Colonoscopy week is upon us errrr me

3 is if they find a polyp. No polyp at the 3 year one it is 5 years to your next one.

That's why they told me to come back in three years. They found two or three non-cancerous polyps in me when the did my colonoscopy three years ago.
When they remove the polyps, are there any left over symptoms you gotta deal with. Like bleeding, clotting, pain...?
Shouldn't be many symptoms. No pain really, the inside of the colon doesn't have pain receptors, which is why colon cancer is painless early on. If it is causing pain, that is bad bad news. That is why we do colonoscopies for everyone, not based on symptoms like pain.
I just realized something. I am way too immature for this discussion. Every time someone asks a serious question I have a prison joke ready to write.
I just realized something. I am way too immature for this discussion. Every time someone asks a serious question I have a prison joke ready to write.
Just wait until it's your turn. I used to be that guy---- making butt hole jokes and fart jokes and prison rape jokes.

Then one day a dude in a white coat says "welp, it's about time for you to get starfish pushed in...".

Then all the sudden those jokes aren't funny anymore.
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I keep hearing adverts for virtual colonoscopies.... are these doable and are they reliable?
When they remove the polyps, are there any left over symptoms you gotta deal with. Like bleeding, clotting, pain...?

There shouldn't be any of those issues. I had some bleeding for about three days afterwards, which really concerned me. Turns out, the issue was the area in my colon where they removed the polyps wasn't healing as fast as it should have. What caused this issue and the bleeding was that I was taking my 81mg baby asprin, which thins the blood. I stopped taking it for a few days and the bleeding stopped. After that, I resumed the baby asprin and all is well.
I keep hearing adverts for virtual colonoscopies.... are these doable and are they reliable?
Might be the way things go eventually but it's certainly not mainstream at this point. Major changes in medicine happen very slowly (which can be good and bad at the same time). I'm sure the GI docs will not be happy about this if it means they are no longer doing routine colonoscopies.
Reading this thread reminds of the angst I felt prior to my 2nd penile reduction surgery. Luckily it worked out fine and hopefully a 3rd won't be necessary but I'm not holding my breath.
Had my consultation doctor visit this Tuesday. I'm scheduled for my colonoscopy on 9/19. Gotta do it every three years after they have found polyps. The prep sucks. Magnesium citrate is NOT your friend!
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Had my consultation doctor visit this Tuesday. I'm scheduled for my colonoscopy on 9/19. Gotta do it every three years after they have found polyps. The prep sucks. Magnesium citrate is NOT your friend!
Hoping you get a clean report and maybe can back off on the frequency!
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Had my consultation doctor visit this Tuesday. I'm scheduled for my colonoscopy on 9/19. Gotta do it every three years after they have found polyps. The prep sucks. Magnesium citrate is NOT your friend!
That’s cutting it awfully close to a football Saturday
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There shouldn't be any of those issues. I had some bleeding for about three days afterwards, which really concerned me. Turns out, the issue was the area in my colon where they removed the polyps wasn't healing as fast as it should have. What caused this issue and the bleeding was that I was taking my 81mg baby asprin, which thins the blood. I stopped taking it for a few days and the bleeding stopped. After that, I resumed the baby asprin and all is well.

Excellent MM! All that blood scares the hell outa ya, I take the 81 too and had the same effect...Hope ya get better...
Just got home from my colonoscopy this morning. All went well. They removed two non-cancerous polyps. The prep last night was ridiculous. Glad that it's over. I'll go back in three years for another one.
They don't make enough aloe coated baby wipes to make your O ring stop hurting.

Hop in the pool today. You'll get some relief.
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After only two of theses procedures in my lifetime, I’m thinking the butthole discomfort has more to do with acidity than the extra wiping. I went straight wet wipes during my last prep and it really didn’t make that much of a difference. Still stings.
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Just got home from my colonoscopy this morning. All went well. They removed two non-cancerous polyps. The prep last night was ridiculous. Glad that it's over. I'll go back in three years for another one.
Congrats on your results! I'm having mine, tomorrow. Start the prep in 3 hours. Any tips for this first timer on how to defeat the great tasty stuff (Gavilyte-G for me) will be appreciated. May chase it w a lime and powdered crystal lite.
Congrats on your results! I'm having mine, tomorrow. Start the prep in 3 hours. Any tips for this first timer on how to defeat the great tasty stuff (Gavilyte-G for me) will be appreciated. May chase it w a lime and powdered crystal lite.
There's really no way to win this game.

It's either gonna taste like sh!t, or REALLY gonna taste like sh!t.
Dang it..
Yeah, watching youtube didn't help. Out of 4-5 that I watched, only one said it wasn't too bad....
Gonna be a blast. ..literally.
Do yourself a favor and don't use that Gaviltyte or whatever it's called. It is disgusting. I've had 3 colonoscopies and will never ever use that prep again. Go get some Ducolax, magnesium citrate,,Miralax, and clear Gatorade from a drug store like Walgreen's or at HEB. Start by taking 4 Ducolax tablets with 8-12 ounces of water. Wait for the explosion. After you have a BM, drink the bottle of mag citrate (get lemon lime since it is clear). About 4 hours later mix up a couple of 32 ounce Gatorades with 4 cap fulls of Miralax each. Drink one and a few hours later drink the second. If you don't think you can tolerate the mag citrate just replace that with another 32 ounce Gatorade mixed with Miralax. You need about 12 hours of prep time. Good luck.