Couldn't disagree more. Taking away military style weapons does work. There's a reason these mass murders always involve the AR-15 style rifles. Civilians don't need these military style weapons. Period. Their only use is for killing humans. The USA is the only advanced country with this problem. The 2nd amendment has become a suicide pact. Not "well regulated" at all.
Also, no it won't "guarantee" some nutjob won't kill people. Obviously. But we don't have to make it as easy as pie either.
@Scholz, I love you man but I've got to respectfully disagree with you just a tad.
More people are killed with hand guns, by far. Now yes, I DO AGREE that "mass shootings" that make headlines are usually perpetrated with long guns like ARs and AK style weapons. But let' look at it like this-
Soft target vs hard target-
In the movies, you see military guys putting suppressors on their hand gun to shoot bad guys. In the history of special operations, you can count on one hand the number of bad guys that have been killed this way. Hand guns with a suppressor is used to shoot the dog. When our SOF guys decide to hit a house that has an HVT (high value target) if that dude has a dog in his yard, the dog will be dispatched this way. After that, when they enter the home, they are using a long weapon. Why? Accuracy, inertial stopping power, difficulty in having the weapon taken from you, and if the worst happens, lots of rounds to put on target. These are considered "hardened targets" though. These guys expect the targets to be armed. They expect a fight.
Schools are not hardened targets. They are soft targets. Using a long weapon against a soft target is, from a tactical stand point, over kill.
Want to see real carnage, replace this kids AR with a Benelli M2 shotgun, a gun that I own and use on everything from dove to deer, buy a 75$ 12 round extension tube and some double ought buck shot, and now you've got a real problem. Ballistics say that one AR round will take down 1 kid, unless you have a "through and through" (bullet goes through one kid and into another). However, 1 blast of buckshot can take down multiple targets if they are huddled together. A crowded room full of targets is literally fish in a barrel. Where do you think the phrase "turkey shoot" cones from?
Unless you are well trained in shooting, the AR platform is a terrible way to conduct close quarters combat. The AR and AK get the bad rep because they are "scary looking" or remind people If military style weapons. If these idiots ever figured this out and switched out their AR for a tactical style shotgun, the poop will really hit the fan. You don't have to be a great shooter, there's huge margin for error and you can hit multiple targets with one trigger pull. Reloading? Yes, I will grant you that reloading a shotty is harder and more time consuming than hitting a mag release button and jamming home another 30 round mag, but I am willing to bet you any amount of money that the hit/miss ratio with an AR in shootings like these is maybe 1-3 or 1-4. That means that at MAX each 30 round mag scores only 10 hits. Of those 10 hits, how many are lethal?
Switch that out with a shotgun and virtually every round has a much higher % chance of scoring a hit- with some rounds scoring multiple hits if targets are huddled.
If you want to get serious about what weapons have the potential to shwack folks in this environment, target tactical shotguns. Trust me, if these clowns had training and knew what they were doing, they'd be doing this.