I'm done with you Covid Vax pushing dumbasses

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They need to stop testing vaccinated ASYMPTOMATIC people. Vaccinated people can still test positive and feel fine. Some won’t, but most stay out of the ICU and don’t die. Right now our ECMOs & ICUs are all full of non vaccinated Covid patients, leaving little available for other sick patients.
Which begs the question: if people are vaxxed or have had Covid and are asymptomatic who is instigating the testing in the first place? How would you even think you need to be tested if you have no symptoms. This fear mongering has brought forth sheer madness, craziness and hypochondriacs. Oh and a lot of total bs too.
I’ve had the vaccine (both shots). I also now have covid. Mild symptoms but not feeling well. Sucks really. I’m convinced it would have been worse without it. I know it works. But I also don’t care what you choose to do. Just don’t be pissed at me if I pass covid to you. I have important shit to do.
I’ve had the vaccine (both shots). I also now have covid. Mild symptoms but not feeling well. Sucks really. I’m convinced it would have been worse without it. I know it works. But I also don’t care what you choose to do. Just don’t be pissed at me if I pass covid to you. I have important shit to do.
And I’m pretty damn sure I got it passed to me while attending the Ark game, which only serves to escalate the impact of the loss. Hey, it was my choice. I knew my options.
Pinned in the corner and you deflect. Come back tomorrow and I'll tutor you on statistical probability. Your blindess for your political party couple with your need to stay in rhythm with the rest of your goose stepping pals has rendered you incapable of critical thinking.

I'll ask you one last time-- breakthrough cases are less than .5%-- almost an anomaly. Actually, that number is higher than the death rates for people under the age of 60.

How then are there 8 statistical anomalies on one football team?

Can you have a conversation or are you relegated to your Biden bubble these days?
You're wasting your time. His mind was made up long ago and he has no use for facts or information of any kind; you know, a moron.
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Which begs the question: if people are vaxxed or have had Covid and are asymptomatic who is instigating the testing in the first place? How would you even think you need to be tested if you have no symptoms. This fear mongering has brought forth sheer madness, craziness and hypochondriacs. Oh and a lot of total bs too.
My girl got it, so I got tested. I was asymptomatic.
And I’m pretty damn sure I got it passed to me while attending the Ark game, which only serves to escalate the impact of the loss. Hey, it was my choice. I knew my options.
There you are. Been a while. Sorry about the vid but I don't know if you'd be showing symptoms if you picked it up Saturday. Usually takes 5-6 days to pop positive.

Btw-- shall we continue our conversation about how awesome our Oline is?

Or are ya ready to concede that they do, indeed, suck?
Check out how Fauci has benefited financially from his position over the years and what companies also benefited during his tenure as head of the NIAID..
Don't forget him choosing winners/losers during the aids epidemic. You know, the virus he said was airborne even after the real experts proved it was a bloodborn pathogen.

Dude has been spot on his entire career......
We had Covid run through my house about a month ago. I was sick as a dog (unvaccinated) my 8 year old son lost his taste and smell…that’s it, my wife who is fully vaccinated was the sickest of us all. I thought she was going to die at one point. I had the call the ambulance for her but her oxygen levels were ok so they suggested I take her to an urgent care. She was having a very hard time breathing. It took a solid month for us to get back to normal. Wanna know who didn’t social distance and never got sick??? My 16 year old daughter who got Covid over spring break over 5 months ago. They can take their “you’re only safe for 90 days” bullshit and shove it up their asses. I saw first hand having antibodies gives you more protection than that “vaccine” I use quotes because it’s not even a real vaccine.

I won’t be getting the vaccine. The thought crossed my mind after I ran fever for 13 days straight but when Sleepy Joe says his patience is wearing thin and “get the vaccine or else”…I’ll choose or else. I’m a believer that our body builds up an immunity and I’m much safer already having Covid than taking the jab. It’s just one of those things, we’re all gonna get it eventually. Just stay hydrated, eat, and don’t lay in your bed for 2 weeks straight and you’ll be ok. I refuse to live in fear, that’s no way to live. I haven’t changed the way I live since this shit started and I don’t plan on starting now.
There you are. Been a while. Sorry about the vid but I don't know if you'd be showing symptoms if you picked it up Saturday. Usually takes 5-6 days to pop positive.

Btw-- shall we continue our conversation about how awesome our Oline is?

Or are ya ready to concede that they do, indeed, suck?
Haha. I didn’t realize this was going to be an ongoing followup crossfire but yes, OL is not good. That was atrocious. Although Card’s Biden deer in headlights effect didn’t help much. Wasn’t sure who to feel more sorry for, Card or the OL. Their respective bad play compounded on each other. But end of day I’ve only tried to back my boys after a win. They deserve to be roasted this week. Hopefully a little QB mobility and swagger from Casey will make them look decent again for another week.
Check this out

Don't forget him choosing winners/losers during the aids epidemic. You know, the virus he said was airborne even after the real experts proved it was a bloodborn pathogen.

Dude has been spot on his entire career......
Dude looks like one of the muppets.
Check this out

The regime is relentless and will do anything to maintain power. Just a day after surviving a recall election, proof of vaccines will be needed to enter most establishments in LA county. Quite a coincidence this wasn’t announced before the election. They are pathetic.

Check this out

Sleepy's got to go.
We had Covid run through my house about a month ago. I was sick as a dog (unvaccinated) my 8 year old son lost his taste and smell…that’s it, my wife who is fully vaccinated was the sickest of us all. I thought she was going to die at one point. I had the call the ambulance for her but her oxygen levels were ok so they suggested I take her to an urgent care. She was having a very hard time breathing. It took a solid month for us to get back to normal. Wanna know who didn’t social distance and never got sick??? My 16 year old daughter who got Covid over spring break over 5 months ago. They can take their “you’re only safe for 90 days” bullshit and shove it up their asses. I saw first hand having antibodies gives you more protection than that “vaccine” I use quotes because it’s not even a real vaccine.

I won’t be getting the vaccine. The thought crossed my mind after I ran fever for 13 days straight but when Sleepy Joe says his patience is wearing thin and “get the vaccine or else”…I’ll choose or else. I’m a believer that our body builds up an immunity and I’m much safer already having Covid than taking the jab. It’s just one of those things, we’re all gonna get it eventually. Just stay hydrated, eat, and don’t lay in your bed for 2 weeks straight and you’ll be ok. I refuse to live in fear, that’s no way to live. I haven’t changed the way I live since this shit started and I don’t plan on starting now.
Everyones body handles things a little differently. Back in novemberish 2019, my wife and I ran very high fever s and were pretty bad for a good 24hrs or so. Worried for our kid, she went to the doc and was told she had a flu-like virus. Kiddo never got ill.

Now through the entire "14 days to beat the virus" to present, I have been a waiver carrying essential sucker because pipelines don't stop flowing for a virus. I've been around numerous crews & contractors that have had outbreaks and had to be tested every....single...time. Surprisingly not 1 positive test.

We recently got antibody tested and I showed positive for a past spike protein antibody while my wife showed negative across the board. She's the type to catch a cold from just driving past someone sneezing. We never distanced from each other, quite the opposite with our very healthy umm.... bedroom wrestling sessions. So if I had caught it, she would most likely have gotten it too.

I think we got it before it was a "pandemic" here and my body remembered the antibody recipe while hers turned the page.

There really is no one size fits all for anything in the medical field. Treatment, prevention, severity or lack thereof all varies person to person so anything injected into the body should ultimately be at the discretion of the individual. Too many variables to consider to make mandatory.
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5 coaches for the Saints--- all of them vaccinated, got covid. Now, had it been 1 coach, or maybe even 2, I could perhaps explain that away.

But 5? All on the same ROSTER..? Do you know the statistical probability of that (according to the CDC) is impossible?

You've all been hoodwinked. Bamboozled. And the more you try and double down, the dumber you look. This Covid crap is fin
The question is where they asymptomatic or mild or not? If you’re asymptomatic then your body is dealing with COVID fine which is what a vaccine does. This question is being debated in the medical community presently about Pfizer wanting a booster shot already.
The question is where they asymptomatic or mild or not? If you’re asymptomatic then your body is dealing with COVID fine which is what a vaccine does. This question is being debated in the medical community presently about Pfizer wanting a booster shot already.
I think the question is more about timing rather than if their data supports the need for additional vaccines. I truly expect the powers that be to delay the need for booster shots until a more opportune time... sometime closer to the midterm elections and then mandate mail-in voting and all the other bullsh!t tactics that facilitate election fraud.
This is one of many stories I have heard like this. I'm sorry to hear that happened to your wife. I was very skeptical about getting the vaccine myself for quite a while but went ahead and bit the bullet and did it. It's stories like this that make re think that decision. I just don't get the people that ridicule another person for being skeptical about the vaccine. I miss the days when regardless of you agreeing with someone's views you still respected their opinion.
Same here. Chemotherapy and treatments for cancer have killed my loved ones, too. So it's hard to decide what is best. I'm an old fart, country conservative republican who learned a lot from my UT days in infectious disease and death and dying courses. But, still perplexed. One thing though, Opinionated Facebook or google articles will not sway my mind on whether or not covid vaccines are good or bad. I'll trust my doctor and close friends that have experienced both and did not use a political crutch.
"You do you, I'll do me".
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I think the word is out in 9.95ville. Those single celled slap dicks are tired of getting their sh!t pushed in everytime they venture into these woods. Pvssies.
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Well they are "educated and sophisticated" people, after all. I wonder if sophisticated people make a different sound than "regular" people when you jam Glauca B1 in their windpipe. Need to add that to my list.
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Well they are "educated and sophisticated" people, after all. I wonder if sophisticated people make a different sound than "regular" people when you jam Glauca B1 in their windpipe. Need to add that to my list.
Yipes. Remind me to always be nice to you, please.
So tell me math isn't your strong suit without telling me math isn't your strong suit.

Do you know what the statistical probability is for breakthrough cases?

Roughly 0.5%.

Now, what's the statistical probability that 8 people, all working at the same place, have breakthrough cases simultaneously? It's in the billions to 1. It can not happen.

The data reported from these states indicate that breakthrough cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are extremely rare events among those who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (see Figure 1). The rate of breakthrough cases reported among those fully vaccinated is below 1% in all reporting states, ranging from 0.01% in Connecticut to 0.54% in Arkansas.

You morons should have paid attention in math class.
So I'll ask you again-- how is it possible that 8 healthy individuals on 1 sports team all had simultaneous breakthrough cases?

Do you know the answer? Because by the CDC's own admission, this is impossible. Buy y'all just keep guzzling that creamy Fauci nut.
You're misapplying statistics. It seems very likely that all the coaching staff came in close contact with someone shedding virus. What we know from statistics of vaccinated vs unvaccinated is that vaccinated are infected at 1/3 to 1/4 the rate of unvaccinated. We don't actually have statistics about how well the vaccine resists an exposure to a large virus load.
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