Of course you pointed that out.
I'm on the side of liberty. Hundreds of thousand of people own AR15s that were legally purchased. Your answer to a muslim fanatic murdering 50 innocent people is to strip liberty from innocent, law-abiding citizens. ISIS wins in your scenario. They will have successfully scared us into stripping freedoms from our law-abiding citizens, all the while ignoring the elephant in the room.
Will you please stop with your "weapon of mass destruction" drivel? It's hyperbole at its worst. If you think an AR15 is a WMD, what do you think of the chemical weapons and warheads our soldiers found in Iraq? As I recall, people of your ilk made it quite clear those were not WMDs. Now, a freaking 223 AR15 is a WMD? Over twice as many people were killed by blunt objects last year than AR15s. As I said before, please stop with the hyperbole ... at least if you really want to have a serious discussion.
Yeah, let's go after law abiding citizens first! Then we'll take care of the criminals!