Wow. Ain't nobody here talking Football...
Now don't get me wrong. I read nothing I did not immediately agree with. In my opinion, POTUSJRB, in less than one year, has moved both POTUSJEC AND POTUSBHO up one on the lousy US Presidents list. So I'll put my 2 cents in....
I admit to agreeing with a couple of things POTUSBHO did while there ( both involved SEAL TEAM 6.) We have had no "pirates" boarding our ships lately...and he did kill Bin Laden.
Now, if it is true that our Spooks tried to give POTUSWJC THREE shots at Bin Laden during his Presidency, that makes me wonder, baring anything else that has happened, just how many MILLION lives, American and Muslim, that earlier death might have saved. ( I am pretty sure we have killed millions of them.)
Now, just being a scuzzy 1960s Reserve MARINE Infantryman, I don't like the spooks either, but when they give you three shots at The Head Muslim troublemaker, I think you should have taken one of them - and possibly that might have resulted in not having our bad day in New York, New York and the loss of 3,000 or so American civilians...and I wouldn't have to remember that man and woman holding hands for courage to leap 3,000 feet into the concrete to escape death by fire - with the woman's other hand down on the front of her dress to maintain her dignity for that 3,000 feet - until GOD closes my eyes the last time. I can NEVER forget them nor offer forgiveness for that.