Did I cope and paste arguments from other sources about his back bring broken and basic questions about the story line?Did you copy and paste these from a website that has plot holes? How could you possibly remember these minor nitpicks from the last time you watched the movie. And also, the movie is so beautiful to watch and interesting and exciting and heartfelt, how are you even stopping to think about some of this stuff.
1. Someone told him?
2. I think it's longer
3. He's Batman
4. There's no SEC in Gotham. Duh
5. She's hot
6. People and groups make dumb decisions all the time. Hindsight 20/20
Are you copy and pasting your retorts?
1. who? Asking that question is critical to the entire story, no?
2. It's not. We're led to believe that five months goes by in the movie before the final scenes.
3. Ok, that's not really an answer. Is this a new magical Batman?
4. I mean... ok.
5. I mean... ok.
6. Hindsight 20.20? lolololololol