A plan B would be nice but everyone in the universe knows that Urban is the only way the BMDs come out of the woodwork and pony up for the buyout of TH. UM would build UT into a juggernaut. He would instantly be the best coach we ever had, including DKR. UM would have a chance at winning a NC in his 3rd league of play, no one has ever done that. The guy is elite, it’s a home run hire. I listened to the Chip Brown podcast with the guy who’s covered OSU for the last 30 years, he apparently believes UM is a pretty decent family man. Yes, he screwed up the Zach Smith deal but there were reasons behind the loyalty to Zach (it doesn’t make domestic violence ok, of course not). But there were some very strong ties to Zach’s grandfather who gave UM his first job, etc....things have changed and we need to snag UM now. I fully believe it’s already in the works. Just a hunch, from everything I’ve read the last few days. Mensa Tom go bye-bye!!