Ketch's 10 Thoughts From the Weekend (Let me be crystal clear...)

It would be nice if the mods supported a bit more nuance around here. The "worst coach ever" thing draws battelines right away and is very youtube-comments like, adding a lot of heat with no light.

Strong de-pussified the locker room when it was sorely needed, brought a standard of basic human decency along with a willingness (very much unlike his peers) to enforce it even when it hurt him, is an elite talent evaluator, and is a really good (maybe even great) defensive mind. As Scipio notes here we'll ultimately be glad that Strong was the coach here and Strong will very likely leave the program in a better state than he found it. None of that belies the basic facts (also noted in Scipio's comment) that a) Strong is failing miserably at the executive management tasks of his job, and b) it remains incomprehensible what this defensive staff was doing in the offseason but it's clear they weren't teaching football. That b) happened at all is bad enough at $5M per year; that it happened on Strong's side of the ball is even worse.

Focusing on win totals (6-6 vs 7-5 vs 8-4) is a rhetorical trap that obscures these basic process failures that by their very nature put a ceiling on this team's performance. *That's* the conversation that needs to be had and we'd likely all be a lot less grumpy with each other if we had any collective sense that the leadership of this school was in a position to have it. To Ketch's credit, he's been calling out for a while the dangers of a placeholder AD, and we're seeing those dangers come to fruition. But as we prepare to say goodbye to our head coach (this year, next year, whatever; the ceiling is there), can we at least acknowledge the good even as we call out the bad?
Great post, thanks.

If Ketch and anyone else saying CS is the worst coach would take a look at the 2017 two-deep, they might realize how stupid they are. CS rebuilt the program for whoever is coaching in 2017, and he did it after coming in late and having to deal with Patterson's chicken shit.
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I still don't think you understand what I am saying. Liking my Longhorns and willing to pay $10 a month does not, for me anyway, equate to being obsessed over a coach. I am maybe obsessed, really don't think so, with the University I graduated from. Sports teams are part of that for sure. Again, what I am saying is I don't see the need to post over and over about that particular subject WHILE the young men are busting their butts trying to win games. Wait until the offseason or at least stop "so much" the obsession about that one thing. Nothing is going to happen until the season is over, it's just not. Nothing said here will make a difference, it won't. We may go 6-6 and he is let go. Wait and see. We may go 8-4 and win a bowl and he will not and it would not be the end of the world. Wait and see. Toxic is the obsession NOW. Only stoked by the site owner today. Yeah I love UT and willing to pay money to talk football and other sports. Why can't we actually do that though? I don't really keep track of posters so much like some do here but I seem to recall I liked you so I don't think we are doing much more here than having a beer and talking. You can have last word, it is sort of not my thing to use the message board as a chatty room. My email is Anytime brother.
A. Talking about the HC, his failures, his successes, his chances of being retained and his chances of being fired is talking about the football.
B. I hope you didn't take that as a personal attack, I was simply pointing out what I saw.
I've thought Charlie was below the bar since last season.

The details of getting to seven matter as much as the seven themselves.

I always go back to my National Lampoon's Vacation analogy. I thought about it during Mack's waning years.

Clark Griswald got the family to Wally World. But given what you observed, do you want him in charge of planning another family vacation? Other than falling asleep at the wheel, car breaking down in the dessert, the aunt dying, killing a dog, and holding police officers hostage, it all went smoothly.
No, it wouldn't. Maybe for 5 minutes.

Remind me who was the last all-white national championship team?

That was more than 5 minutes ago. That was used in recruiting for a long time, and so will firing our only black coach after "turning the team around" with a winning season. Look at how many recruits have flocked to Strong--- it would stay as a significant point against us for a little while.

I am. It saying don't do fire him (I agree with Ketch), but this point would stick with us for awhile
Assuming Charlie comes back, how many 8-4/9-3 seasons can he string together before a change is made? That's the bigger problem than 2017. If you aren't going to fire a guy who goes 7-5 on the heels of 6-7 and 5-7, then it will probably take many more 8-4/9-3 seasons before a change is finally made.

And that's exactly what I now expect. Instead of taking the opportunity for an early exit, Texas has set itself up for a long road of disappointment.
A. Talking about the HC, his failures, his successes, his chances of being retained and his chances of being fired is talking about the football.
B. I hope you didn't take that as a personal attack, I was simply pointing out what I saw.
Naw, I got thicker skin than an elephant
A. Talking about the HC, his failures, his successes, his chances of being retained and his chances of being fired is talking about the football.
B. I hope you didn't take that as a personal attack, I was simply pointing out what I saw.
again, it is NOT the subject matter. It is the beating of the drum over and over when we are still playing games. Beat the hell out of it a time or two a day, mix in some stuff about the next opponent, future schedules, players who are promising etc. My issue is not the subject as much as it seems to be the only one. IF I posted something about a future opponent, iI would be willing to bet that post number one would be something like "what difference does it make as long as we have Strong as coach?" Toxic to me means you cannot discuss the other aspects of the program right now. Balance is all. Nothing here for me if all the talk is firing the coach, regurgitated a thousand ways.
Out of context it's funny....but, I simply meant that if CS knew he was going to have to clean house, he'd better have some of his guys on-board. CS knew he would get criticized for his actions and the team woudneed to be handled correctly. The loyalty factor and prior working relationship they shared, would allow me to excuse his bringing Watson and others. Guys who have done it before with CS would be critical. CS also had no QB's and Watson had just worked with a good one. CS hoped they could find another QB diamond in the rough. Watson didn't work out and CS finally pulled the plug on a very good friend. Gilbert was a good hire and I think that will be evidenced next year with full implementation and more experienced players involved.

I'm not sorry for my stance. I think CS has had a harder problem to this point, via culture, lack of roster depth, admin support early, etc., than you are giving him credit for having. Those extend his timeline for me. Franklin may be the only coach who had similar issues, but he had admin support at least. He also went 7-5 his first 2 years, not exactly blowing it up either. The other current 3 year guys had admin support, no big public culture change and rosters with at least some upperclassmen. I do not think CS is among the greatest coaches of all time, but I think he is a really good coach and can be successful here soon. Culture, admin and player depth are just beginning to be strengths.
It would be nice if the mods supported a bit more nuance around here. The "worst coach ever" thing draws battelines right away and is very youtube-comments like, adding a lot of heat with no light.

Strong de-pussified the locker room when it was sorely needed, brought a standard of basic human decency along with a willingness (very much unlike his peers) to enforce it even when it hurt him, is an elite talent evaluator, and is a really good (maybe even great) defensive mind. As Scipio notes here we'll ultimately be glad that Strong was the coach here and Strong will very likely leave the program in a better state than he found it. None of that belies the basic facts (also noted in Scipio's comment) that a) Strong is failing miserably at the executive management tasks of his job, and b) it remains incomprehensible what this defensive staff was doing in the offseason but it's clear they weren't teaching football. That b) happened at all is bad enough at $5M per year; that it happened on Strong's side of the ball is even worse.

Focusing on win totals (6-6 vs 7-5 vs 8-4) is a rhetorical trap that obscures these basic process failures that by their very nature put a ceiling on this team's performance. *That's* the conversation that needs to be had and we'd likely all be a lot less grumpy with each other if we had any collective sense that the leadership of this school was in a position to have it. To Ketch's credit, he's been calling out for a while the dangers of a placeholder AD, and we're seeing those dangers come to fruition. But as we prepare to say goodbye to our head coach (this year, next year, whatever; the ceiling is there), can we at least acknowledge the good even as we call out the bad?
I think I spend a great deal of nuance on everything I do for the most part. Hell, people associate me with using that word.

The fact is, Charlie's resume and record represent the worst in the history of the school, certainly in the modern era if you want to argue that one of the coaches that went into one of the world wars and died, not able to come back and improve a stint that was very close to Charlie's (but with one really good year in his hop pocket), well... ok.

The record of this season matters less than the bigger discussion about what Strong has done in three years that needs to take place, thing I've spent a lot of time writing about.
Just ribbing you a bit. When I was flipping channels, I stopped on that game for a while when it was 3-nil, I believe.
I never thought I would say this, but not all 0-0 games are crap.;)
It was either "great" or "very good". Neither of which is close to describing Tennessee.
there's a big difference between the two expressions. Since you can't completely recall what was actually said, is it really fair to bust my balls about it?
Ketch, I don't believe you were as clear as you could have been. While you stated that Strong's performance does not warrant a fourth year, you take no position on whether he should get a fourth year. If you do favor hiring a new coach at the end of this year, help me understand why Texas should evaluate candidates and then hire a new football coach without the long term solution for the AD position leading the search and hire?

I would contend that I have covered these topics quite a bit, but perhaps they occur in too scattershot of a presentation for everyone to completely keep up.

a. I'm pretty sure I did take a position on whether he should get a fourth year.

b. It's not ideal and that is the administration's fault because they did not prepare like a good boy scout, but it has to be done. It requires strong leadership at the top and an understanding in the hiring that the person brought in will be someone that the new coach is comfortable with.

c. A lot of this stuff can be taken care of behind the scenes pretty easily.
Great post, thanks.

If Ketch and anyone else saying CS is the worst coach would take a look at the 2017 two-deep, they might realize how stupid they are. CS rebuilt the program for whoever is coaching in 2017, and he did it after coming in late and having to deal with Patterson's chicken shit.
His overall record against suspect competition is my retort.
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No personal disrespect intended, but that is a very uninformed opinion.

It is not just the amount of cash that the football team provides, but the level of non-sports donations that come when the football team does well.
I guess you are right but I know our University's monatary needs are different due to its huge research budget I would imagine our Universities administrators are doing to best they can to make sure the monies brought in are spent wisely. This board is always so negative but I accept other people's opinions because I could be totally wrong in most of my thinking.
I always go back to my National Lampoon's Vacation analogy. I thought about it during Mack's waning years.

Clark Griswald got the family to Wally World. But given what you observed, do you want him in charge of planning another family vacation? Other than falling asleep at the wheel, car breaking down in the dessert, the aunt dying, killing a dog, and holding police officers hostage, it all went smoothly.
That's absolutely perfect.
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Maybe you need to count the revenue that is
Maybe you need to count the revenue that is lost by having this kind of losing football team before your final calculations. That revenue includes game attendance and team novelties such as T-shirts and other Texas goodies sold. You may need to rethink your position.
how much money do you think that would be? I'm just curious if that's a big number in the relative scheme of things or not.
So, I'm old, bitter and behaving like Trump?

To be fair, I wasn't sexist, racist or show any actions befitting of a xenophobe that I am aware of.
Apparently you're not old and probably not sexist, racist or a xenophobe but you sure know how to lather up those on your side of the fence on this board. You're working that side of the room and that's Trump like IMO. The "worst coach in the history (modern day) of Texas football", please. I've been attending Texas football games since 1969 and I've seem much worse. The tone of your posts concerning CS are harsh and it seems like you aren't telling all you know. What am I missing?
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Just wondering out loud, but could the "lowering of the bar" and potential return at 7-5 be intended to get the donors to pass the hat to pay for the $13M it will take to effect change? When I hear the administration doesn't want to pay it, it makes me wonder.
Remind me who was the last all-white national championship team?

That was more than 5 minutes ago. That was used in recruiting for a long time, and so will firing our only black coach after "turning the team around" with a winning season. Look at how many recruits have flocked to Strong--- it would stay as a significant point against us for a little while.

I am. It saying don't do fire him (I agree with Ketch), but this point would stick with us for awhile
Most black people I know would tell you that you aren't giving them enough credit for being able to see the situation fairly or clearly.

The dynamics between now and the old days when many black Texans held angst towards this school are quite different. It wasn't just the football team that was the issue. Not at all.
I used to enjoy this column but you have become such a bitter old fart that it's just not worth it, especially with the EPL puffery. However, you know your base, and your play to it well.

Ketch tells it like it is. You just don't like the facts, Jack....and that is Strong is the worst coach in school history, and yet many of the BMDs wanna bring his sorry ass back again.. Standards? Hahahaha.
It's all about the politics of race now ...and if you think about that for a's insulting to blacks everywhere who want to be judged on merit, and not the color of their skin and/or reverse racism.
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And Dortmund is in a fight in the Bundesliga now and don't really need the money..
Comes down to the offer. I believe the early offer was around 11 million and it was at least somewhat considered. If the next offer is closer to 30 million, I'd think they'd listen.
Out of context it's funny....but, I simply meant that if CS knew he was going to have to clean house, he'd better have some of his guys on-board. CS knew he would get criticized for his actions and the team woudneed to be handled correctly. The loyalty factor and prior working relationship they shared, would allow me to excuse his bringing Watson and others. Guys who have done it before with CS would be critical. CS also had no QB's and Watson had just worked with a good one. CS hoped they could find another QB diamond in the rough. Watson didn't work out and CS finally pulled the plug on a very good friend. Gilbert was a good hire and I think that will be evidenced next year with full implementation and more experienced players involved.

I'm not sorry for my stance. I think CS has had a harder problem to this point, via culture, lack of roster depth, admin support early, etc., than you are giving him credit for having. Those extend his timeline for me. Franklin may be the only coach who had similar issues, but he had admin support at least. He also went 7-5 his first 2 years, not exactly blowing it up either. The other current 3 year guys had admin support, no big public culture change and rosters with at least some upperclassmen. I do not think CS is among the greatest coaches of all time, but I think he is a really good coach and can be successful here soon. Culture, admin and player depth are just beginning to be strengths.
No one is more familiar of the hurdles Charlie has had to jump over and I've written about them more times than I can count.

At some point you have to stop enabling the failure he is responsible for, though.
Apparently you're not old and probably not sexist, racist or a xenophobe but you sure know how to lather up those on your side of the fence on this board. You're working that side of the room and that's Trump like IMO. The "worst coach in the history (modern day) of Texas football", please. I've been attending Texas football games since 1969 and I've seem much worse. The tone of your posts concerning CS are harsh and it seems like you aren't telling all you know. What am I missing?
name the coach that is worse.
On if Charlie should be fired. I was just thinking if by some miracle they got to 8 and possibly 9 with they bowl game how hard it would be to fire him after 5-7 last year.
it would be incredibly hard.
For those that I was angry or bitter, perhaps I should have explained the purpose of my first section.

It was being charged quite a bit over the weekend that I was being inconsistent in messaging from those that mistook opinion as reporting and vice versa. Perhaps the style of my writing in that section missed the mark.
I would contend that I have covered these topics quite a bit, but perhaps they occur in too scattershot of a presentation for everyone to completely keep up.

a. I'm pretty sure I did take a position on whether he should get a fourth year.

b. It's not ideal and that is the administration's fault because they did not prepare like a good boy scout, but it has to be done. It requires strong leadership at the top and an understanding in the hiring that the person brought in will be someone that the new coach is comfortable with.

c. A lot of this stuff can be taken care of behind the scenes pretty easily.

Fair enough. If I understand you, the risk that the new AD may not be on the same page as the new coach is worth taking. That may be the case. But to me, the biggest tragedy is that Perrin must obviously have been asleep at the switch in the manner in which he has evaluated Strong and established criteria for his evaluation. The coach should have to explain his approach for success and the AD should monitor it and hold the coach accountable. I am not in favor of an approach that says hire the best coach available, give him all the money he wants for himself and his assistants and hope for the best.

Totally agree the administration has messed this up.
… As the season has gone along, it seems like we sure talk about a questionable decision or two each week from Sterlin Gilbert. He’s done a tremendous job this season in building this offense, but we’re reminded each week that he’s still a guy on the rise and not quite a coach near the mountaintop.

This is funny considering you were "buying" him being the head coach at Baylor 2 weeks in. Which made zero sense at the time and I tried to advise you of that but you were being a prisoner of the moment. No one was giving the reigns to a Power 5 school to a green coordinator like Gilbert. You had a majority of this site up in arms asking how will we keep him after Baylor takes him lol.

Even in whatever scenario you were trying to create then he never made more sense then Babers or Montgomery, guys who proved themselves as an OC and had HC experience. Gilbert needed (needs) 2 years at a place like Texas before thinking about a big jump, you should have known that the day he was hired instead of playing into the hype.

That said I think he's done an incredible job, he just needs experience calling plays more. He didn't do it at Tulsa, it takes time. He's gonna be very successful in his career everyone just started putting the cart before the horse.
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