Ketch's 10 Thoughts From The Weekend: Judging spring practice, Rodney Terry, UT baseball & movie fights)

* Sydir Mitchell getting passes by Alex January three practices into camp is not a good sign for Mitchell. He's an out-of-state kid that is slightly slipping on the depth chart when he needs to be rising.

Never bothered buying stock on Mitchell. Been buying as much stock as possible on January. He’s a lot like Burke in that he was nowhere NEAR maxed out as a player out of HS
“Which of the true freshmen are ready to play right away?

Christian Campbell, Ryan Wingo, Aaron Butler, Alex January, Colin Simmons, Zina Umeozulu, Kobe Black, Xavier Filsaime and Wardell Mack are smart bets at this point”

Drawing a blank. Who is Christian Campbell?
Just curious. Why do you think Kim Mulkey is such a horrible person? Maybe I'll find out when the Post article comes out. She certainly gets her players to play hard.
Rick had three first round exits, three second round exits, and one CBI appearance in his last seven seasons. So in his first year RT just equaled Rick’s best result in his last seven seasons.

That's nothing to crow about. Winning a single game has never been anyone's bar until right at this exact moment because of the need to justify the bias in one's heart.
Greatest movie fights? We old movie buffs would tell you to watch the original “Manchurian Candidate.” Veteran character actor Henry DeSilva and Frank Sinatra engaged in the first ever movie fight that featured karate. Sinatra took a chop that missed but broke a dinning room table. The resulting injury plagued him for the rest of his life. Also you need to watch “The Big Country.” Great original music plus and incredible fight scene with Gregory Peck.
Thanks for the recs!
Do miniseries fight scenes count as movies or is that different category? Lucius Vorenus v the gladiator in defense of Titus Pullo in HBO’s Rome is an all time great, particularly if you watch the the sequence before that where Vorenus prevents members of his Legion from doing the same even though Titus Pullo is his best friend.
Nope. That would be TV IMO.
Takes guys some time to grow up. Big guys often need more time than small guys.
But an OB reporter assured us that Sydir Mitchell was to be the “linch pin” to 2024 defensive success
If you are trying to temper our expectations for next year, this posting did not do it.

Reports of the HS coaches after Saturdays's scrimmage suggests they are impressed with the UT talent. Seems that Sark has program headed where one would want to see it.
Why wouldn't they be impressed with the talent?
Music list are tough…. They are so personal.

You always remember what song was playing /popular when something significant happened,

Music and favorite songs are as different as fingerprints.

Example: just this weekend me (52) and my 18 yr old son were talking music and he told me he liked my Metallica , King George, Pink Floyd, Willie Nelson, NWA/Eazy E/Ice Cube/Dre , Eagles/Don Henley /Gken Frey playlists But he just could not get into Pearl Jam and when pressed he couldn’t give any particular reason. music lists are tough so every week I sit back and watch Ketch have to defend something so impossible to defend.

Nobody ever remembers where they were when Arnie said “I’ll be back”

So back to Pearl Jam …I told him he was an idiot and to go to bed.
Peal Jam is overrated. ;)
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The best fight for me in Deadwood is Bullock and Swearingen throwing down on each other and Al comes within an inch of killing him and the only reason he doesn't is because Bullock's wife and child are in that stage coach.

The ironic thing about that fight is Bullock was whooping Al's ass until Al's crew jumped in.
Deadwood has some doozies. I might need to re-watch it.
We are still soft up the middle right now.

You can’t replace

I understand Hill is taking Ford’s spot and he will be a better player when he’s done (more athletic and right now) but it’s gonna take some time for him to learn the nuances of that position.
That's an area that remains a question until it isn't.
The sword fight in ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ (2000)

Bruce Lee's dojo destruction in 'Fist of Fury' (1972)

Ip Man 2 (2010) Jet Li Table Top Scene

The Legend of the Drunken Master (1994)

Enter The Dragon (1973)—Lee vs. Oharra fight.

Ip Man (2008). Ip Man vs. Jin Shan Zhao

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000). Bar Fight Scene.

Way of the Dragon (1972)
Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris

Fist of Legend (1994) Jet Li

Fearless (2006) Jet Li

Almost anything with Donnie Yen, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, or Jet Li.
Somehow I have never seen Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
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Terry has one more year to prove he’s not the guy that he’s been his whole coaching career. Pierce is likely the same - maybe 2 years.

And how you left Clouseau vs Kato out of the fight list is beyond me…🤔🤣

How in the hell did Weaver's 3-point percentage fall from 40.2% as a freshman at UTA on 2.6 attempts per night to 23.7% this season on 1.1 attempts per game?
Cause he came to Texas of course. He joins a long list.
That's nothing to crow about. Winning a single game has never been anyone's bar until right at this exact moment because of the need to justify the bias in one's heart.
Thanks, I always learn a lot. It was well-written and well-planned/well-played article. (I mention the latter because although you seem to be able to respond very quickly and thoroughly without needing a lot of thought, I believe that you generally deeply consider your topics for Sunday PM and how they will tell a good story...but perhaps I am overthinking this.)
  • Your Rodney Terry piece covered the information I was asking you to address in my B/S...thanks. You did it without upsetting one camp or the other and that topic is not easy to discuss without upsetting at least one group, whereas my B/S likely would have upset the Terry-haters. Congrats.
  • If your Fight Scene '10 Best' had not created as much buzz as it did, the comments might not have made a 3rd page, which indicates unless baseball catches fire, things will quiet down a lot except for Spring practice, transfer portal, and women's and Olympic sports. The silver lining is you will get a much-needed rest before our SEC inaugural season, which likely will be a wild ride.
Onward and Hook 'em!
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Great read, thanks.
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