I guess everyone here realized COVID is real

Agree with your post. In addition, according to the CDC, the actual deaths just from Covid, and not Covid and Heart issues or other serious medical condition, is around 9,200 deaths. To make Covid sound like the bad mean bug, they lump the deaths of anyone who had Covid in with the guy dying of cancer to make the death numbers climb up. We are fed bs stats on this disease. Further, we do not know what other countries are using for their stats or if they are testing like we do. So YES it is up to debate on how we are handling the Covid and on the actual severity of this Coronavirus. My daughter had it and just had a sore throat for 3 days.

There is no doubt that the Covid data on new cases and deaths is unreliable. Under the Medicare reimbursement system, health care providers are incentivized to code even "probable" Covid cases as a new case. He's an example given to me by a family member who is an ophthalmologist: a patient comes in for treatment for an eye infection. After the usual questions, the patient states they also have a slight fever or sore throat. She could code the patient visit as probable Covid and get reimbursed from Medicare at a great rate than the discounted insurance rate for an eye infection. She doesn't do that due to her ethics, but she also doesn't doubt that it is occurring with regularity. I don't dispute the existence of a virus and I make sure my 75 year mother, who also has an underlying condition, takes care of herself. But, as someone who has no underlying conditions and is very healthy, I don't pay attention to the current case counts. They're unreliable and meaningless.
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.0042%, my bad. Like the difference between .0042% and .000042% significantly impacts the assertion that Covid-19 should not be considered a global pandemic.
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I’m at ground zero breeding ground for Covid transmission. I’m at IHOP New Braunfels surrounded by golden oldies. Im laughing in Covid’s face
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First, there's 7.8 Billion people on the planet. Second, move your decimal point over.

Yeah. My bad.

26,000,000/7,800,000,000 = .3333...%

I hope everyone is happy that I fixed my math mistake, instead of concentrating on the fact that mathematically Covid-19 should not be classified as a global pandemic.
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So I’m down at the beauty shop getting my perm coiffed and I ask the lady to blow dry the excess cut hair off of me and she says ‘no Belldozer we can’t do that anymore due to it spreading covid in the air’ so she pulls out a mini shop vac and vacuums my head and face.

if what she’s telling me was true, Fauci, CDC, and Covid are much more retarded than I thought.
Yeah. My bad.

26,000,000/7,800,000,000 = .3333...%

I hope everyone is happy that I fixed my math mistake, instead of concentrating on the fact that mathematically Covid-19 should not be classified as a global pandemic.

It is quite ludicrous that you would want to make a mathematical argument and get the math wrong.... twice.
Not surprising that Belldozer liked both your posts...

I am not familiar with guidelines around classification of pandemics.
All I know is there is stuff out there and reasonable (and that will vary from person to person) precaution ought to be taken.

Call it a pandemic or not, the numbers would be the same.
It is quite ludicrous that you would want to make a mathematical argument and get the math wrong.... twice.
Not surprising that Belldozer liked both your posts...

I am not familiar with guidelines around classification of pandemics.
All I know is there is stuff out there and reasonable (and that will vary from person to person) precaution ought to be taken.

Call it a pandemic or not, the numbers would be the same.
You don't get it. I'm willing to bet that you are one of the ones no longer concerned with "Covid" death rates but the more important number of new cases. Awfully convenient.:rolleyes:

And yes, you arguing over where he placed his decimal point is ridiculous especially considering he showed his equation:rolleyes:. Real brain buster. Carry on Mr. Mathematician. The fact is covid is a souped up overhyped virus that is not having the desired political effects you and your ilk were hoping for so you focus your anger on where he placed his decimal. Typical
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The people that are peddling disinformation are the ones that suggest that the US's management of Covid-19 is one of the worst. The US has a Covid mortality rate of 3%. There are 56 countries that have a higher rate.


This virus started in China, the most heavily populated country in the world and they only had 68K cases. A country where a majority of the labor force works in inhumane conditions. BS
We have a better hospital situation than many countries. Lord knows we spend a lot more. That's why the Covid mortality rate in the USA doesn't match the known infection rate.

You're just focusing on the one stat that makes your man look not good, but at least mediocre. Not the very worst.

Since when is being 57th from the bottom a good thing? Would you accept the Longhorns to be 57th from the bottom?
We have a better hospital situation than many countries. Lord knows we spend a lot more. That's why the Covid mortality rate in the USA doesn't match the known infection rate.

You're just focusing on the one stat that makes your man look not good, but at least mediocre. Not the very worst.

Since when is being 57th from the bottom a good thing? Would you accept the Longhorns to be 57th from the bottom?

1. Who the f*ck is my man?
2. If being 1st meant that you had the highest mortality rate and you were 57th, would you consider yourself to be one of the worst?
3. If you were going to concentrate on 1 stat, wouldn't how many people are actually dying be a more significant than how many got sick?

You can't ask people to stop living because they might get sick. People are going to get sick and die. That's life. We have babies getting put out in the street because there parents can't work. And regardless of math mistakes, the numbers do not warrant the response.

You cannot throw the baby out with the bath water.
Every time the Covid infection numbers come out I openly applaud the TV or radio when they announce the "recovered" numbers. Why? Simple.

Drug companies. I don't like them.

These drug companies don't want you to get Covid and beat it. Why? Anti-bodies.

Example--- chicken pox parties.

Remember as kids when one child would get chicken pox our mom's would take us over to a chicken pox party so we'd all get it?

Get chicken pox as a child and you'll be immune and survive.
Get chicken pox as an adult and it will likely get you VERY sick and you'll die.

However, there's no money in chicken pox parties.

So the drug companies developed an antivirus injection for the chicken pox and charged your insurance company for it. There's now money in chicken pox.

You just wait--- your insurance company is going to get pounded with a bill for Covid that's going to be higher than you'd expect. Your immunization shot will cost an order of magnitude more than a flu shot. This will be a windfall for drug companies---- and every person that gets Covid and recovers, is money out of the drug company's pockets.

This is why I applaud herd immunity.
Things I find amusing...

People on twitter are still pushing that "trumpdeathtoll" hashtag
people that have still not left their house
people that still compare the US to New Zealand, lol, this might be my favorite
people that still compare the US to Europe...they stopped their research back in May
people that still think Biden has a "plan"
Things I find amusing...

People on twitter are still pushing that "trumpdeathtoll" hashtag
people that have still not left their house
people that still compare the US to New Zealand, lol, this might be my favorite
people that still compare the US to Europe...they stopped their research back in May
people that still think Biden has a "plan"
I’ll add:
  • People who wear a mask while alone in a car
  • People who think the Rona wafts in the air like nuclear radiation (I get yelled at at least once a week for not wearing a mask while walking down the street with no one within 100 yards of me
  • Male lib colleagues who have put effort into making their mask a fashion accessory (color, design, etc) rather than looking at it as a utilitarian tool
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The part I am most frustrated with is that I've done literally ten blood tests with (mostly) different health institutions that have come to relatively the same conclusion-- that I'm an outlier when it comes to the disease, yet I can't get anybody to write me a freaking hallpass so I can stop wearing a mask. I've played by the rules and won--- yet I'm not getting to enjoy the spoils of winning. It's almost as if my exception to the rule isn't being "rewarded".

There's a social philosophy out there that is reflective of this mindset.
The part I am most frustrated with is that I've done literally ten blood tests with (mostly) different health institutions that have come to relatively the same conclusion-- that I'm an outlier when it comes to the disease, yet I can't get anybody to write me a freaking hallpass so I can stop wearing a mask. I've played by the rules and won--- yet I'm not getting to enjoy the spoils of winning. It's almost as if my exception to the rule isn't being "rewarded".

There's a social philosophy out there that is reflective of this mindset.

10 different blood tests?

Great. That's 10 completely isolated and unrelated new cases of Covid-19.
10 different blood tests?

Great. That's 10 completely isolated and unrelated new cases of Covid-19.
Ha. Noooo. I've had tests sent to Bamce and Boston heart, UT health science Center and CDC to name a few. I don't have it.
Ha. Noooo. I've had tests sent to Bamce and Boston heart, UT health science Center and CDC to name a few. I don't have it.

It's a pattern of pliable submission that they are trying to establish.

1. Mask
2. Vaccine
3. Digital Currency
4. Microchip

If you don't comply, you'll get a trip to the ministry of love.
It's a pattern of pliable submission that they are trying to establish.

1. Mask
2. Vaccine
3. Digital Currency
4. Microchip

If you don't comply, you'll get a trip to the ministry of love.

Agree. In SoCal, where I currently live, a significant percentage of the populace is easily influenced by government. Many are immigrants from Asian or Central American countries and escaped dictatorial regimes. They're accustomed to being under government control. Unfortunately, Newsom, Pelosi, Waters, and the LA mayor (Garcetti) are turning the state into Venezuela 2.0.

They are releasing significant numbers of prisoners under the guise of the Vid epidemic. In LA County, they instituted a "zero bail" policy - even for very significant charges like weapons charges, the bad dudes are released from jail with a notice to appear in court. Yeah, right! Those arrested have more rights than a law abiding citizen.
God, help us, if these folks win national elections.
The part I am most frustrated with is that I've done literally ten blood tests with (mostly) different health institutions that have come to relatively the same conclusion-- that I'm an outlier when it comes to the disease, yet I can't get anybody to write me a freaking hallpass so I can stop wearing a mask. I've played by the rules and won--- yet I'm not getting to enjoy the spoils of winning. It's almost as if my exception to the rule isn't being "rewarded".

There's a social philosophy out there that is reflective of this mindset.
I've taken 3 Covid antibody tests. I took the tests back in April, May, and July. I took the tests more out of curiosity than anything else. My girlfriend had the Rona back in Feb - she had flu-like symptoms for a week but that was before testing was occurring with regularity. She took the antibody test in April and tested positive for the antibodies.
I had one negative test and two "inconclusive" test results. I had "insignificant traces of the antibody" and so the tests were deemed "inconclusive". The frustration for me is that no one has been able to explain to me what "inconclusive" and "insignificant traces" mean. Isn't this binary? You're either pregnant or you're not? You've either had the Rona or you haven't? Not sure what to make of this.
I've taken 3 Covid antibody tests. I took the tests back in April, May, and July. I took the tests more out of curiosity than anything else. My girlfriend had the Rona back in Feb - she had flu-like symptoms for a week but that was before testing was occurring with regularity. She took the antibody test in April and tested positive for the antibodies.
I had one negative test and two "inconclusive" test results. I had "insignificant traces of the antibody" and so the tests were deemed "inconclusive". The frustration for me is that no one has been able to explain to me what "inconclusive" and "insignificant traces" mean. Isn't this binary? You're either pregnant or you're not? You've either had the Rona or you haven't? Not sure what to make of this.
I'm kind of in the same boat. Go do a test and ask for them to look for dead covid 2. That's what they found in me--- but also didn't find any anti-bodies for Covid 19. I got an email about an hour ago from UT health science Center in Houston asking me if I would go to some testing facility at UT health science in San Antonio and donate more blood this week.

I'm about to ask to get paid.
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I've taken 3 Covid antibody tests. I took the tests back in April, May, and July. I took the tests more out of curiosity than anything else. My girlfriend had the Rona back in Feb - she had flu-like symptoms for a week but that was before testing was occurring with regularity. She took the antibody test in April and tested positive for the antibodies.
I had one negative test and two "inconclusive" test results. I had "insignificant traces of the antibody" and so the tests were deemed "inconclusive". The frustration for me is that no one has been able to explain to me what "inconclusive" and "insignificant traces" mean. Isn't this binary? You're either pregnant or you're not? You've either had the Rona or you haven't? Not sure what to make of this.

It's not cut and dry which is a big part of the problem with this. It probably isn't any different than other viruses but they don't know about it, because they don't do antibody tests on random asymptomatic people. All the data is confusing the hell out of the researchers though. They have never conducted such a mass science experiment before and they are still trying to figure out what it all means, and are going crazy because it keeps throwing curve balls at them. I bet if they did the same amount of testing for other things they would learn that things are not what they thought. Nature is a bitch.
I'm kind of in the same boat. Go do a test and ask for them to look for dead covid 2. That's what they found in me--- but also didn't find any anti-bodies for Covid 19. I got an email about an hour ago from UT health science Center in Houston asking me if I would go to some testing facility at UT health science in San Antonio and donate more blood this week.

I'm about to ask to get paid.

You are a carrier and COVID is part of your natural micro flora. Big brother has you on their list now. Congrats.
LOL So they've determined that there are 262,000 new Covid cases because people attended Sturgis and it's going to cost heathcare $12.2 Billion to treat. Gee I'm starting to understand now why they want Hydroxy banned.

Yet no one has determined how many new Covid cases are the results of the "peaceful protests". Only the Sturgis bike rally. Unbelievable. :rolleyes:
Hey Bell.....Want to know how they pulled that number out of their ass?.....Honest to God they collected cell phone data and extrapolated it. I shit you not I just read the story. They got the 12,2 billion by multiplying 250,000 by $46,000.00 that they said each case cost the health care system. They had to work like hell to get the numbers to come out, but they did it.
Hey Bell.....Want to know how they pulled that number out of their ass?.....Honest to God they collected cell phone data and extrapolated it. I shit you not I just read the story. They got the 12,2 billion by multiplying 250,000 by $46,000.00 that they said each case cost the health care system. They had to work like hell to get the numbers to come out, but they did it.

Too funny!

I remember back when $12.2B used to be a BIG number. Not so much now given the fact that our lawmakers are throwing around TRILLIONS in an attempt to offset their imposed effects of covid.