I have put this out there before, but it is worth repeating...."It's not my job to stop my team from scoring. It's your job. If you don't want to be scored on, do something to stop it."……Steve Spurrier.
My kind of coach.
Bonus Spurrier quote….on 20 books being burned in a fire at the Auburn football dorm…..
“The real tragedy is, 15 of them hadn’t been colored yet.” 🤣
in 1969(second year of the wishbone) DKR had a habit of letting the starters score 4 times and then put in the second string offense ( all 11 of them) ....this was usually mid second quarter....and letting the 2nd string run it up more. In late 3rd quarter or early 4th he would run out the third team.
It was not until after the season when they were getting ready for their T man banquit that they discovered that not one starter had played enough minutes to earn a letter under the old guidelines.
This did several things, all of them good. It helped prevent injuries to starters, It gave all second and third teamers real game experience......and it was rough on the other team when DKR continued to run out fresh guys.
Goddammit I miss those days....