**OFFICIAL TEXAS vs the Directional school in SA gameday thread of avoidable trapdoors**


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014
Morning gents.

It's a ho-hum day for a ho-hum game....... amiright?

Usually, I give you guys a little interesting story or some fun facts about our upcoming opponent. However this week is a little different.
"But Clob, I always enjoy a little chuckle during my Saturday morning toilet visit... helps to loosen the bowels....what gives?"

Well....... it's just that UTSA is boring. There's nothing about it that's weird, or wacky or even remotely historically interesting. It's literally a hippie era creation by UT for the kids that couldn't afford or get into UT. I'm not bashing it. There's just nothing to say about it that makes you scratch your head and go "huh..... I didn't know that.."

Even their list of "alumni" (using that term VERY loosely) is incredibly drab. I remember meeting Michelle Beadle in college at Texas-- not because she was famous-- but because she was wild AF and had a nice rack. She finished up at UTSA after dropping out in Austin.
Devin Brown played in the NBA for 7 or so years.... (you can Google him of you don't know who he is....) yawn.
Travis Scott, a rapper, went to UTSA for like a semester and a half.
And so, much like our match up today, the history of UTSA is pretty ho-hum.

Seriously, I'm sorry. I feel like I've failed you guys.

At any rate........
From my back yard, whilst trying to start a fire in the smoker this morning--

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Thanks for the effort Clob. I was literally just thinking “where’s my history lesson” post today.
Just to add to it, didn’t Larry Coker coach there for a bit after his natty?
Michelle Beadle, mmmmmm. Love her. She’s a huge Spurs fan.
Well, off to the toilet!

From the west bank of the Brazos, in beautiful Brazoria County.....TEXAS...!!!!

Oh and, UTSA has better helmets than Arizona.....so there's that....
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I don’t think we ran the ball once in that opening series
was on the wrong thread.

Looks like Sark plans to get some of the youngsters some stats today. Moore and Niblett both got touches that drive.
Niblett can shift gears in a hurry based on that play.
Texas chick in orange with tope Cowboy hat is a world record holder for mouth width.
I don’t think so. They looked like freshman Quinn. I’m pretty sure at least 1 foot wnd maybe both were off the ground.
We're going to win this easily even if we go all walk-ons mid 2nd quarter. With that being said, both scoring drives were the ugliest drives so far this year
Yep, and this is the exact reason so many of us wanted Manning to get as much meaningful playtime as possible. Minimize Ewers unnecessary exposure and gets Manning meaningful experience