Ketch 10 Thoughts From The Weekend (Hold off on giving out flowers)

Ya it kind of does considering we would have a common opponent and it took Tech turning the ball over 4 times for Oregon to win. Oregon hasn’t beaten a top 25 opponent. These things do matter

Let’s only play November games from now on since nothing prior matters

So let me get this straight. In your opinion, a common piece of crap opponent in Tech will carry more weight than Oregon knocking off unbeaten top 3 (because UW will be ahead of the Michigan/tOSU loser)? Ok then.
Probably. Do the first two years matter at all?
Not at that point. Do you think Herman would have been better in those 2 years? I think it's highly likely the team wouldn't be nearly as good at this point had Herman stayed. Do you?
So let me get this straight. In your opinion, a common piece of crap opponent in Tech will carry more weight than Oregon knocking off unbeaten top 3 (because UW will be ahead of the Michigan/tOSU loser)? Ok then.
Did I say that? Nice straw man
They are two time defending champs that will have lost just a second time in 40 games. Literally just two years ago Bama beat them by double digits in the CCG and not only did they still make the CFP they blewnn by out the same Bama team to win the title. Some of you all, actually many, are looking over some very basic reality.
Were they competing for a spot against a big brand conference champ who also happened to beat the team they lost to?

I understand what you are saying, but there are just too many potential deserving teams this year for a non conference champ to get in.

I don’t think it will come down to this scenario, but if it does, I think Texas would get in over Georgia.
Were they competing for a spot against a big brand conference champ who also happened to beat the team they lost to?

I understand what you are saying, but there are just too many potential deserving teams this year for a non conference champ to get in.

I don’t think it will come down to this scenario, but if it does, I think Texas would get in over Georgia.

MAYBE Texas does. But I’m for sure prepared for that to not happen.
You pretty much did since that is eventually going to be your argument. Are you under the impression the CFP is deciding the final 4 next Monday?
Oregon right now does not deserve to be 6 has been my point. The fact that you can’t follow that well I must say is a little bit of an indictment on you. If they beat a top 3 team then yes they have an argument to be in CFP but right now they have beaten no one. The CFP rankings are right now and Utah their top win just got knocked out of the top 25
Why? He didn't recruit as well, he didn't develop as well, he wasn't a strong leader in the locker room, he had the same habit of losing close games that Sark did in the first 2 years, and he also lost to teams he should have beat like Sark in the first 2 years. What would he have done better that leads you to this thought?
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Oregon right now does not deserve to be 6 has been my point. The fact that you can’t follow that well I must say is a little bit of an indictment on you. If they beat a top 3 team then yes they have an argument to be in CFP but right now they have beaten no one. The CFP rankings are right now and Utah their top win just got knocked out of the top 25

Deserves got nothing to do with it. It’s a moot point. They are currently ahead of us and if they win out they stay ahead of us. Literally, does anything else matter?
Why? He didn't recruit as well, he didn't develop as well, he wasn't a strong leader in the locker room, he had the same habit of losing close games that Sark did in the first 2 years, and he also lost to teams he should have beat like Sark in the first 2 years. What would he have done better that leads you to this thought?

Maybe because year one under Sark was absolute trash and nothing about Herman's tenure suggested he would have a losing season.
(Buy) Successful coaches never come cheap. He's going to be viewed as a successful coach following this season.
Viewed implies you dont think he is a successful coach? You don't really believe that do you?
Deserves got nothing to do with it. It’s a moot point. They are currently ahead of us and if they win out they stay ahead of us. Literally, does anything else matter?
Maybe explain this to me like I’m 4….what has Oregon done to deserve the number 6 ranking? You keep talking about what may happen in a few weeks, I’m talking about what actually has happened
Not sure how strong the “brand” argument works for Texas. This isn’t tOSU getting in over Baylor/TCU. This is the 2-time defending national champs from the biggest boy conference.
Maybe because year one under Sark was absolute trash and nothing about Herman's tenure suggested he would have a losing season.
True. But... you said the first 2 years. I'd argue that while year 1 under Sark was trash, his year 2 was better than Herman's would have been. So at best it's a wash without the clear uptick that Sark has us on that would not have existed had Herman stayed.
Viewed implies you dont think he is a successful coach? You don't really believe that do you?
He is having a successful season, thus he's a successful coach.

I made no implications. You kind of made that up in your head. That being said, he hasn't been successful until now in his career.
Based on what?
Offensive Line play alone. We wouldn’t be nearly as good along the line as we were because Herman didn’t value it. Better defense as well. What was trending up that lets you think Herman would have been better than 8-5?
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Offensive Line play alone. We wouldn’t be nearly as good along the line as we were because Herman didn’t value it. Better defense as well.

Sark went 8-5 and lost. his bowl game.

Herman likely could/would have done that.
Sark went 8-5 and lost. his bowl game.

Herman likely could/would have done that.
At the end of the day it's all semantics arguing over what their records would have been. The real question is if you believe we are better off with Sark in year 3 than we would have been with Herman in year 7? I think we are better off right now with Sark.
Maybe explain this to me like I’m 4….what has Oregon done to deserve the number 6 ranking? You keep talking about what may happen in a few weeks, I’m talking about what actually has happened

Ok, I’ll explain it like this. What does it matter?
Ok, I’ll explain it like this. What does it matter?
Well people look at these rankings every damn week to try to gauge what the CFP is going to do at the end of the season. Do they not? If we can’t follow the logic with Oregon at 6 now how on earth does anyone have any faith the committee gets it right in 2 weeks when there is likely going to be more controversy than ever before. So ya I’d say I have full faith in the committee to screw it up
Why? What about that team led you to believe that Herman would have been better?
Well we led a lot of those games only to completely collapse in the second half. When did Herman do that? We got completely embarrassed against Arkansas something Herman never had happen. While Herman was a bit of prick, his game management skills were a hell of a lot better than Sarks and he didn’t have NIL there to bail his ass out either
Well we led a lot of those games only to completely collapse in the second half. When did Herman do that? We got completely embarrassed against Arkansas something Herman never had happen. While Herman was a bit of prick, his game management skills were a hell of a lot better than Sarks and he didn’t have NIL there to bail his ass out either
We got our ass kicked at Arky because of Herman’s offensive line efforts. And maybe Herman wouldn’t have collapsed i. Second half but his history showed that he wouldn’t have had the leads to lose. He still would have lost however.
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We got our ass kicked at Arky because of Herman’s offensive line efforts. And maybe Herman wouldn’t have collapsed i. Second half but his history showed that he wouldn’t have had the leads to lose. He still would have lost however.
What about Herman’s history makes you think he would lose 7 games in a season and miss a bowl game? I’ll wait
@Ketchum jinx? I stood up and declared the Oilers were beating the Bills when they were up can guess the rest🤣Also, had to stop buying jerseys for UT players because soon as I put it on, said player fell out due to injury. So...I got that going for me😳🤘🏻😉🙂
I hope the Big 12 commissioner comes to the TT game. I am sure he has told the refs to screw us. They have been trying, but, so far we are still winning in spite of the refs.
I want the Big 12 commissioner interviewed after we lap TT.