OT: School Shootings

All the signs were there.Young male, social isolation, mental illness, disturbing internet post, expulsion from school. Hell he posted a comment on a youtube video saying he was going to be a professional school shooter. The dude that uploaded the Youtube clip reported the comment to the FBI so the shooter was known to law enforcement at the federal and local level. Yet somehow the kid was able to pass a background check.

We have a way to fix this. AI and the computing power is there. Researchers at Stanford used machine learning and trained computers to determine if someone was gay just by looking at a single picture. The accuracy was 81%. Imagine what they could do with more data points. Early identification of school shooters could easily get into the 97%-99% accuracy range if social media outlets would scan post and send that info to the FBI. I mean they scan every post and every picture, video and comment already so they can sell your info to other companies why not use that computing power to solve a problem.

Yes, it's coming and the punishment standards are going to be shortened and made more severe. It's a financial certainty. While punishment is not a perfect deterrent, it's a pretty damn good one.
Nah I doubt it. After Aurora, Sandy Hook, and Vegas there was a pretty strong push for some fairly tailored gun control measures. For Aurora and Sandy hook it was adding diagnosed mental illness as a disqualification for a background check. That didn't happen. After Vegas it was a ban on Bump Stocks. And that didn't happen. I imagine that there will be new calls for adding mental illness to the background checks but end the end nothing will change and we will be distracted by the lastest tweet and then it will come full circle when the next school shooting happens.
Nah I doubt it. After Aurora, Sandy Hook, and Vegas there was a pretty strong push for some fairly tailored gun control measures. For Aurora and Sandy hook it was adding diagnosed mental illness as a disqualification for a background check. That didn't happen. After Vegas it was a ban on Bump Stocks. And that didn't happen. I imagine that there will be new calls for adding mental illness to the background checks but end the end nothing will change and we will be distracted by the lastest tweet and then it will come full circle when the next school shooting happens.

They are coming faster and we will soon reach critical mass. Taking away guns will not work. No one will comply. In Rome, people were crucified for theft... we are heading there fast. This country thrived on frontier justice, meaning quick public trials and quick public hangings.
I'm with speedstrength. Nothing will happen we seem to forget after a week and move on to the next thing Trump, Kardashin, sporting event etc... We do not care enough because it hasn't happened to someone in office or a very wealthy person.
We have something called the 8th amendment so I doubt you are going to see massive changes in sentencing. The other thing you need to consider is that these people aren't right in the head and honestly most are at a point where they just don't care if they live or die. However since we have all of these powerful computing tools it would be fairly easy to spot these guys early. I mean if you look at the school shooters they all fit a pretty predictable pattern. There are always warning signs. We can try to make it a little harder for them to get a fire arm. I mean there are 8-10 million AR platform weapons out there and there are plenty of people willing to sell to people who can't pass a background check. But at least make them buy their mass murder weapons on the black market.
I'm with speedstrength. Nothing will happen we seem to forget after a week and move on to the next thing Trump, Kardashin, sporting event etc... We do not care enough because it hasn't happened to someone in office or a very wealthy person.

Then this will equal the death of public education and any other percieved soft target of these nut bags. Not on the political end but on the parental end. People are pulling kids out at an alarming rate.
We have something called the 8th amendment so I doubt you are going to see massive changes in sentencing. The other thing you need to consider is that these people aren't right in the head and honestly most are at a point where they just don't care if they live or die. However since we have all of these powerful computing tools it would be fairly easy to spot these guys early. I mean if you look at the school shooters they all fit a pretty predictable pattern. There are always warning signs. We can try to make it a little harder for them to get a fire arm. I mean there are 8-10 million AR platform weapons out there and there are plenty of people willing to sell to people who can't pass a background check. But at least make them buy their mass murder weapons on the black market.

They will go into hiding after the first few are busted. The surveillance techniques will have to become more and more intrusive... which is a problem.
I just watched a snap chat video of a kid in the school and it's pretty freighting especially if you can imagine it being your kid.
They will go into hiding after the first few are busted. The surveillance techniques will have to become more and more intrusive... which is a problem.

Most people do it to themselves. Social media and Corporate America "spies" on you far more than the Government. For some reason people don't really question the amount of data that is being collected on you every time you post, tweet, snap, pin, stream or even shop at brick and motor stores. They know how old you are, your background, shopping habits, political affiliations and they sell that data. Now we have smart thermostats, fitness trackers, vacuums, speakers, and TVs that are collecting tons of information about our daily habits so surveillance on a massive scale is already happening. Just tweak the algorithm to identify school shooters. Its not like kids aren't going to stop posting on social media. It's how they operate.
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If 20 dead six year olds didn't spur action on gun control, nothing will. That's when I knew this debate was over. I just hope the NRA blood money comforts all the corrupt congressmen in the afterlife.
I was at UT from 95-99. I paid between 1100-1900 per semester. I took between 12-18 hours per semester. Books weren't too bad. 200-300 per semester. Since that time state funding per student has dropped by almost 40%. In order to make up for that tuition has increased. Those people on the board that went to UT in the 70's and 80's had an even better deal. The drop in funding since the early 80s is getting close to 60%.
You're a couple years older than my oldest daughter. The reason tuition went up is STUDENT LOANS. In the 60's few students took out loans, so schools couldn't charge what they do today. Living expenses went up because now everybody wants air conditioning, a car, a cell phone, and a television. None of which I or most of my friends could afford.
If 20 dead six year olds didn't spur action on gun control, nothing will. That's when I knew this debate was over. I just hope the NRA blood money comforts all the corrupt congressmen in the afterlife.
So many more children killed by police. Just not 15 at a time. Let's control law enforcement if we really want to save the children.
If 20 dead six year olds didn't spur action on gun control, nothing will. That's when I knew this debate was over. I just hope the NRA blood money comforts all the corrupt congressmen in the afterlife.

If taking away guns would guarantee that gun murders would end, then I would be all for it. Check out Mexico. Gun control does not work. It makes murders by people using guns worse. Making drugs illegal does not work. It only creates the opportunity for illegal profiteering by miscreants. Making guns illegal will not work.... We are going to have to harden the targets without increasing budgets. It's a reality of the world we live in... It's time to put armed police inside the schools and at guard posts. I pulled my kids out long ago. My wife who has a BS from aggyland teaches my kids. We forgo a nice salary to make this happen but the most important investment one will ever make is in one's children.
So many more children killed by police. Just not 15 at a time. Let's control law enforcement if we really want to save the children.

So it's ok for kids to be killed in school while learning? See this is one issue we have as Americans we divert from the topic at hand.
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If taking away guns would guarantee that gun murders would end, then I would be all for it. Check out Mexico.

Let's not compare Mexico with the US with that said taking away every gun isn't the answer and gun control doesn't equal taking your gun away.
Let's not compare Mexico with the US with that said taking away every gun isn't the answer and gun control doesn't equal taking your gun away.

Maybe it doesn't mean taking away my guns to you but to others it does. Our civilization is actually more violent than Mexico. It's just that their population has no way of defending itself against cartels, so they are sheep being led to the slaughter.

Do you think that the cartels in our inner cities would venture outward (inclucining into our schools) more if people and police were unarmed?
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You know what's unfortunate ASURAM2010 when I've had to sit down with my kid while in high school and tell her to always be aware of your surroundings at school. Know the exits make sure you know how to escape out of class if you have windows but make sure if you here gun shots you do your best to get the F out of there. I mean her being a woman I've always told her to make sure she's not alone at night and shit but telling her to watch her back at school is on another level. Where I grew up I heard drive bys probably every other night and you think you escape the possibility of violence by moving to the suburbs but all it takes is a kid that thinks his/her life is over because of a broken heart or just wants revenge. SUCKS!
Agree, I've got a 3 year old little girl and it terrifies me the stuff that she is going to be exposed to that I would have never even thought about much less at the age that she will be exposed to it. Makes you want to lock your doors and never leave the house, but if you do that then the people making these stupid decisions win and I REFUSE TO LET THEM WIN.
Nah I doubt it. After Aurora, Sandy Hook, and Vegas there was a pretty strong push for some fairly tailored gun control measures. For Aurora and Sandy hook it was adding diagnosed mental illness as a disqualification for a background check. That didn't happen. After Vegas it was a ban on Bump Stocks. And that didn't happen. I imagine that there will be new calls for adding mental illness to the background checks but end the end nothing will change and we will be distracted by the lastest tweet and then it will come full circle when the next school shooting happens.
I hate that you are correct here, but damn you are right
Agree, I've got a 3 year old little girl and it terrifies me the stuff that she is going to be exposed to that I would have never even thought about much less at the age that she will be exposed to it. Makes you want to lock your doors and never leave the house, but if you do that then the people making these stupid decisions win and I REFUSE TO LET THEM WIN.

Then fight back but going into a gun fight with the hope of not being a statistic is a loser. We need to fight back with strength and not weakness. We need to harden these soft targets and increase the surveillance of the nuts and pull them out of society faster. Let's face facts. Guns and drugs pour over our southern border so their availability will always be there.
The starting point has to be with both major political parties stopping with their soapbox talking points. Left has to quit blaming ar15s and realise it's the same as many hunting rifles that are considered "reasonable." Only difference is ARs look militarised and are very popular. It's actually very underpowered compared to most traditional rifles. God help us if the next shooter uses an actual semi-auto hunting rifle. There would be no wounded.
The right has to come up with a better argument than "they're going to abolish the 2nd amendment!" Ain't gonna happen without a convention of states.
Only then will we be able to take a serious look into preventing evil punks from following through with their twisted plans.
The starting point has to be with both major political parties stopping with their soapbox talking points. Left has to quit blaming ar15s and realise it's the same as many hunting rifles that are considered "reasonable." Only difference is ARs look militarised and are very popular. It's actually very underpowered compared to most traditional rifles. God help us if the next shooter uses an actual semi-auto hunting rifle. There would be no wounded.
The right has to come up with a better argument than "they're going to abolish the 2nd amendment!" Ain't gonna happen without a convention of states.
Only then will we be able to take a serious look into preventing evil punks from following through with their twisted plans.

I would agree on gun ownership. I think a common sense gun ownership course should be required of all hand gun and high caliber rifle applicants. Also, gun ownership rights should be revoked for anyone involved in drug, sex, domestic violence and any other crimes that show a lack of personal control. Problem is that these are the types of people that will go straight to a black market.
I can see both sides of the gun control argument. I am all for stricter controls of who can buy guns from reputable dealers such as sporting good stores, gun stores, etc. but that is going to do nothing for those people who want to get a gun. If someone wants to go shoot up the next soft target, not being able to buy the gun from Brick & Mortar gun store isn't going to stop them. They are going to find it one way or another. I agree with @2300 Nueces, the information is there to at least flag the folks for the things they post online and such. I am a concealed carry holder, I have a gun safe on my night stand and one in the closet, but people like me who go through the proper channels are not the ones making headlines for this type of stuff. People like me are making headlines for stopping these sort of attacks.

My wife is a school teacher in a very impoverished neighborhood that deals with drugs, gangs, family violence etc. and they are a perfect "target" for something like this to happen. There is absolutely no security on campus, the doors to the front of the school are never locked. Classroom doors are always locked but again that isn't going to stop anyone from doing harm if they really want to. I am of the opinion that the only thing stopping a bad guy with a gun from doing bad things is a good guy with a gun who is willing and able to engage the bad guy. I know a lot of school districts are now allowing some of their teachers to carry, and I have no doubt that if someone walked into their classroom with a gun, the teachers who are carrying would be willing and prepared to engage the shooter. While there would still most likely be casualties or at least wounded, the number would decline drastically.
I don't want to go to a society where every where turn this is a uniformed officer with a gun, but I would gladly take that if we could stop this behavior.
Maybe it doesn't mean taking away my guns to you but to others it does.

You're right if people don't read the gun control topics than they automatically think their guns are going to be taken up.

Our civilization is actually more violent than Mexico. It's just that their population has no way of defending itself against cartels, so they are sheep being led to the slaughter.

It probably is more violent but Mexico has bigger issues than gun control. Not saying the innocent are sometimes not killed by cartels but usually cartels are killing other cartel gangs. My family lives in Michoacán I get some stories but most of time if you aren't dealing with cartels or drugs you're not messed with.
Every school I taught at had at least 1 armed SRO. My son's elementary school was built in the 80's. They just finished adding a security lobby with bullet proof glass. It wasn't cheap. I don't know the exact cost because they are adding some classrooms, covered walkways to the gym and updating the library but Its got to be well over 100k for the work they did just on the new lobby.

The other thing we also need to do is stay focused. This isn't about all gun crime its about school shoots. There is a very distinct pattern of school shooters emerging. If we can identify potential school shooters early, make it though for them to buy weapons for their mass murders and get them help then maybe we can put a big dent in these things.
I would agree on gun ownership. I think a common sense gun ownership course should be required of all hand gun and high caliber rifle applicants. Also, gun ownership rights should be revoked for anyone involved in drug, sex, domestic violence and any other crimes that show a lack of personal control. Problem is that these are the types of people that will go straight to a black market.
You cannot LEGALLY buy a gun (handgun or otherwise) if you have been convicted of domestic violence or have any charges on your record. I would be completely open to raising the age to buy long guns from 18 to 21 or even 25. And the argument that it would kill youth hunting and things of that nature are pure BS because when was the last time that an avid youth hunter had to buy their own gun without mom/dads permission and supervision?
I thought we were talking children being shot.

We are talking about school shootings which 100% of the shooting victims are always innocent. I'm not sure what children you are referring to when you blatantly say cops are killing children more than school shootings.
If 20 dead six year olds didn't spur action on gun control, nothing will. That's when I knew this debate was over. I just hope the NRA blood money comforts all the corrupt congressmen in the afterlife.
Scholz, from years of posts on OB I know where you stand on the topic of guns. Not trying to bait an argument or any political back and forth but I'm honestly curious what else you'd like to see enforced? Additional layers of background checks? Extensive waiting period? Ban of specific style of guns or all of 'em? I've heard of a gunshow loophole but everytime I've made a purchase at one I had to fill out the same background check paperwork, maybe it's different in other states...I dont know.
I would agree on gun ownership. I think a common sense gun ownership course should be required of all hand gun and high caliber rifle applicants. Also, gun ownership rights should be revoked for anyone involved in drug, sex, domestic violence and any other crimes that show a lack of personal control. Problem is that these are the types of people that will go straight to a black market.

Bingo. You hit the nail on the head. Bad people are going to do bad things. Where there's a will, there's a way. Remove all guns and they will move on to the next available way like pipe bombs. Hell, you could damn near build your own nuke if you have internet access.
The "gun show" loophole is really the private sellers loophole. So the guys walking around the gun show with weapons to sell who aren't firearms dealers don't have to do a background check. This has moved onto internet marketplaces so if you can't pass a background check its still fairly easy to obtain a firearm. Because of this system there is no real black market mark up. You end up paying typical market prices for a used firearm. If you make it harder for people to obtain weapons who cant background checks and say drive the price of a black market AR-15 up to 10,000-15,000 then you would make it much more difficult for a school shooter to obtain that type of weapon.
People will do bad things so what's the point of any laws?

Tighter restrictions for gun ownership
Close private seller "gunshow" loopholes
High capacity magazine restrictions

The idea that we shouldn't do anything unless it will be 100% effective is a fallacy, and I am not even where it comes from? What is the logic behind this reasoning?
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If taking away guns would guarantee that gun murders would end, then I would be all for it. Check out Mexico. Gun control does not work.
Couldn't disagree more. Taking away military style weapons does work. There's a reason these mass murders always involve the AR-15 style rifles. Civilians don't need these military style weapons. Period. Their only use is for killing humans. The USA is the only advanced country with this problem. The 2nd amendment has become a suicide pact. Not "well regulated" at all.

Also, no it won't "guarantee" some nutjob won't kill people. Obviously. But we don't have to make it as easy as pie either.