long ago and one of my business partners parents just bought 6 charter schools because....... well, they are profitable. I kind of questioned him about "making money vs educating kids" and his response was "well, public schools are funded out the a$$ and make no money and can't graduate kids for sh!t. These schools all make money and have 99% graduation rates....... so which is better?".
Large online academies are going to use economies of scale to educate kids for $5 to $10 a month. It's going to wipe out the education racket. There will be virtual labs... the whole nine yards for penies on the penies. It's going to wipe out the universities as well. It's just a matter of time.

It's not the weapons. It's the rot from within. Our society is rotting away. The reason europe seems safer is that they are rotting at a slower pace but it's still happening. Usually the remedy for rotting society is the iron fist of a tyrannical gov. but in the us we have weapons and a lot of them so gov is going to have to things differently this time. Enter algorithms and pre crime.
You must not know many europeans. They are way ahead of us.
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That's some funny sh!t right there.

I see what you guys are saying with the message of "religion can provide a outline of how to treat others" ie---- do unto others etc.

And yes, the world would be an almost perfect place if we all treated people in the same way we like to be treated (except for those dudes that like being chained up and whipped by gothic folks in the dungeon) **belldozer**

But someone introduced the mental illness argument into the convo. Ya..... sorry, but no amount of Jesus and church will cure a person with true mental illness. We humans are all walking experiments. And what I mean by that is-- we are living, breathing, chemistry and electrical experiments. Hormones, chems, electric brain signals, phermones.... any imbalance in this chemistry set and it throws the whole thing out of whack. And once your sh!t is out of whack, i'll pray for you...... but that ain't going to fix you.
he quTestion I have is this- when did we get so many people going so bat sh!t crazy? Did this always happen? Were these people always in our society but locked up in the boobie hatch? Prison? Is there a consistent ratio of mentally insane people in the world? Are there more now? What's causing this? Food? Water? Society? Defects in the genes? We'd better figure it out quickly.
Yes, this has always happened. There's a dvd of Jane Goodall. and her chimps. The group broke up into a large group and a small group.The big group killed all the males and the older females in the little group, incorporated the young females. Genocidal warfare preceded humanity. The first people in north america didn't much look like Indians today, but are obviously linked by DNA. Read the Icelandic sagas. We're getting much gentler. Now the news tells us of things happening 2000 miles away. So we think things are getting worse instead of better.
I've noticed the charter school system is exploding. The Montesorro type schools, the non denomination schools--- there's a large explosion already. I was in phx not long ago and one of my business partners parents just bought 6 charter schools because....... well, they are profitable. I kind of questioned him about "making money vs educating kids" and his response was "well, public schools are funded out the a$$ and make no money and can't graduate kids for sh!t. These schools all make money and have 99% graduation rates....... so which is better?".
When my children were in preschool and elementary, they went to an Episcopal school. Cost $2250./year when the public schools were demanding $4500. The church and school used the same classrooms. The church even provided scholarships for the needy. The public schools waste at least a third of what they SPEND.
I have a little more knowledge on the Italy shooting bc of family there. The kid has been expelled multiple times, sent to detention center (DAEP) in Ellis county, etc since he was in middle school. For a small school with very little funding it seems to the blind eye they followed every protocol necessary. Was it the schools fault or the states fault for not stepping in when all the red flags were there? idk... seems like the school was doing what it was supposed to do.
I have a little more knowledge on the Italy shooting bc of family there. The kid has been expelled multiple times, sent to detention center (DAEP) in Ellis county, etc since he was in middle school. For a small school with very little funding it seems to the blind eye they followed every protocol necessary. Was it the schools fault or the states fault for not stepping in when all the red flags were there? idk... seems like the school was doing what it was supposed to do.

The school does what they're supposed to because we have adults that have children that end up suing the district. It's like anything the district or even just a specific school reacts to a parent or maybe even something that happened. I remember sitting in PTA meetings and some of the parents would just bitch and moan the whole time to the principal about minor issues. Well minor to me but obviously a huge issue for the parents but then some of these parents have kids skipping and just not participating in school so there's that. I'd hate to be a teacher but I'd really hate to be a principal.
The school does what they're supposed to because we have adults that have children that end up suing the district. It's like anything the district or even just a specific school reacts to a parent or maybe even something that happened. I remember sitting in PTA meetings and some of the parents would just bitch and moan the whole time to the principal about minor issues. Well minor to me but obviously a huge issue for the parents but then some of these parents have kids skipping and just not participating in school so there's that. I'd hate to be a teacher but I'd really hate to be a principal.

This example is a great reason to decentralize the school system on top of the already discussed problems. It's time to sink or swim. School was never intended to be a brothel or a gun range. The centralized model has run it's course and it's time is over. If a person is unwilling to be a net positive to the economy then maybe we plug them into the matrix and they can be a source of energy... idk, but the bad apples are ruining the system as we know it.
There are some major inaccuracies in some of the previous post. There are 5.3 million children in Texas public schools. There are about 320k in private schools. Public school enrollment is up 16% in the past 10 years about 7% in private schools.

Charter schools in Texas aren't allowed to be for profit.

Online education is expensive. Access to a learning management system is about $100 per user if you run the server or about $300 per user if they run the server. Pre packed course cartridges run anywhere from 80-400 per student per semester at the college level. I teach online and hybrid courses so in order to save cost to the students I build the courses. It takes a long time and I spend more time on my online courses then I do in my face to face courses. Some classes work well online some don't. Online isn't going to be the cost effective savior that some think.

The kid in Italy had all kinds of warning signs. He apparently had a hit list that he made in 8th grade. He was known to have violent out burst. How did this kids get a gun?

Did you hear about the foiled attack in Pittsburgh. Kid was overheard on the bus and was turned in. The kid was 14 and in his room were several semi automatic rifles, a hand gun, a cross bow, throwing knives and 2 machetes. How did he get all that stuff?
That's a pretty impressive arsenal. Bounce the throwing knives and machetes from the equation as they are worthless in a gun fight, and that still some hardware that will do some damage. But you're correct, how did a 14 year old kid get all this stuff? I mean, I had guns at 14, but they were all gifts from dad and my grandpa. On top of that, aside from my 6 shooter, they were all sporting arms.

I've thought about it over the weekend and though I'm no closer to truly understanding what makes kids do this, I think I may be onto something. Bear with me and tell me what you think:

Kids today all want one thing: to be known. To be famous. Look at the youtube channels out there. There are kids that create youtube channels of themselves playing fvcking video games. Kids video themselves doing stupid sh!t for attention. Hell they are eating Tide pods now on video for attention. They all want to be "somebody" and be noticed.

There are those with real talent and then there's the kids that realize that no matter how many vids they post on youtube, they will never "get famous". I mean jesus christ, why is Kim Kardashian famous? Cause she has a big ass. That's it. She has no skills other than a big ass. There are people now that are famous not because of talent, just because. When these kids realize they won't be famous, maybe the next best thing in their mind is to be "infamous".

They pick up a gun and target those people they feel have kept them from being famous. The people that didn't "like" them on social media. They pick up a gun and decide to become famous for another reason......... maybe?

There are some major inaccuracies in some of the previous post. There are 5.3 million children in Texas public schools. There are about 320k in private schools. Public school enrollment is up 16% in the past 10 years about 7% in private schools.

Charter schools in Texas aren't allowed to be for profit.

Online education is expensive. Access to a learning management system is about $100 per user if you run the server or about $300 per user if they run the server. Pre packed course cartridges run anywhere from 80-400 per student per semester at the college level. I teach online and hybrid courses so in order to save cost to the students I build the courses. It takes a long time and I spend more time on my online courses then I do in my face to face courses. Some classes work well online some don't. Online isn't going to be the cost effective savior that some think.

The kid in Italy had all kinds of warning signs. He apparently had a hit list that he made in 8th grade. He was known to have violent out burst. How did this kids get a gun?

Did you hear about the foiled attack in Pittsburgh. Kid was overheard on the bus and was turned in. The kid was 14 and in his room were several semi automatic rifles, a hand gun, a cross bow, throwing knives and 2 machetes. How did he get all that stuff?
That's a pretty impressive arsenal. Bounce the throwing knives and machetes from the equation as they are worthless in a gun fight, and that still some hardware that will do some damage. But you're correct, how did a 14 year old kid get all this stuff? I mean, I had guns at 14, but they were all gifts from dad and my grandpa. On top of that, aside from my 6 shooter, they were all sporting arms.

I've thought about it over the weekend and though I'm no closer to truly understanding what makes kids do this, I think I may be onto something. Bear with me and tell me what you think:

Kids today all want one thing: to be known. To be famous. Look at the youtube channels out there. There are kids that create youtube channels of themselves playing fvcking video games. Kids video themselves doing stupid sh!t for attention. Hell they are eating Tide pods now on video for attention. They all want to be "somebody" and be noticed.

There are those with real talent and then there's the kids that realize that no matter how many vids they post on youtube, they will never "get famous". I mean jesus christ, why is Kim Kardashian famous? Cause she has a big ass. That's it. She has no skills other than a big ass. There are people now that are famous not because of talent, just because. When these kids realize they won't be famous, maybe the next best thing in their mind is to be "infamous".

They pick up a gun and target those people they feel have kept them from being famous. The people that didn't "like" them on social media. They pick up a gun and decide to become famous for another reason......... maybe?

It's pride. It's just manifesting earlier and in the need to be worshiped by others. Adults do this by leveraging themselves to buy the highest end whatever to strut in front of their neighbors.

Online learning.... this will eventually become much cheaper than traditional learning. It has to become less expensive. The amount of tuition debt has exceeded the amount of credit card debt. Essentially kids are selling themselves as slaves to go to university. This will not end well for the kids or the universities. Eventually the defaults will be pushed out to the public in the form of bailouts our bail-ins. My wife and I home school our kids and they are light years ahead of their piers academically. Socially they are able to hold conversations with adults, don't play with phones or gadgets, aren't consumed with the latest drug or video game, all swim competitively, and serve at Church and in the public. We have taught them the joy of reading. I know what a concept! I have found the curriculum to be inexpensive and online academies inexpensive as well. This is going to filter upward into the university level learning curriculum. The issue I see is the "accreditation" process which is being used to keep costs high by keeping out the competition. I don't think it will last long as new technology always wins.
Online education is run by corporations. The first thing you need is an LMS (learning management system). The two big ones are Blackboard and Canvas. They charge per user. We also had to buy the server and pay people to run the servers. The hardware and tech support aren't cheap but that was actually cheaper than playing Blackboard or Canvas to use their servers.

Then you have to pay for the content. You can pay a teacher to create the content or you can by a pre packaged course cartridge from a textbook company. Those course cartridges aren't cheap and unlike a textbook you can't reuse them. Then you have to pay someone to grade papers and interact with students. In order to do online classes well you need 1 instructor for 20-50 people depending on the nature of the course. Its not much cheaper. Places like Southern New Hampshire, Western Governors University, Grand Canyon University and the University of Phoenix aren't really cheaper than public universities and their completion percentages are horrible. The people who tend to do well in those online only programs are working professionals who have had some face to face college coursework. Those people need the flexibility of an online only program and there are plenty of 4 year colleges going after that demographic. We are built several online only graduate programs and we are tossing around ideas for an online only undergraduate general studies degree. They won't be any cheaper than running a face to face class on our end.
When I was at UT in the early 90's books were approximately $1500 and 15 hours of tuition was $1500. I know, my mother paid books and tuition and I paid everything else. Dad was an alcoholic and did nothing so I worked full time at night after classes. Anyway, it was affordable. Kids today are behind the 8 ball before they begin. Today, I would choose a trade and go the self employment route over 6 figures of debt and a rocky job market. Many trades pull 6 figures or close after a few years. How do we get the tuition issue corrected?
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When I was at UT in the early 90's books were approximately $1500 and 15 hours of tuition was $1500. I know, my mother paid books and tuition and I paid everything else. Dad was an alcoholic and did nothing so I worked full time at night after classes. Anyway, it was affordable. Kids today are behind the 8 ball before they begin. Today, I would choose a trade and go the self employment route over 6 figures of debt and a rocky job market. Many trades pull 6 figures or close after a few years. How do we get the tuition issue corrected?[ I paid less than $100./ semester and $108. dorm room /semester. Student loans have allowed colleges to raise tuition. We didn't have cars, tv, cellphones, so more time to "study". Tuition will be difficult to control now that no one expects to spend their own money now.
When I was at UT in the early 90's books were approximately $1500 and 15 hours of tuition was $1500. I know, my mother paid books and tuition and I paid everything else. Dad was an alcoholic and did nothing so I worked full time at night after classes. Anyway, it was affordable. Kids today are behind the 8 ball before they begin. Today, I would choose a trade and go the self employment route over 6 figures of debt and a rocky job market. Many trades pull 6 figures or close after a few years. How do we get the tuition issue corrected?

I was at UT from 95-99. I paid between 1100-1900 per semester. I took between 12-18 hours per semester. Books weren't too bad. 200-300 per semester. Since that time state funding per student has dropped by almost 40%. In order to make up for that tuition has increased. Those people on the board that went to UT in the 70's and 80's had an even better deal. The drop in funding since the early 80s is getting close to 60%.
Again today. Breaks my heart. 17 dead at this point. I look at my two young daughters and I get shivers. Then give them a hug and don’t want to let go.
God Bless their souls.
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Again today. Breaks my heart. 17 dead at this point. I look at my two young daughters and I get shivers. Then give them a hug and don’t want to let go.
God Bless their souls.

And I can guarantee you just thoughts and prayers as usual will be the only thing that happens. I don't have the answers but just sitting idle isn't the answer and using excuses after excuses is obviously not working. I believe everyone has the right to own a gun but man we need something at these schools to stop this from happening.
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I love guns just as much as the next guy (okay maybe not as much as @clob94) but I agree this has gotten ridiculous. 35 days into 2018 and 18 school shootings that is one every other day.

I know there are bigger issues at play here, but we have got to do something.
I love guns just as much as the next guy (okay maybe not as much as @clob94) but I agree this has gotten ridiculous. 35 days into 2018 and 18 school shootings that is one every other day.

I know there are bigger issues at play here, but we have got to do something.

You know what's unfortunate ASURAM2010 when I've had to sit down with my kid while in high school and tell her to always be aware of your surroundings at school. Know the exits make sure you know how to escape out of class if you have windows but make sure if you here gun shots you do your best to get the F out of there. I mean her being a woman I've always told her to make sure she's not alone at night and shit but telling her to watch her back at school is on another level. Where I grew up I heard drive bys probably every other night and you think you escape the possibility of violence by moving to the suburbs but all it takes is a kid that thinks his/her life is over because of a broken heart or just wants revenge. SUCKS!
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Society has passed the tipping point of acting on evil desires. All people have the propensity to do evil but it's our conscious and desire to love our neighbor that stops it. 2 Timothy 3 predicted these times. I will let you look it up. Nothing will change until personal responsibility for EVERY part of one's life and actions makes a strong comeback. No longer can the evil's of the individual be born by the collective. Until this happens, having anything to do with the public square is a huge risk.

Edit: To be clear, we will be returning to Roman style justice. It's just a matter of time.
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All the signs were there.Young male, social isolation, mental illness, disturbing internet post, expulsion from school. Hell he posted a comment on a youtube video saying he was going to be a professional school shooter. The dude that uploaded the Youtube clip reported the comment to the FBI so the shooter was known to law enforcement at the federal and local level. Yet somehow the kid was able to pass a background check.

We have a way to fix this. AI and the computing power is there. Researchers at Stanford used machine learning and trained computers to determine if someone was gay just by looking at a single picture. The accuracy was 81%. Imagine what they could do with more data points. Early identification of school shooters could easily get into the 97%-99% accuracy range if social media outlets would scan post and send that info to the FBI. I mean they scan every post and every picture, video and comment already so they can sell your info to other companies why not use that computing power to solve a problem.
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