I'm done with you Covid Vax pushing dumbasses

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Too many big words for you? I'll summarize, 60% undercount.
Oh I read it for sure and clearly understand it. You just demonstrated you have no clue what the report is saying.

Undercount of what? What exactly is being under reported? I want to give you a chance to correct yourself before you embarrass yourself even further.
Wouldn’t necessarily say it’s an internet tough guy thing. Dude wants to see you face to face. I know that’s hard for you libtards to understand.

Cowards hide behind keyboards like this nutless dueshe. You're wasting your time Rainy, the next dust up this eunuch gets involved in would be his first and last.
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Oh I read it for sure and clearly understand it. You just demonstrated you have no clue what the report is saying.

Undercount of what? What exactly is being under reported? I want to give you a chance to correct yourself before you embarrass yourself even further.
I'll stand by my previous posts. Fire away.
Next time I come to Portland I'll shove a Voodoo donut up your husband's ass after I widow him. Little fvcking antifa *** boy.
I don't have "husband" snowflake. I'm a male.

Be careful, your mom is going to wash your mouth out with soap for the potty language you are using.

"Next time" I can't wait.
I'll stand by my previous posts. Fire away.
Ok well you’ve demonstrably proven yourself to be a completely dishonest troll. Your report makes no mention of deaths being under reported. It confirms what all of us have been saying all along - the actual number of infections has been grossly under reported. That’s entirely different from the claim you’re throwing around about under reporting of Covid deaths. With infections being much higher than reported that makes the hospitalization and death rates much LOWER than reported. So many more people are walking around who have had Covid but never knew they were infected.

Facts and evidence moron.
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Ok well you’ve demonstrably proven yourself to be a completely dishonest troll. Your report makes no mention of deaths being under reported. It confirms what all of us have been saying all along - the actual number of infections has been grossly under reported. That’s entirely different from the claim you’re throwing around about under reporting of Covid deaths. With infections being much higher than reported that makes the hospitalization and death rates much LOWER than reported. So many more people are walking around who have had Covid but never knew they were infected.

Facts and evidence moron.
Read the study. Deaths are underreported too
Ok well you’ve demonstrably proven yourself to be a completely dishonest troll. Your report makes no mention of deaths being under reported. It confirms what all of us have been saying all along - the actual number of infections has been grossly under reported. That’s entirely different from the claim you’re throwing around about under reporting of Covid deaths. With infections being much higher than reported that makes the hospitalization and death rates much LOWER than reported. So many more people are walking around who have had Covid but never knew they were infected.

Facts and evidence moron.
Here's another study
Let's be honest, you don't give a shit about the dead people. You're just a Republican Troll.
Here's the deal. I really don't care what you do with your life but I'm not on board with being forced to take a vaccine that in no way shape or form has proven to do anything from preventing me from getting this super flu. You do you right? There is no question in my mind that numbers are grossly inflated pushing this power grab. Why do you think Fauci and Biden started reporting on new cases instead of death totals? If you answer that question truthfully you'll understand how fear has played the leading role in this whole deal. This is Biden's whole platform. Don't believe me? Look at everything else swirling around him at the moment and he's been a monumental failure regarding all of it.
Here's the deal. I really don't care what you do with your life but I'm not on board with being forced to take a vaccine that in no way shape or form has proven to do anything from preventing me from getting this super flu. You do you right? There is no question in my mind that numbers are grossly inflated pushing this power grab. Why do you think Fauci and Biden started reporting on new cases instead of death totals? If you answer that question truthfully you'll understand how fear has played the leading role in this whole deal. This is Biden's whole platform. Don't believe me? Look at everything else swirling around him at the moment and he's been a monumental failure regarding all of it.
You can protest all you want, but you still have to conform to the public health requirements.
You can protest all you want, but you still have to conform to the public health requirements.
How do you figure? I have no intention whatsoever of getting vaccinated. I hold parties and super spreader event after super spreader event all the time. If I need to get tested regularly or claim a religious exemption I'm all for all of that. I think you're going to see some legal precedents set as well regarding alot of this nonsense. This is Biden swinging for the fence until he gets reeled in. His border policies may get him removed from office before he's halfway through his term.
"Dude" sounds like he is about twelve years old
Are you as dumb as you are stupid? Please, please give Clob your address. And when you’re done healing from your beat down, please post again and let us know how you’re doing on your liquid diet. Geez.🙄
Are you as dumb as you are stupid? Please, please give Clob your address. And when you’re done healing from your beat down, please post again and let us know how you’re doing on your liquid diet. Geez.🙄
I did an inquiry on this guy. Turns out he's a "bottom boy" so if I do that, it would be considered a hate crime. You gotta be careful about some alphabet people-- they like to pretend to be one thing in the hopes of you making a threat against them so they can accuse you of a hate crime.
But ya, he's a "bottom boy" according to the inside scoop.
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The only thing that you're "winning" at is losing. If you continue to do nothing but troll and act like an ass here I will remove you.
Careful MM, he's part of the "protected" class. He's a "bottom boy".
Ya, like there's dead folks in every country on the planet because each President gave an order to launch a covid missile from the sky and blow it up on people. Do you hear yourself you fvcking child?

Hey, who knows. Maybe President Houseplant will drop a Hellfire on your wife and kids next because he got "actionable and solid intel". Wonder if you'd still defend that fvcking baby killer then. Come to think of it, you probably would because "orange man bad"--- amiright?
Lol! "President Houseplant"! I love it!! Perfect name for 46.
Ya, like there's dead folks in every country on the planet because each President gave an order to launch a covid missile from the sky and blow it up on people. Do you hear yourself you fvcking child?

Hey, who knows. Maybe President Houseplant will drop a Hellfire on your wife and kids next because he got "actionable and solid intel". Wonder if you'd still defend that fvcking baby killer then. Come to think of it, you probably would because "orange man bad"--- amiright?
Biden has ended the fools errand called Afghanistan.
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