Ketch's 10 Thoughts From The Weekend (Charlie Strong is Norman Dale)

Originally posted by Ketchum:

Originally posted by Kirby4286:
I'm sorry, but who gives a sh*t about Collins and his 10 day contract? Am I suddenly supposed to care because he prefers penis instead of vagina?

The guy isn't even a JAG.
You don't have to care, but it is a notable moment, as tolerance and acceptance of other humans becomes more of a universal call, regardless of sexual orientation, religion or any other difference between everyday people. That actually is something that should be celebrated.

We live in a world where walls don't get broken down unless someone breaks them down. His bravery will have a positive impact, whether you care if he likes penis instead of vagina or not.

Some of these reactions baffle me, but I suppose they shouldn't.
Homosexuality is celebrated in today's culture. It doesn't take bravery to do something that you know you'll be lauded for. No one even knew who Jason Collins was prior to his coming out, and now he's treated like a hero.

I'd like to say that I'm surprised at your reaction, but the truth is, it was very predictable. But to each their own, I guess. I have no ill will toward the man, I just think the celebration is a little over the top.