This radical jihadist was there to terrorize and kill. He was incensed that there were gay people not adhering to his barbaric sharia law. He didn't want anything in return other than to kill in the name of Allah. He wa not gay either as the media tried to pathetically convince everyone. No he hated gays just like all the radicals do as well as their mistreatment of women in every conceivable way. Sickening how some can be bought by countries that support these radical Islam jihadi's and them claim to be 'for the people'. Sick
Belldozer, belldozer, belldozer... Your "argument" here hasn't been dismantled sufficiently yet.
Omar Mateen was married to someone who questioned his manhood. His first wife thought he was gay, reportedly. He was a regular in a gay club. Do the math. The dude was practicing homosexuality, likely, and loathed himself? That's just a supposition.
Arabs don't usually talk about it with westerners, but one aspect of their culture is for Arab men to use boys as "recipients". That is, they rape boys. Not all Arab men do this, of course, but it's common enough to be an actual thing. It's not just something to say about Aggie Arabs or T-sip Arabs or whatever.
The separation of men and women in Islam, including the covering via hijab of the women, showing only face and hands, might also play a role in the frequency of homosexual behavior among Arab and non-Arab Muslims. That's a conjecture.
Your problem, Belldozer, is you've got a very rudimentary understanding of the Arabic words you're using, combined with utter confidence in your misbeliefs. You know as much as your favorite sources tell you. You (and they) are mixing small truths (about a foreign religion and language) with giant vats of B.S. You lack any sort of cultural knowledge or sense of nuance.
So, when Muslims are in the news, you scan that news to get whatever you need to fit your slightly true narrative. You go on your merry way, convinced that you're right, and trying to convince others.
Put another way, you're just like the guy you're gonna vote for, in November.
(From an evangelical Christian who detests demagogues.)