Ketch's 10 Thoughts From the Weekend (Hey, Kirk... this is Tom... I gotta scoop for you...)

Couple of items? Ok, great, so you said "not a walk in the park" and not "more difficult." Doesn't change the fact you "research" on our schedule is a bit lacking given you made the statement.
It doesn't change the fact that you were and still are wrong.

This is what back-tracking looks like when one realizes that they were/are wrong and then try to change the discussion to fit their requirements in an effort to not be wrong.
It doesn't change the fact that you were and still are wrong.

This is what back-tracking looks like when one realizes that they were/are wrong and then try to change the discussion to fit their requirements in an effort to not be wrong.

Technically you were wrong with the schedule statement. Regardless of whether your statement was "not a walk in the park" and not "more difficult than last season" doesn't change that. Obviously you won't let yourself see that. And I'm done here. You obviously have no shortage of folks to argue with.
Regardless of whether your statement was "not a walk in the park" and not "more difficult than last season" doesn't change that.
Regardless of what I said, your argument about something that I didn't say will WIN, DAMNIT!!!!!!

oh, we're just busting each other's balls. Nothing to walk away from. JS gives it a LOT, so he can take a little back.

Both of you guys voice's are going to change......Higher and Higher
I wish I was smart enough to insert memes... So many good popcorn eating ones I'd like to post. Damn my lack social media capabilities!
I wish I was smart enough to insert memes... So many good popcorn eating ones I'd like to post. Damn my lack social media capabilities!
1. Just put your cursor over the meme.
2. Select copy.
3. Go to box on Orangebloods where you want to past meme.
4. Paste meme.
5. His reply.
It's the amount of degradation that MZ showed. While all QB's don't like pressure some handle it better than others.
I'm not sure we have enough of a sample size to draw that kind of conclusion.
1. Just put your cursor over the meme.
2. Select copy.
3. Go to box on Orangebloods where you want to past meme.
4. Paste meme.
5. His reply.